Is there a skill that slows enemies down? It seems that the only time I have difficulty in the game is when enemies attack first.
I always give agility ring or meteorite bracer to my healer in DQ games to make sure they can act first, not sure where you get them in this one though
No thoughts on what's the best class, champion or hero?
Well I set Ruff up as a Monster Masher straight away and everything has been a joke since. I learned Scorch and can pretty much wipe groups of enemies without trying when dungeon crawling.
Here is my planned builds:
I'm at Providence (present).Is there anything I'm supposed to actually do to help find the wooden goddess statue or is that just supposed to be something that they figure out themselves? I have all of the fragments in the area so I'm kind of inclined to think it's not something I'm supposed to help with. I just wanna make sure before I move on to the next area so I can minimize backtracking lol
....50+ish hours in spoilers....
Where do I go in the Present after the.helping a scientist clear a Tower of Monsters. My mind has gone blank on the name of the area, but in the Past this place was flooded and I had to kill some underwater demon
Sorry if it's too vague
I've been so negligent with this game this week. I'm so going to get back in tomorrow.
Haha it's all I've really played in my spare time >_< I had been working away at mankind divided miserably slow, and I totally dropped it as soon as I got this. About 60 hours in right now. In fact, the only thing I made time for otherwise is the builders demo!
I'm in at 35 hours. I popped DOOM in my PS4 to see how it was then haven't stopped playing it since.
By most recent I meat the most recent one you can get. The first 4-5 tablets have a cap of 20 for job exp but the rest of them have no cap.
I think it's 8 stars, but you'll know when the stars are golden on the Attributes screen.How do I know I maxed out a vocation? Is it when I reach 10 stars?
Sorry for asking again but there is no cap for the downloadable Tablets right?
I don't know how long this will last but where I am in the game Lightning is kinda op :lol
I think there is a limit to the # you can hold. Somebody said 16 or something?
Man, as basic Toriyama's character design is (you basically always have a party with a Goku clone, a Trunks clone and a Bulma clone throughout the games), his monster design are pretty cool in a old school kind of way.
How do you get to the Western portion of the desert temple island in present day
If you can't get there yet, you probably have some other stuff to do first:. Don't worry about it until you have no where else you can visit in time.You need the magic carpet
OK I'm stuck, I really need some help.
I just finished thefull Nottagen story, I'm sure I got all the fragments I could find and yet I'm still missing pieces. I got a mysterious piece that can't fit anywhere. Even though I ask the guide at the shrine all he's saying is the next place is a whole new world, be excited, but he's not telling me how.
OK I'm stuck, I really need some help.
I just finished thefull Nottagen story, I'm sure I got all the fragments I could find and yet I'm still missing pieces. I got a mysterious piece that can't fit anywhere. Even though I ask the guide at the shrine all he's saying is the next place is a whole new world, be excited, but he's not telling me how. I haven't gotten the one at King Maximo Palace, how do I get this one?
Go to your menu and info and there is a "Next Fragment" selection that will help you. I just found this out and it's super annoying that they bury it tbh
The mysterious fragments are for a bonus dungeon. What fragments are you missing?
It also shows up when you talk to the NPC in the shrine. It's not remotely hidden, people are just apparently oblivious.
Go to your menu and info and there is a "Next Fragment" selection that will help you. I just found this out and it's super annoying that they bury it tbh
It also shows up when you talk to the NPC in the shrine. It's not remotely hidden, people are just apparently oblivious.
I'm missing 1 more for the last Red and Yellow Pillars.
Yellow Top Right Pillar: I'm missing the middle piece.
Red Bottom Left Pillar: Missing the middle piece.
Other than the one at Maximo palace which may be a mysterious one, I don't know what I've missed.
Thanks this is going to prove usefull.I was looking for a vocation guide and stumbled upon this on reddit. very helpful.
Do we know who is responsible for the localisation? Did SE go with Plus Alpha or is it 8-4? Treehouse maybe? I searched around yesterday and I couldn't find anything.