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DriveClub Review Thread.

Karma's a bitch

It's a shame that a racing game can't be about just racing anymore. From the videos I've seen from Gaffers that have the game, it looks super fun and challenging, especially with Legend AI.

This is a problem with a lot of things. Products will be docked for not innovating, but I'll never understand how being good... is bad.


That's a bit lower than I was expecting. Was thinking it'd probably be high 7's at least on Metacritic, but it's currently at 70 and possibly dropping.

I'm curious to see what happens with Evolution in general. They've been having kind of a rough time for a while now.
Agree. Sony paid a lot of money to continue development of the game for another 10 months. if they don't see a return in investment I doubt they would be willing to fund another game.

I was going to buy it but will give the PS plus version a spin and if I like it I will buy it.
wtf is "romance" in a racing game?

wtf is up with some of these reviews, particularly the CVG one? Does the game need flying dick dragons and shit to be interesting to them? It's a driving game, let me drive sweet cars on a nice track and do it well and I'll be happy.

A racing game "focuses squarely on pure racing" and that's a bad thing. Shoot me now.

I understand some of the criticism but most of it is just casuals bitching about the game beeing to core for them and calling it unfair.

So the AI crashed into you and you got penalized? Thats because you cut the ideal line or cut AI in order to keep it from overtaking you. Thats a penalizable offense in racing.

Just because Driveclub doesn't have sim like handeling doesn't mean it can't be a serious racing game.
The is a space between sim and crash fests that let you take corners at full speed with the help of a wall or AI.


A Dutch review claims there is no possibility to setup a race for your friends.

So you can't make a private lobby, invite your friends, set the track, time of day, weather etc and race, you can only join a ''random'' lobby and hope for the best...

While I'm pretty sure I've seen a vid where Rushy explained that you could do EXACTLY what I just said. (choosing all settings and go!)

What happened?


Alright guys, I have to say that IMO a lot of hype for this game came from the fact that there was no solid racer on PS4.

I'm probably going to have my ass handed to me, but here goes.

The game is okay.

It's not a bad game, but it isn't breathtaking either.

I've played a few races and I just get a feeling of "I'm playing a racing game". I also have a very good feeling that's all I'll feel even after my 50th race and that's maybe what some reviewers are picking up on.

If there was gargantuan hype that feeling wouldn't be so bad, but for a game that is being posted as a staple racing game for the platform, it isn't really all that in terms of what staples usually offer.

I blame us though. I don't think the title was meant to be so huge, nor was it meant to be leant on as the only racer for Ps4, but obviously console wars and lack of titles in the specific genre creates huge pressure and hype.

Also, the visuals just seem to look "okay" to me too. There was far too much hype over the visuals as far as I'm concerned.min terms of style, I think the environments are nice, but the huge graphical fidelity I was expecting is definitely not what it has been made out to be IMO.

The sounds also. I really don't hear anything special? I didn't think so when listening to the same YouTube vids other people were gushing over so I left it up to my own ears and....it's okay?

The handling, again it's okay. It's nothing better or worse than things I've played before.

For what it is, it's a good game, nothing wrong wih it, but I don't see what area it pushes over the limit that earns it a rating worth more than that.

I don't know, it just seems like these things in particular I've mentioned have been blown way out of proportion on the forums, but don't seem to be as special while I playing the game.

I'm having fun playing the game, but ipI believe the scores that lean towards "okay" rather than "great" do have some merit to them.

Sorry for the negativity.
Don't apologize, brah. Call them like you see them. Any video I've seen told me I'd be falling right in line with what you're saying overall. I'll see for sure later today with the plus version.
All of these reviews are odd. It feels like the game is being penalized for not being revolutionary. All of them have remarked that the game plays very well.


it doesn't do anything new? well screw that.

omg look at this new action adventure character action game! so good.

most reviewers don't differ in tastes. they hype the same games, they act jaded over the same games.


I blame us though. I don't think the title was meant to be so huge, nor was it meant to be leant on as the only racer for Ps4, but obviously console wars and lack of titles in the specific genre creates huge pressure and hype.

You make a good point, this was just supposed to be a freebie for PS+ users on PS4, it's a little weird that there was so much hype built up in retrospect.


I guess the PGR formula is officially dead. This was a nice throwback, but arcade sims have no place in the industry it seems :/.
Uh...dude. Pgr formula isn't what driveclub embodies.

PGR is racing in cities with tight corners and getting points for lots of style and drifting


So slightly lower than I expected scores but I don't really care still buying it cause it's pretty and I'm shallow. Seriously just need to play racing game on this gen it will do till project cars.
I'd actually like to see a different kind of game using Driveclub's environmental engine.

They did such a great job making the world look real, it seems like they wasted it on a dumb, arcadey driving game.

Oh well. It's not costing me anything with my PS+ sub, so I'm not gonna attack it too much.
Gameplay is good, yet it shouldn't exist. It doesn't even make fucking sense especially considering that this is in fact the first racing game on the PS4 that is not completely arcade and actually supports racing wheels.

That's obviously meant from sony's point of view, given they paid for an extra years worth of dev time for what the reviewer thinks is mediocrity.


