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Dragon's Crown |OT| Knock down the crown


Unconfirmed Member
Bought the US PSN version and put a couple of hours into it as the Fighter. Really enjoying it so far, love the way it's set out as well. Fighters pretty cool but how the hell do I do the shockwave ? It's obviously L stick and square but I'm not even sure if I'm doing it correctly!

It's also great having George Takei on my team as well.


Put in about 90 minutes as the amazon, and this game is really cool. The only thing I don't like so far is that I have to return to the Inn between every quest to reassign AI dudes. Wish I could just keep them with me and swap them out as needed. Other than that, loving the game.


Waiting for my copy to ship from Amazon. I thought I was getting release date delivery so I opted for free shipping. I was wrong this time :(


is there an offline or local mode for PVP or is it an online only thing?

You kinda need the right stick and d pad for unlocking chests and picking up items. Unless you plan on playing like a DJ swapping to and from each thing.

well so much for that


Unconfirmed Member
Put in about 90 minutes as the amazon, and this game is really cool. The only thing I don't like so far is that I have to return to the Inn between every quest to reassign AI dudes. Wish I could just keep them with me and swap them out as needed. Other than that, loving the game.

The one thing I noticed is that if you don't go back and reassign people they appear during your next quest anyway. I had my 3 followers gradually appear over my next quest after not going back to the inn. I'm not sure how it works though if you want noone going with you.
The shops around Wolf Chase, but skipped the mall. Was on my lunch break so didn't go far. Digital always makes me give up early.

I figured this as well, Memphis is the worst for niche games, especially since Powerplay closed and I am not sure GameXChange is open yet.

I figured Best buy or Toys r Us would have it though, shame they do not. Was it just the Vita version missing or both? I hate to tell friends to pick it up and then them not be able to find it locally.


Just picked up the game on my lunch break - I love working five minutes from a Fry's Electronics. This is the first 2D beat-em-up I've played in... I don't know how long, and it's certainly the only one I've played that is more complicated than "smash buttons to bash goons", so this is going to take me a while to get used to.

Damn, this is a good-looking game. Has anyone checked out the free narrator DLC yet? Can't wait to go home and check that out.
Played the game for a little while. Nothing online does this game justice. It's so damn beautiful, and so fluid. I love it.

I played as the Elf, and she's fun to use. I played through the first three levels, and did one side quest. I also got the voices DLC and switched the narrator to the Elf just before I stopped playing.
I would have played more, but the PlayStation 3 is my brother's, and it's his day off, so I couldn't play for long...he's kinda a grumpy fellow. I'll more than likely be playing it all day tomorrow, though. Can't wait to play it some more. It's so good.

Oh, yeah, I was gonna install it, but because of my limited time and how long it looked like it was going to take, I cancelled it. The game doesn't really seem to have any noticeable load times, though.
Hopefully side quests aren't considered spoilery. But basically there's one not too far into the game where you need to collect spores. What exactly causes them to drop? I managed to pick one up but I don't really want to have to run through another 9 times just to finish the quest.

I don't have the game, but the obvious answer seems to be the myconid, no? You know, the fungus guys.


I don't have the game, but the obvious answer seems to be the myconid, no? You know, the fungus guys.
I'm a total blindo so I don't know what the difference is between all the mushroom-looking enemies are. Killing them doesn't seem to be enough though? Going through a second time right now. I'm probably being an idiot about this though haha.


Am I simply unable to find the Japanese audio option or is this English only?

North America: English or Japanese for characters; English for narrator and NPCs
Japan: English or Japanese for characters; English or Japanese for narrator and NPCs
I'm a total blindo so I don't know what the difference is between all the mushroom-looking enemies are. Killing them doesn't seem to be enough though? Going through a second time right now. I'm probably being an idiot about this though haha.

Oh, I don't even know about different types (I had seen there were big and small ones from the enemies page in the wiki, that's all). If you already tried killing them, then no clue. Nobody with the game can help MooMoo?


probably not going to start playing till the weekend or so, but I'm already debating between Elf and Wizard

suggestions? both?
Got it, love it, playing as Sorceress! Her Ice Tornado is pretty powerful, killing the Harpy boss in like 5 shots now. Like other Vanillaware games, this one has crazy detailed food in it according to that art book. Such a gorgeous game :)
Man, amazon at a certain point with the skills acquired makes this game really easy lol. I just solo everything and brute force kill bosses very fast due to the ridiculous DPS she puts out. I'm on inferno atm to give you an idea.


Oh, I don't even know about different types (I had seen there were big and small ones from the enemies page in the wiki, that's all). If you already tried killing them, then no clue. Nobody with the game can help MooMoo?
It's cool. Turns out they're all the same enemy type but just palette swapped. Managed to net 7 more for a grand total of 8/10 so one more run should do it. Still curious as to what triggers it though cause the quest counter was going up in zones where no mushrooms spawned.


Junior Member
Just started playing as the Elf and got through a few missions and one side mission so far. Really enjoying the game and the art is fantastic despite some of the more questionable aspects of it. I can see myself playing this game for quite some time. I hope I can unlock online play soon...


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Thighzilla Get!

Already level 3, this is gonna be one on those games, I will never ever get bored of

Sweet Jesus is it gorgeous =3


The one thing I noticed is that if you don't go back and reassign people they appear during your next quest anyway. I had my 3 followers gradually appear over my next quest after not going back to the inn. I'm not sure how it works though if you want noone going with you.

