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Dragon's Crown |OT| Knock down the crown


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Hmm, what version should I play first? The Vita physical version which is in the mail or buy the PS3 DD version and play today.

Only thing superior about Vita is that it has the touch function for the cursor and you can take screenshots.

The FPS starts to dip when things get hectic.
Downloading now! Got worried for a second there, since my Vita froze on the preparing for download screen and I had to do a forced shut down. Thankfully it successfully recorded the transaction and I was able to just hit the download button in the store.

Really glad this came out on the earlier curve of PSN updates since I have most of the afternoon off.


Another Newegg purchase without the artbook

It wasnt listed on the store page so I knew there was a chance I might not get it.
Oh well, i'd rather have the $10 off

Glad they canceled my order then. I'd rather have the art book in this case. Never ordering from Newegg for games again.


Well that and the oled screen the Vita.

This is why I went Vita.

I know about the FPS drops but that wasnt enough for me to change my mind. I want the touch screen, the portability, and that screen.

Regarding the wizard and other "expert" classes. How tough are they to play as a newbie? I really want to play Wizard but, if things are too tough, I might get too frustrated.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
I'm so fucking double dipping on this.

PS3 version here, such an awesome game thus far.
Another Newegg purchase without the artbook

It wasnt listed on the store page so I knew there was a chance I might not get it.
Oh well, i'd rather have the $10 off

the messed up thing is that on atlus's dragon crown preorder page it list newegg as a place to preorder. The same page that list the artbook bonus.


says nothing about specific retailers. Really misleading if newegg doesn't count and screws people over hard. By the time they found out about that Newegg doesn't give the artbook its to late to PO anywhere else.


Aww man, after seeing everyone here getting their VGP copy, I was expecting mine to be delivered as well...no such luck. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.


I'm in the cool kid's club now!

Just created the Dwarf character and had some fun beating up the civvies. Going to play some more after I do some stuff first.


the messed up thing is that on atlus's dragon crown preorder page it list newegg as a place to preorder. The same page that list the artbook bonus.


says nothing about specific retailers. Really misleading if newegg doesn't count and screws people over hard. By the time they found out about that Newegg doesn't give the artbook its to late to PO anywhere else.

Id bet that its a newegg thing and not an Atlus thing. Newegg never gives me preorder bonuses and I know plenty of others in the same boat. I stopped preordering from them because of it.
Quick question for the vets. I notice when you go to buy an item it has uses per dungeon and restock amount... What's the restock amount mean?
I can feel myself slowly breaking down. Yup this is probably gonna be the first game I buy on release day in a long time.
Who else is rolling Wizard?!


This is why I went Vita.

I know about the FPS drops but that wasnt enough for me to change my mind. I want the touch screen, the portability, and that screen.

Regarding the wizard and other "expert" classes. How tough are they to play as a newbie? I really want to play Wizard but, if things are too tough, I might get too frustrated.

So long as you get acclimated with evasion you should be in good shape- low def means you'll be avoiding up-close combat most of the time. Also, using evasion in the air allows you to spam arrows/ magic, air-evade, and spam some more. Experienced elf players and wizards alike will be air born most of the time in the higher lvls- atleast that has been my experience thus far on the hard difficulty when playing online.


So I fucked around with Dwarf and did the first few missions.

Think I'm gonna try out the other classes before settling on something.


Kinda impressed that this is only a 1.3 gig download on PS3. Can't wait to check it out, no idea what class I'm going to start as.
Those of you who plan on taking it slow and thoroughly searching everywhere for loot/secrets, add me if you need a co-op partner...I'm not really into speed runs though.


GameStop was, naturally, all out of copies for Vita. Target gave me a, "huh?" when I asked if they had any.

Amazon it is. Oh well.


Yeah, newegg didn't give me an artbook.
I'm going to only preorder with the expectation to receive pre-order bonuses from newegg from now on if it is shown or written on the product page. Project X Zone and DC both didn't show any bonuses and I didn't get any, but SMT4 showed all of the bonuses and I got them. Newegg for me is great for the discount/shipping speed so I love to order from them, but yeah..
Just when I thought I be able to stay strong and hold off on buying this until a price drop, I make the mistake of reading this thread. Looks like I'm going to be weak and order the Vita version off of Amazon. At least I'm saving $10 instead of buying it for PS3!


Just got the PS3 version and the artbook at lunch. I have high hopes for this. Anyone else get a Guardian Heroes vibe off the game? That was my favorite game on the Saturn so many years ago.
Should be waiting for me when I get home, along with the SMG and SSB:B that got ganked from me a few years back.

