I have to admit. This game seems vastly more popular that anything I expected.
Open world fantasy rpg.
Yeah, didn't see it coming at all.
I have to admit. This game seems vastly more popular that anything I expected.
Fighting ur-dragon offline. Took off 5 of its health bars, it dropped some loot from its chest and flew off. What do? Did I fail?
Fighting ur-dragon offline. Took off 5 of its health bars, it dropped some loot from its chest and flew off. What do? Did I fail?
It saves your progress, so it takes a few tries to get it down. There's like 10 minute windows or something for the fight, then it flies off.
Just a tip: Pop a double-XP item before you kill it. I did that and gained like 6 levels. lol
You have 10 minutes to kill it, otherwise it flies off in both online and offline modes. However, in offline mode, its health doesn't reset. So next time you face it it'll have the same health as when it left.
I just drop all materials and all combo-only items at the inn right away, then further narrow down potions and herbs.Stupid question .... How do I know what stuff I pick up I can just drop in storage at the inn? I am getting weighed down with random stuff like components, etc.
Stupid question .... How do I know what stuff I pick up I can just drop in storage at the inn? I am getting weighed down with random stuff like components, etc.
Just finished Witch Hunt, and now I hate golems After painfully halving his health he got grip of my main pawn and healed himself. Then I run off and came back with high exequy and a ton of healing items. Felt cheap, but so did seeing him recovering half his health in a matter of seconds after spending 20 minutes fighting him.
Anyway, thanks for the answers to my previous questions.
I have to admit. This game seems vastly more popular that anything I expected.
Damn, I need this config by Confidence Man. I just love the vivid and natural vibe it has :O
Is there a way to break helmets off of cyclops?.
How does the pawn inclination potions work? Is it like this? Say you want to change all three:
I drink Potion Z, then potion Y, than potion X and my inclinations should be A, B and then C?
Hard mode applies to BBI too right? Still getting one-shot by the Drake in Devilfire Grove despite being level 50 plus and it's really getting annoying. Especially since I can pretty much take him on and do a ton of damage.
Contemplating switching to normal but I'm not sure if I should. Hard mode doesn't seem like it was particular tuned very well. The health and stamina modifiers are getting irritating at this point.
Utilitarian-Challenger-Mitigator inclination is really powerful. My pawn always ride cyclops back to make them take off their own helmet and always successful. The Pawn AI could be both amazingly stupid and brilliant at the same time, really surprising.
You can get a helemt off a cyclops if you climb near it, he'll reach for you, jump off, and he'll undo his helmet on accident.
Though having pawns that have some sort of lightning skill means he'll probably be stunned for so long he'll never do it.
Climb on the back off its head/neck. The cyclops will tear off the helmet when it goes for the grab animation.
Is there a way to break helmets off of cyclops?
Good to know, thanks! Sadly my pawns had no knowledge at all about golems when I fought this one.A knowledge rank 3 pawn with Thousand Kisses solos Golems. My pawn climbs on it once and brings it down, breaks everything but the hand and then arrows that off when the Golem gets back up.
Damn, I need this config by Confidence Man. I just love the vivid and natural vibe it has :O
Is it true that the game becomes easy later in?
I'm worried it will become a complete walk in the park.
Is it true that the game becomes easy later in?
I'm worried it will become a complete walk in the park.
I'd start my first playthrough on hard but I hear it's not recommended for a variety of reasons.
I noticed some spells you can hold the charge in for a second time, what exactly does that do? I haven't been able to find any info on it.
It charges the next level.I noticed some spells you can hold the charge in for a second time, what exactly does that do? I haven't been able to find any info on it.
Alright, I'm getting frustrated.
My pawns are idiots. They are literally doing little else than running around me in circles while I fight. They don't take shots, they don't cast spells, or if they do they cancel them ever 3 seconds. It's getting really god damn annoying dying in BBI because one of them decides they want to go on a walk and not rejoin the battle.
The warrior skill Audacity which "makes it harder for enemies to knock you off your feet while charging an attack" definitely makes it harder for enemies to knock you off your feet while charging an attack.
I think I finally figured out how to play a warrior.
I noticed some spells you can hold the charge in for a second time, what exactly does that do? I haven't been able to find any info on it.
I don't know if it's enb or dragons dogma or chrome running in the background, but my nvidia drivers keep crashing every 3 hours or so playing this game.
Considering buying this even though I didn't really get into it on PS3 at the time.
Something just keeps me thinking I might like it now. I think I got to the main city on PS3 before abandoning the game.
Is min-maxing really that important in this game? I swear every guide I see says something a long the lines of Fight level 10 and then 190 levels of assassin for DPS classes.
I maxed out strider but never really bought the augments that enabled me to climb enemies more efficiently, is there ever a big reason to do so outside of griffins or cutting heads off of chimeras?
Is min-maxing really that important in this game? I swear every guide I see says something a long the lines of Fight level 10 and then 190 levels of assassin for DPS classes.
Also, do any mods help make the game not look so bad at night time? Can't see crap as a Strider.
Can anyone give me some info on vocations? I started with Strider. I'm at the Pawn Guild and trying to decide what possibly to switch to. I feel really weak compared to the fighter and the 2 mages (I think I have 1 sorc and 1 mage).
I can go to an ranger, assassin, magic archer. Any tips/advice?
Is there any penalty to starting with Strider and going to Fighter/Warrior or even mage? Can all vocations actually be maxed?
Bad? That's how nighttime is with an absence of light sources.Also, do any mods help make the game not look so bad at night time? Can't see crap as a Strider.
The game was made like that on purpose. You can use a lantern to like up your personal space, but thats about it. No mods to change that at the moment, at least none of nexus. If you dont like traveling at night, sleep at an inn until morning.
You can max and switch out vocations at anytime and for as many times as you like once you paid to unlock them.
There's no penalties for using one vocation over the other.
Actually, its more beneficial to max out as many vocations as you can as some abilities and passives can be used on other vocations and also some vocations train certain character stats better than others as you level up to level 200.
But when it comes to which vocation you should select, just try them all. And stick with the one you find to be more fun.
It comes down to purely personal preference. Any vocation you select will have its strengths and weaknesses, but thats where pawns come in to use vocations to fill in for your vocation weaknesses.
Thanks for the post. Is it possible to max a few vocations in the game then?
Like someone had said, climb on its back up to the neck then jumped off so it can't grab you. Better alternative would be search for Pawn with Utilitarian-Challenger (or as long as the primary is utilitarian) inclination. My pawn always managed baiting the cyclops to take off their own helmet. Meanwhile in my PS3 game I'm just brute force thos helmet like an idiot.Is there a way to break helmets off of cyclops?
Can anyone give me some info on vocations? I started with Strider. I'm at the Pawn Guild and trying to decide what possibly to switch to. I feel really weak compared to the fighter and the 2 mages (I think I have 1 sorc and 1 mage).
I can go to an ranger, assassin, magic archer. Any tips/advice?
Is there any penalty to starting with Strider and going to Fighter/Warrior or even mage? Can all vocations actually be maxed?
edit: Also I'm guessing there are some reasons to want to level multiple vocations to get cross class skills?
is the order of the(post-game location spoiler) fixed? Or do I have to pay attention toeverfall(mechanic spoiler)which ledge I grab
PC version is far superior than PS3. The lower resolution and the terrible frame rate made the game very unenjoyable. But on the PC......its glorious!!!
You dropped out right before the game started getting good. Id say pick it up, its only $30, and I gurantee you the combat and moment to moment action in this game will be some of the best you had in gaming.
When it comes to combat, not even the souls series can touch this game.
I would like to know that as well.
other than the first ledge it feels random.