Oh awesome, thank you! I didn't know that would happen. That's great to hear.
Bought the US PSN version and put a couple of hours into it as the Fighter. Really enjoying it so far, love the way it's set out as well. Fighters pretty cool but how the hell do I do the shockwave ? It's obviously L stick and square but I'm not even sure if I'm doing it correctly!

It's also great having George Takei on my team as well.

Looking at it now, any word on regional restrictions?

And campaign progress when not the host?
So I sent an email to atlus asking about the whole Newegg deal and about future preorder bonuses for upcoming games, and I got this canned response

We're truly sorry to hear that you didn't receive your books, and apologize for any confusion that might have been caused by the links on our purchase page. Pre-order bonuses are just that… bonuses, so there is never any guarantee that you will receive them unfortunately. We shipped out our full stock of books to our various distributors, and it's then in their hands to deliver them to their customers. Nonetheless, we are looking into finding a resolution to this matter with the retailer. However, we do not have the means to provide you with any artbooks directly. You will need to badger Newegg about this matter.

Question is, why would I ever preorder a game if the preorder bonus isn't guarantee? Its not like games have a shortage of supply.

I did ask newegg and they did the whole "welp its not listed on OUR site so we can't do anything".


I want to thank Skilletor again for helping out a bro! I appreciate it. I feel bad for anybody that got into that whole preorder mess.


Just got my Vita copy and I wanted to let everyone know, THE VITA VERSION SUPPORTS CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS! Aww yiss! Symphony X playlist here I come!


Please add this bit of info to the OP under Vita features!
Man, I think this is my favorite game this gen! Its a dream game! This and Tomb Raider!

Stupid question but on my blu ray disc where the circle opening is, there are some scratches around the inner foil. It appears to be just where the playstation 3 logo is.

Nothing to worry about? No game data is there right? Just bought it so I get a little finicky.
So I sent an email to atlus asking about the whole Newegg deal and about future preorder bonuses for upcoming games, and I got this canned response

If the bonus is incentive for getting the game, and then you don't get it, it feels like a total bait and switch. :c

Alternately, if they're out, they're out.

I won't be a jerk and assume there's a big stack of artbooks in some newegg warehouse they're purposefully choosing not to send out.


At least I badgered Amazon into giving me an $8.00 credit towards my next purchase but I'll be damned if I wasn't looking forward to playing this today. Debating on whether I want to get the digital version or not for Vita. Now I'm going to be in a foul mood the rest of the day.
Finally got my copy from Amazon, I'm glad it was packaged well, it had a cardboard backboard so the art book didn't get bent all to hell. Time to do work with dat Amazon.


I'm debating if I should import or not, can't they just give us a EU date already so I know if it's worth the extra cost.

If the bonus is incentive for getting the game, and then you don't get it, it feels like a total bait and switch. :c

Alternately, if they're out, they're out.

I won't be a jerk and assume there's a big stack of artbooks in some newegg warehouse they're purposefully choosing not to send out.

I honestly think its a two part problem.

1) Atlus explicitly not telling the retailers that are listed to include the bonus

2) Newegg not knowing what a preorder bonus is since their focus is computer products. So they have no idea how to answer any of the questions. Then they give the canned response of "is it listed on our website?"... well you never list ANY preorder bonus but you have given them out before so...wtf?

Newegg is telling me to talk to Atlus, Atlus is telling me to talk to newegg. They both have no idea whats going on. The sad thing is, if I was working customer service and a customer proves that he/she bought 2 copies of the game day 1 and not a single bonus? I would try to find my way to send one because atleast you'll gain trust/loyalty.

Now I will never preorder a game from newegg unless they add some amazing deal to it, and I will never trust Atlus' website.


Shit totally forgot this was going to be here today. Got my Newegg preorder sitting at my door when i got home from work. Artbook is beautiful. Loading the game now, see you guys on the other side....
Shit totally forgot this was going to be here today. Got my Newegg preorder sitting at my door when i got home from work. Artbook is beautiful. Loading the game now, see you guys on the other side....

wait you got an artbook with a newegg order? wtf
I wish my phone didn't take such terrible pictures...I'll use my other camera next time.


I may have gone a bit overboard with the caps lock and exclamation marks. Hah.

If you can't tell, her name is Josephin...it was supposed to be Josephine, but it cut off. I couldn't think of anything else, so I left it. Damn that 8 character limit!


Just beat the first boss. This is awesome! So much fun.

Wah! Now I'm at the spoils page and I don't know what to do. Does more question marks = more valuable items?


Finally had a chance to dig in. About 4 dungeons in and I'd say I'm pretty hooked. Gonna ride it out with the elf until I unlock online. If anyone wants to add me my PSN ID is Sallokin.



I can't settle on who I want to main.

I've gone back and forth after every quest to play the same quest as another char--swapping between Dwarf, Amazon, Fighter, and Elf.

I really love how the Fighter swings way faster than everyone else and has decent reach.
I love the Amazon's damage potential...
And I love how the Dwarf looks.

Decisions to decisions.

The fighter is so plain looking but his attacks are quite fast and hit like a truck. Although I have a feeling most are going to play the other classes because "well the fighter is the plain dude" so maybe I'll be needed more as a fighter.

Shit I dunno :*(
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