It's going to be a long night.
I picked it up from Gamestop today and was surprised to actually get an artbook. It's pretty big for a pre-order bonus.

As for the game, I'm digging it. I can see how it can become repetitive, but it's better than Diablo III. :D

I'll probably dig in to Xillia later today as well.


Played for about an hour and a half on PS3 with my bro, this game is FUN.

Rolled Elf with him as Dwarf, only time we got steamrolled was against the Minotaur and its berserk attacks.

I love the loot system in this game, too.


I was just about to type about being confused as to what the Fighter's Shockwave skill actually did, but realized it seconds before I started typing. It's really subtle if you aren't looking for it!

Took some screenshots cause why not.


I wanted to get a retail copy of Dragon's Crown, but couldn't resist after seeing the game up on PS Store, so I quickly grabbed a $50 PSN card from Amazon and purchased it. Downloading now...


Really liking the Elf. She can't take a beating but when you line up a Power Shot that hits multiple targets it feels soooo good.

The dagger skill seems pretty neat too.

One question though. I've died multiple times and it referenced something about life points. Where can you tell how many you have left? I imagine when you run out you have to start paying but do thy replenish on their own before a mission or what?


they did for SMT4 and Persona 4 Golden

Maybe newegg really likes Atlus? :p

Thats good that they gave them out. I didnt know they did for those games. At least they drop the ball there.

So long as you get acclimated with evasion you should be in good shape- low def means you'll be avoiding up-close combat most of the time. Also, using evasion in the air allows you to spam arrows/ magic, air-evade, and spam some more. Experienced elf players and wizards alike will be air born most of the time in the higher lvls- atleast that has been my experience thus far on the hard difficulty when playing online.

Im going to try it out. Thanks for the tips.
If things dont go my way, well thats what restarting is for!
Couldn't find a physical copy in Memphis, so got the digital on my vita while I wait for the ps3 one to come in. Got to create my sorceress and play the tutorial before heading back to work. Game has some great personality.
I wish the UI was hand drawn, it's functional, but man its so plain when you see the rest of the art.
I've read on other forums that Newegg did not include the artbook so now I'm getting worried (as I pre-ordered from them for the Vita version).

Has anyone received the artbook from Newegg? I guess I'll have to get prepared for a fight because I'll be damned if I get screwed on this. If the artbook didn't get included in my shipment then Newegg *will* be paying for me to ship it right back to them at no cost to me. Such bullshit but hopefully Newegg (or Atlus) will be shipping the artbook to those of us who preordered from Newegg. Makes no damn sense why Newegg would be listed as a source to preorder the game from on Atlus' own website but it not contain the preorder bonus item.


So if you finish your first Normal run at lvl 35, can you start your Hard run at lvl 35 or do you start back at 1? I know each difficulty has increasing level caps but I wasnt sure if they carry through playthroughs/alternate difficulties.


Uncool bro, uncool. I name literally every Wizard type that can hit multiplayer that. I'd have one right now with that name, except I'm still waiting on PSN to update...
Edit: Hmm, guess I'll check again. It wasn't up twenty minutes ago.

Well it doesn't fit, so Raistlin it is!

Man, this game is good. Combo potential with the wizard is crazy. I'm getting a wallbounce property sometimes on his dash + square.

So impressed.
So after a few hours I can honestly say I'm having a blast. As for framerate drops, they're noticeable, sure, but they aren't anywhere near game breaking levels.


K just beat the first boss with a bunch of different characters.


Wizard was by far the slowest (regen waiting for mana suxorz and his default attack that costs no mana hits for like 4 dmg)
Elf/Dwarf/Amazon were the fastest in kind of a 3 way tie.

I really love the way Elf moves and lining up bow shots is incredibly fun.

Amazon is crazy powerful and hits super hard.
Dwarf hits hard too but I'm not a huge fan of his smash attack that leaves you without a weapon (although Amazon has it too). Dwarf also has the power-up by holding square which is SUPER helpful.

I think I'm gonna stick with elf for a while. I really love her movement speed.


Maybe newegg really likes Atlus? :p

Thats good that they gave them out. I didnt know they did for those games. At least they drop the ball there.

Im going to try it out. Thanks for the tips.
If things dont go my way, well thats what restarting is for!

forgot to mention- evade goes through projectiles, enemies, minotaurs, refrigerators, etc. If you evade at the right time and your elf flashes white it causes some enemy damage... I play as elf if you haven't figured it out yet lol


i dont get amazons parry. do you hold square right before the attack? whats the window difference between reg block and parry
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