It is cool we get a demo with PS+ because otherwise I would just wait for a flash sale.
Wait for NPD and PAL charts.
5/10 from metro gamecentral
In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.
Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.
Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.
:lolKarma's a bitch
They use the school grading system. In German schools a 1 is the same as an A, a 2 is a B etc.
No idea why the go as far as saying 1.88 though. "1-" or "2+" would have made more sense
unless they make it into a open-world racer with soul they shouldn't even bother imo
Actually, no, watch GT7 get better reviews than DC despite still reusing PS2 models and sound and not having modelled cockpits just because of the brand name.
Karma's a bitch
Uh...dude. Pgr formula isn't what driveclub embodies.
PGR is racing in cities with tight corners and getting points for lots of style and drifting
Regret buying this. Should have waited and just tried the free version first.
What's the story behind this?
Forza Horizon 2 will very likely outsell DC at retail. Doesn't mean it can't do well for Sony digitally, but I'd keep expectations in check
Karma's a bitch
An average of 70-75 ain't the end of the world. Neither is the idea that Forza Horizon 2 might well be a better game. Cats get way too caught up in this stuff.
Like what?Dear lord seems this game is full of bad decisions. Oh well.
As soon as a site has a brand name in it's title it pretty much loses all credibility to me. I can't imagine why anyone who runs a site would want to do that, unless they actually receive benefits from Sony, MS or nintendoThat PSU review reads like copypaste of a commercial.
They are so gonna featured in a Accolades trailer
...Can someone explain what in the hell he is trying to say?
This review right here is the exact reason why I don't pay attention to reviews anymore, good or bad.
I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong, but the premise of the game was always "get your car, join a club and race." Nothing else, if it does it well I'm in.
You can just try it yourself.wish martin robinson did the review on eurogamer. he's the main person i trust on racing games, not really sure what to make of this spread of reviews.
What's the story behind this?
But how to do feel about romance and soul?
5/10 from metro gamecentral
In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.
Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.
Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.
That's the director of Drive Club being disappointed at Grid. Grid currently has a higher score on Metacritic.
So far the overall negative consensus I am reading about this game is it does not do enough new things or social things or is not "next gen" enough to warrant a positive review score.
Well I don't know about the rest of you but I pretty much look for one thing out of a racing game (especially if it resides somewhere in the middle of arcade and simulation)... Having a good time while driving fast.
As such I feel for my own personal needs DC is going to very much meet my expectations, but if people really do need more out of the game itself then just the base premise of said game, they indeed may be disappointed.
I just feel like gaming journalists take things way too seriously at the end of the day. This is video games we are talking about. While they can in fact be very serious in nature, ultimately they are meant to be a fun experience. It is hard to write about fun without coming off as not very serious. As such they feel the need to be serious in order to be taken seriously. It is quite the catch 22. However being so serious goes against the very nature of video games in the first place. To have fucking fun.
Hey numbers means nothing as long as the game is fun , right ?
Dude I'm going to enjoy 'em both with a side-helping of The Crew and Project Cars. It's a great time for racing fans right now.Yup. I think I'm going to enjoy both just fine.
Like I said though, switching back and forth between the two is going to be weird. They're very different games. DriveClub really penalizes you for shoddy racing while you can smash and hit everything in FH2 and the game almost rewards it.
So, here's the thing. With one weird anomoly being Titanfall, reviewers have been using the full review scale far more like they should this gen. It's great, BUT, people are going to have to adjust their mindframes over what's good and bad.
The cons, I'm sorry, are ridiculous. Soulless bland single player? What in the WORLD could they have done differently to a closed track racer to make it less bland? Add DJ Atomica? No thank you. And online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog exists? HUH? What does that MEAN? That they should have just taken the options out since another racer already has a solution for online options? I mean, what kind of complaint is that?
5/10 from metro gamecentral
In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.
Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.
Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.
I'm not sure how you can come up with that so easily when PS4 is double Xbone's install base.
Like an AI so locked to its racing line that it will knock you off the road for trying to drive in the optimum position.Like what?
lol, I know it's weird. Not much logic in it, just that "+" always stands for better.But... is 2+ higher or lower than 2-??2- logically should mean a lesser 2, which means it should be closer to 2.0 and 2+ a higher to, closer to 2.9. this does not make any sense!
Hey numbers means nothing as long as the game is fun , right ?
But... is 2+ higher or lower than 2-??2- logically should mean a lesser 2, which means it should be closer to 2.0 and 2+ a higher to, closer to 2.9. this does not make any sense!