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DriveClub Review Thread.


So much hyperbole in this thread. Games can be somewhere inbetween terrible and incredible, and in this case Driveclub seems like a pretty average game.


Will LittleBigFloatyControls or The Order break the 80 MetaCritic ceiling!?






Joke post? Where is Resogun, MLB, TLOU or Flower? And Destiny being on there: LOL.


Well shit in that case MCC doesn't matter for shit!
Yeah I mean it's almost the same. 4 games, one of them fully remastered with CGI-cutscenes and all maps from every platform.

TLOU Remastered is just the only PS3 game that is running on the PS4, and yes I have it.
Haha this is why GAF is just insane. People hyping this game to the moon. The OT thread was a love fest.

Game releases and its totally not what everyone hyped it to be. I understand that reviews are opinion and I often disagree with certain ones, but usually if you take them as a collection you get a decent picture of what a game is, and Driveclub looks pretty mediocre.

I really need to not feed into the hype around here...

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Was the lack of non-Thrustmaster steering wheel support mentioned in any of the reviews? I hope that caused some reviews to knock a point or two off.


I expected amazing reviews across the board. Pretty shocked to see the scores to be honest. Taking all of the reviews as a whole, it doesn't seem to be a truly great game.

I will definitely download the free version, obviously, and judge for myself tonight.
5/10 from metro gamecentral


In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.

Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.

Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.
I figured its around 8 in total. The single player isnt really super fun. Its just standard finish one race to the next. FH 2 is way more fun single player.

However, the graphics in this game is just stunning. At some points i wished if i can intract with it or justt stop to look around. Problem in drive club u cant even do that. As soon as you stop your car will turn to a ghost lol.

The online section is kinda ok. I mean i cant really judge right now because its super buggy since the game isnt supposed to be out yet so the servers are still being tested.

I do not regret purchasing drive club. I needed a good racer and drive club is good one. In fact its the best racing game available on the playstation 4. Its really worth purshasing if you are a racing fan. I am level 27 in the game already and i am seriously enjoying it.

For multiplatform owners tho, you should play both before making up your mind specially if you are in a tight budget

I personally think the penalties should be adjustable, or even should be able to be switched off. It is a good thing that the screenshot feature enables you a lot of freedom. I think that will really be a big feature for this game. That plus the weather should have been there day 1. I really feel they would have given the game a bit more flesh.


All of these reviews are odd. It feels like the game is being penalized for not being revolutionary. All of them have remarked that the game plays very well.
Gerstmann certainly isn't saying that. I expect his score to be around the same as Gamespot's judging by the QL.

Ain't nobody got love for the Dirt series? Not seeing that come up in this thread. I need a new Dirt.


Yeah, expected these reviews. Again, the PS+ version is for people who aren't sure about getting the full game.

The only review you should think about is


Yeah I mean it's almost the same. 4 games, one of them fully remastered with CGI-cutscenes and all maps from every platform.

TLOU Remastered is just the only PS3 game that is running on the PS4, and yes I have it.

And a TVShow with a beta all for the price of



so it seems like the consensus is that this game is a bit like destiny- very pretty dressing with solid gameplay mechanics, just shallow when it comes to content. destiny has managed to hook me with it's excellent gunplay, so if driveclub feels good to drive that may be enough to satisfy me. Still, i'll probably go with the physical version if I do decide to get the full game, just so I'll have the option to sell/trade in the future.


Ars Technica review

Now, that lack of coherent structure isn’t the end of the world for a game like this. Each race is well-constructed, beautiful, and quite enjoyable in and of itself. For top-tier racers who can join up with like-minded folk in competitive club, or for those who can convince similarly skilled friends to try and beat their times, the challenge system is likely to provide endless enjoyment in jockeying for position Club points.

For more casual racers, though, DriveClub may not extend its welcome long past the point where you unlock a few of the higher-end cars and tracks. There’s plenty of enjoyment to be had in that process, but in the end, the whole of DriveClub’s disconnected races may add up to slightly less than the sum of its parts.

