Those with the Vita version, how bad would you say the frame rate dips are?
Are they frequent? Gameplay impairing?
Vita superior version confirmed.I was only able to play up to the first stage, but I'm already enjoying it, can't wait to play more.
Only problem, no pausing!
Ready to roll
Yeah, I died twice soloingwith her.the Harpy
Full gameplay walkthrough playlist here:
Obviously there are spoilers, since it's the whole game.
Off topic, but glad at least one person on my friends list has Raiden IV lol.
Someone unlock MP on Vita. Need to hear lag impressions.
Those with the Vita version, how bad would you say the frame rate dips are?
Are they frequent? Gameplay impairing?
Looking at it now, any word on regional restrictions?
And campaign progress when not the host?
So if I wanted to buy this on the VITA ( I like in the UK) do I need to get a new memory card and make a US account and buy it through that?
If you import a physical copy, you can use your current account and memory card. If you want the digital version, then you'd need to get another memory card and factory reset your Vita.
Ready to roll
I am learning all sorts of skills as a Sorceress, but how do I equip them? I thought I used the D-pad, but... I feel stupid asking this. XD
I was wondering that too, as I don't see a single option for it. I know some are passive, but I'm thinking I'm still too early in the game for the others, maybe.
Ohhhhh so simple. Thank you!If its equipable go to your equipment and on an empty slot scroll over to the item category that looks like an "S." That is how you can equip skills for the Amazon at least.
Trust your instincts on this one. Not taking damage, etc, improves your score, which improves your experience points, but the treasure itself is random.Sooo what dictates S ranking vs the other ranks as far as treasure goes? Is it not taking any damage? Does having AI allies make it more difficult to S rank? I feel like the treasure and rankings I've gotten thus far are really random.
Ready to roll
How long till I get Online Co-Op Goodness
Amazon has been beasting, so far have hit 4 Rank A in Treasure
I so want to get an S to appear lol
Level 9 with my Snu-Snu, enjoying the ever living shit out of it
My mom walked in and goes, aww look at how her butt moves, "Kinky!"
I have 0 friends playing this, and my list is 75% GAFfers!, for shame
Seriously, guys, how the fuck do you hotkey an item? I.e. a healing potion?
Some dude said to highlight the item in your inventory (when outside of a dungeon) and hit a direction. When I do that, the item gets a little circle or X next to it...which does nothing.
I'm using the alternate move method of using the d-pad instead of the analog stick and it's annoying as hell cycling through items with the analog stick.
Go to the equipment menu. Use left/right on the d-pad to assign the triangle/square/circle/x button to an item. Once you do that, you can simply use up+whatever button to quickly use that item.Seriously, guys, how the fuck do you hotkey an item? I.e. a healing potion?
Some dude said to highlight the item in your inventory (when outside of a dungeon) and hit a direction. When I do that, the item gets a little circle or X next to it...which does nothing.
I'm using the alternate move method of using the d-pad instead of the analog stick and it's annoying as hell cycling through items with the analog stick.
Sorry for the late reply, watching Saltybet most of the night
No idea on any of these yet as I haven't got to the part where I can play online. I think that unlocks much later, around level 17 or so, something along those lines. I'll give it a go when I can though, I don't see why there would be any restrictions but you never know.
somewhat spoilers but not really
I still need 2 talismans, I'm level 31 but I never get put in the right level, this is really annoying
Use the stables?
Also I need to figure out how to go offline. Sometimes I'd rather just bring AI people. Less confusing ~
If its equipable go to your equipment and on an empty slot scroll over to the item category that looks like an "S." That is how you can equip skills for the Amazon at least.
Where can you find the amount of Life Points you have? Do they refresh after finishing an adventure?
To the left of your character portrait.
I believe they do refresh.
I'm not going to lie, but I completely forgot that you could do that haha, thanks for reminding me.
Press start in the gate area and say "go offline or cancel connection or whatever it is"