I see it was made by a website I've never followed. Just don't know if the Website watermarked their quote on it, or if Sony is citing them for an ad. Or if someone else is citing them (fan made).

I can't believe that's official. Haha that Sony confidence...

Oh well... Sony can still cite BioGamerGirl!

Christ nevermind, just read your tag, carry on.


So far the overall negative consensus I am reading about this game is it does not do enough new things or social things or is not "next gen" enough to warrant a positive review score.

Well I don't know about the rest of you but I pretty much look for one thing out of a racing game (especially if it resides somewhere in the middle of arcade and simulation)... Having a good time while driving fast.

As such I feel for my own personal needs DC is going to very much meet my expectations, but if people really do need more out of the game itself then just the base premise of said game, they indeed may be disappointed.

I just feel like gaming journalists take things way too seriously at the end of the day. This is video games we are talking about. While they can in fact be very serious in nature, ultimately they are meant to be a fun experience. It is hard to write about fun without coming off as not very serious. As such they feel the need to be serious in order to be taken seriously. It is quite the catch 22. However being so serious goes against the very nature of video games in the first place. To have fucking fun.


5/10 from metro gamecentral


In Short: A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.

Pros: The graphics are excellent and the driving model is a good balance between accessibility and realism. Plenty of cars, all of which look great.

Cons: Utterly soulless on every level, with a bland single-player experience and online options that seem oblivious to the fact that Autolog already exists.

This review right here is the exact reason why I don't pay attention to reviews anymore, good or bad.


So, here's the thing. With one weird anomoly being Titanfall, reviewers have been using the full review scale far more like they should this gen. It's great, BUT, people are going to have to adjust their mindframes over what's good and bad.

I mean, a few years ago, a 74 Metacritic would have been a hyped game that was just straight up bad. Now the worst score in the lot, a 5/10, just calls it average; bog-standard in all respects. If the worst criticism is that it's really average, and the best that's an absolute thrill to drive and look at, we are looking at a divisive game that is not bad by anybody's standards.

So adjust your idea of what is good or bad relating Metacritic scores if you haven't already because I think the fuller review scale is a great thing that allows for more subtle verdicts.


This game has always looked just lifeless and blah to me. Outside of the graphics there was nothing drawing me to the game making me want to buy it. Can't wait until I get a chance to try the PS Plus Edition, but I'm glad I decided to get FH2...
He's saying it hasn't cone out yet for the PS4.

Not that I completely agree with him disregarding TLoU (I personally dislike it if you care), but he is setting his own terms with his point that the hyped up PS4 games aren't getting super great reviews if he bars TLoU, or games that didn't have massive advertising.

I don't agree with it either, because for the Xbone KI and TF are games I would say are important, but whatever.

I know for a fact that Bloodborne is a definite sale, I'm just happy that I share a PS4 and I didn't have to buy one for myself.

Can't wait to try Driveclub for myself as well.

...Can someone explain what in the hell he is trying to say?


My thoughts on this game from the other DC thread

The gameplay itself is great but the game does not do anything extraordinary. I am not saying the game should be open world as most of the reviews are implying but the game does not seem to have that "it" factor separating it from the rest of the racers out there.

Gran Turismo has a huge collection of cars and events available in addition to being known for its ultra realism. Forza Motorsport has endless car customization options and also in its Horizon spin off added open world gameplay. I think reviewers docked points because Driveclub doesn't bring anything new to the table.

In my opinion though the car handling is among the best I have experienced in any racers, the graphics also are among the best I have ever seen in the genre. The AI is aggressive and also gives you a nice challenge.

My only gripes with the game so far is the soundtrack could have used some variety or more licensed tracks. The techno/house music all sounds the same. Also the tour mode itself does not seem to be that lengthy based on the menu showing all the available stuff.

For me personally it is an 8 because the gameplay and what is there is solid.


I still count LBP3 but you're right, sadly I guess Bloodborne is the next exclusive and it's almost half a year away. That's pretty pathetic.

Yeh this is a pretty weak start to the generation by both Sony and MS, basically right now I've got $900 worth of netflix machines in my house. At least Sunset Overdrive and Bloodborne both look damn promising.

That's interesting. In the recent event at Evo Studios I attended, they ran a fastest time challenge (with a wheel and a 10 foot screen). The two fastest non-dev players both used third person.

I'm quite experienced with first-person and wheels (I have a G27 at home) and these guys were ten seconds quicker. That's a lot.


I can see the appeal of Forza because of its open world (I think driving through fields in supercars is fucking stupid though) but it does have offroad and rally races, which gives it some variety. Going track to track in an arcade racer with closed circuits now is maybe a bit too clinical for an arcade title.

I think personally, it would have been cooler to see Evolution tackle an offroad racer with buggies and torc trucks. They were really good at it with the first motorstorm but then they sort of went off a bit. If they focussed their soread of vehicles to maybe 2 or 3 classes at most in that deformable offroad racer angle they went with on Motorstorm I definitely think they would have had something a lot more interesting on their hands.


wish martin robinson did the review on eurogamer. he's the main person i trust on racing games, not really sure what to make of this spread of reviews.
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