The Good

  • Amazing lighting effects and beautifully detailed racing environments
  • Physics model is a good balance between realism and accessibility
  • Fine variety of cars and race tracks to choose from
  • Decently competitive artificial intelligence

The Bad

  • Club points structure throws rewards at you for every little thing
  • Club challenge system is hard to get invested in unless your’e a top-tier player
  • Little sense of meaningful progression or structure

The Ugly

  • When an opposing car bumps you from behind and costs you 200 Club points in “collision penalty” at the same time.
It's a shame that a racing game can't be about just racing anymore. From the videos I've seen from Gaffers that have the game, it looks super fun and challenging, especially with Legend AI.
Alright guys, I have to say that IMO a lot of hype for this game came from the fact that there was no solid racer on PS4.

I'm probably going to have my ass handed to me, but here goes.

The game is okay.

It's not a bad game, but it isn't breathtaking either.

I've played a few races and I just get a feeling of "I'm playing a racing game". I also have a very good feeling that's all I'll feel even after my 50th race and that's maybe what some reviewers are picking up on.

If there was gargantuan hype that feeling wouldn't be so bad, but for a game that is being posted as a staple racing game for the platform, it isn't really all that in terms of what staples usually offer.

I blame us though. I don't think the title was meant to be so huge, nor was it meant to be leant on as the only racer for Ps4, but obviously console wars and lack of titles in the specific genre creates huge pressure and hype.

Also, the visuals just seem to look "okay" to me too. There was far too much hype over the visuals as far as I'm concerned.min terms of style, I think the environments are nice, but the huge graphical fidelity I was expecting is definitely not what it has been made out to be IMO.

The sounds also. I really don't hear anything special? I didn't think so when listening to the same YouTube vids other people were gushing over so I left it up to my own ears and....it's okay?

The handling, again it's okay. It's nothing better or worse than things I've played before.

For what it is, it's a good game, nothing wrong wih it, but I don't see what area it pushes over the limit that earns it a rating worth more than that.

I don't know, it just seems like these things in particular I've mentioned have been blown way out of proportion on the forums, but don't seem to be as special while I playing the game.

I'm having fun playing the game, but ipI believe the scores that lean towards "okay" rather than "great" do have some merit to them.

Sorry for the negativity.


Thank god that reviewers are calling it soul less and such, I couldn't effin stand another "lifestyle" or edgy racing game.
It seems like I'm left with just a really good racing game and that's exactly what I want.
Oh my. The response is even worse than I expected, and I'm referring to the posts in here responding to the reviews.

A 74% is a solid start to an IP. I can't believe some people are being serious when they say this is a flop. Do you think a 74% metascore and millions of copies sold would sadden Sony?

I'm not even saying that they are definitely going to sell millions, but let's just say they do: a 74% on metacritic will not bother anybody at Evo or Sony. I could see Sony maybe being concerned if this was universally panned, but that isn't how this is playing out. So, as long as Sony makes even a small profit on this game Evo will be okay and we will likely see a DC 2.

I seriously doubt this game is going to sell millions. Reviews certainly are not gonna help. I have no opinion on the game yet though, will wait till I try the PS+ version (of course I need to resub first...)


5/10 from metro gamecentral


In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.

Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.

Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.

Gameplay is good, yet it shouldn't exist. It doesn't even make fucking sense especially considering that this is in fact the first racing game on the PS4 that is not completely arcade and actually supports racing wheels.



He's talking about remasters not mattering for "killer apps", when the biggest game coming out for the XB1 is literally a remaster collection.

He's saying it hasn't cone out yet for the PS4.

Not that I completely agree with him disregarding TLoU (I personally dislike it if you care), but he is setting his own terms with his point that the hyped up PS4 games aren't getting super great reviews if he bars TLoU, or games that didn't have massive advertising.

I don't agree with it either, because for the Xbone KI and TF are games I would say are important, but whatever.

I know for a fact that Bloodborne is a definite sale, I'm just happy that I share a PS4 and I didn't have to buy one for myself.

Can't wait to try Driveclub for myself as well.
But if the lights are baked, you are either racing in daylight or at night. You can't have a race start during the day and then finish at night or have lighting conditions change in real time during the race. I think we can all agree that would have an effect on gameplay.

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