Heh, yeah. I was fighting a Drake and she was crawling about on him while he was in the air a lot. Wasn't a problem though since she got him down by hitting the heart too.
As long as she doesn't get herself killed I'm happy.
Heh, yeah. I was fighting a Drake and she was crawling about on him while he was in the air a lot. Wasn't a problem though since she got him down by hitting the heart too.
Hmm your profile doesn't show up when I search.
Here add me:
OGRE DROPKICK! I lol'd so fucking hard
Cammy was like "Whelp, I'm out of a job. PEACE. "
Is it better to use physical or physical/magick weapons with mk? I'm assuming the latter because great cannon scales off both.
They're in Community as Ferr986 not Ferrsv![]()
So does no one have an extra blessed flower? I need one for the quest.
Yeah, I guess I'm done with this game. I'm stuck atwith pawns that can't get anything done, and a sub-class (Mystic Knight) that I can't use to any effect. I just spent 45 minutes on a single attempt and best I could do was cut the boss down to about 40%. My attacks don't do shit, the pawns attacks never connect and I'm stuck trying to scour the arena for any curatives I possible, punctuated by attempts to bring the health down by dragging my ass across the sole weak-spot with light attacks. The only ranged spell at my disposal is Great Cannon, and that doesn't connect ever, and even when it does, it does no damage. Mounted weapons? Same deal.Grigori
I'm not going to knock the difficulty down. But at the same time, I can't do shit about any of this now since I can't get out of the space. I have no idea how I actually managed to have a good time with this fight on my first playthrough on PS3.
So does no one have an extra blessed flower? I need one for the quest.
I just beat him with mystic knight. Get all dark buffs and spam great cannons. He didn't even touch me.
if you have one you can just rest for 4 days and it should be back to being good, I have one but I haven't even done off with its head yet, so I can't make forgeries.
Did you get one previously? If so there is a trick to keeping it forever and copying it =S
I have nothing Dark related. My pawns (two casters, one melee) don't either.
Seeing as Easy Mode only affects damage taken, I don't see how I'm going to beat this boss without losing my sanity in the progress at this point, even if I were to go the 'dropping the difficulty route'. I'm fucked.
if you have one you can just rest for 4 days and it should be back to being good, I have one but I haven't even done off with its head yet, so I can't make forgeries.
I had one but I had something in the black cat already and it took multiple days, which I hadnt enocuntered before. So it ended up dead.
Man my pawn was rated at 5 stars for everything and then some jobber rated it three and now the ratings are all messed up.
Feels bad doesn't it :[
Man, this game has ruined elder scrolls for me i cant even enjoy that game any more. The combat of dragons dogma just...............geezus......just make every game played after it such a drag.
Don't take it too personal. I think that if your pawn dissapears from the party (petrified/certain attacks by some bosses/etc), it returns with a 3 star rating because the person didn't have the chance to send it back by himself. He didn't put the 3 stars himself (unless there is a comment or a gift present).Feels horrible man, I was so hyped for my pawn. I mean he's pretty kickass and helpful unlike a lot of pawns I've hired.
Don't take it too personal. I think that if your pawn dissapears from the party (petrified/certain attacks by some bosses/etc), it returns with a 3 star rating because the person didn't have the chance to send it back by himself. He didn't put the 3 stars himself (unless there is a comment or a gift present).
This game is cruel, right after I looted those daggers I got a short bow and magic bow from the same area but not longbow :/ I'm thinking I may just switch classes, I was enjoying ranger but all the loot I get is for other classes.
I'm so excited to NOT miss Ur Dragon this time around.
I just hope I'm not too op for it.
Long bows are on the more rare side im afraid.
Go ahead and switch classes for a while. Youll probably have some nice skills to carry over to your ranger when you are ready to be the best vocation again.
Don't take it too personal. I think that if your pawn dissapears from the party (petrified/certain attacks by some bosses/etc), it returns with a 3 star rating because the person didn't have the chance to send it back by himself. He didn't put the 3 stars himself (unless there is a comment or a gift present).
online Ur literally has billions of HP, you can't kill it by yourself, and even if you hacked a save and gave yourself millions of damage per hit, it has a server side damage cap and returns all damage when the cap is reached as null anyway.
That's reassuring.
Between my FX8320 and my HD7850, wich one is holding me back from 1080/60fps?
I have an 8320 and 970 and I'm running 1440p/60FPS, so.... Of course mine's overclocked. Try turning down draw distance, see what happens.
Just started the dlc and got wrecked by some big ogre thing chained to a wall
I'm at the exact same part and I swear it took me about 30 minutes of firing arrows (on top of all the other stuff my pawns were doing) to kill it.
Every time I looked down to get some stamina back some one or two (or three) pawns would be down and I'd have to do a loop of the room to get them all back on their feet.
I'm at the exact same part and I swear it took me about 30 minutes of firing arrows (on top of all the other stuff my pawns were doing) to kill it.
Every time I looked down to get some stamina back some one or two (or three) pawns would be down and I'd have to do a loop of the room to get them all back on their feet.
Got to level 70 and I'm just absolutely tearing it up at the end of the game with my Assassin. I'm planning on clearing out every level and then heading on over to Bitterblack. I had no idea a properly augmented Assassin could do so much damage with Dire Gouge. Shit is crazy.