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DriveClub Review Thread.


Ultimately reviews affect developer payout and sales which affects studio survival, indirectly low-ball reviewers are essentially fucking evolution over if you believe they have put out a good product.

I 100% think that bonuses should not be tied to an arbitrary score from reviewers. That is a separate conversation though. Sales, sure, review scores, no.

Also, does Sony usually tie a bonus to metacritic scores?
For me, it means an individual character. A game that doesn't feel like it was created with mathematical algorithms of what fun is supposed to be.

Reminds me kind of like Mclaren vs Ferrari. Mclaren build incredibly capable cars, but it feels like they try and 'science' their way into a great car. While Ferrari, who of course still build technically advanced cars, tend to be able to inject character and beauty into their machines far more effortlessly.

Its very hard to define it because that's kind of the point. It is often referred to as 'indefinable' quality, whether we're talking about a game, a car, or maybe even a person. Sometimes something just registers with you on a deeper level and hits those heart strings.

Sounds like the franchise Killzone.


Soulless racing is driving from A to B against basic AI in a manner that lacks a great deal of excitement (that's what it means to me anyway).

If someone described a driving game as soulless I'd imagine something that might look pretty and handle fine but not actually be much fun to play.

A racing game with soul is something where everything comes together. The cars feel good to control, the AI is fun to race against, the sound effects and music enhance the act of driving and the visuals are distinctive and not sterile. It's more than just driving from A to B in pretty cars, its a culmination of many great individual aspects as described above that create a whole package and make that racing game stand out and feel distinctive frim the others in its genre.

Poster above nailed it with Killzone.
That game feels soulless to me. It's all obviously subjective though....


I`ve only looked at the Giantbomb quicklook and the graphics looked pretty terrible. Graphics are a huge part of the selling point of this game and has been praised and hyped for ages. So are the graphics that are being praised just simply cherry picked from the otherwise boring and mediocre atmopshere?


I`ve only looked at the Giantbomb quicklook and the graphics looked pretty terrible. Graphics are a huge part of the selling point of this game and has been praised and hyped for ages. So are the graphics that are being praised just simply cherry picked from the otherwise boring and mediocre atmopshere?

Why don't you do some research? There's been tonnes of videos posted across multiple threads, not to mention the direct feed ones posted at Gamersyde last week. If you're judging a games visuals based on a video review then you're seriously doing yourself a disservice.


Why don't you do some research? There's been tonnes of videos posted across multiple threads, not to mention the direct feed ones posted at Gamersyde last week. If you're judging a games visuals based on a video review then you're seriously doing yourself a disservice.

I`ve seen the videos that are being shared and it looks great - i think because that is the reason why the videos are shared. But this giantbomb quicklook was just something they recorded for the site to comment on the gameplay and the graphics were mundane. So I am wondering if you have to pick the right day and time for specific maps to get the best look.
I`ve only looked at the Giantbomb quicklook and the graphics looked pretty terrible. Graphics are a huge part of the selling point of this game and has been praised and hyped for ages. So are the graphics that are being praised just simply cherry picked from the otherwise boring and mediocre atmopshere?

If all you want is eye candy, stay away from the game. It's too inconsistent. That said, the core gameplay is a lot of fun and they nailed the racing aspect. Also this game does not need to be open world, it is a nonsensical notion.
I`ve only looked at the Giantbomb quicklook and the graphics looked pretty terrible. Graphics are a huge part of the selling point of this game and has been praised and hyped for ages. So are the graphics that are being praised just simply cherry picked from the otherwise boring and mediocre atmopshere?

Nah, it looks good. Don't judge a game by a stream.
Atmosphere is a weird thing to adress. What do you mean by that?


If all you want is eye candy, stay away from the game. It's too inconsistent. That said, the core gameplay is a lot of fun and they nailed the racing aspect. Also this game does not need to be open world, it is a nonsensical notion.

I bought an Xbox back in the day simply for forza - that was amazing. Obviously I`m a bit more picky with resolution and textures now, and whatever marketing material i`ve seen for Driveclub, it looks awesome. Some of the videos, with the added youtube compression, simply looked like real footage. Looking forward to it but...i want consistent eye candy too.




This is a reply I had to someone on another forum, which also addresses worry of media "bias"

As opposed to a bias, as that isn't what's going on here and is just as silly as when people say "the internet is pro-Sony, the internet is pro-Xbox", it just shows an immaturity in the reviewers profession.

The next title that hits your desk should be reviewed for what it is. Sure 2 racers in a week, there's going to be comparisons, maybe on graphics, handling, or if they were both track racers how they compare. But you don't just start comparing one "genre" to the other and saying this "genre" is outdated and needs to be reformed - It's based on a sub-section of racing, it's a factual form of racing.

This title should be compared to Forza 5 if anything, at least for gameplay, not Horizon. There's a reason Gran Turismo reviews don't mention Burnout.

If someone want's to say FH2 is more fun because of x, y, z, fine, that shows a preferrence for an open world experience as opposed to a track racer. What I and many others have an issue with though is comments like the above from DF saying track racing is outdated, like it can somehow fundamentally be changed on a gaming level that takes precedence over real life track racing.


Its the intangible quality that keeps you coming back to a game. I think its definitely a real thing despite how weird it might sound.

Its something lacking from the other 2 racers on the market and seems to be that way with DC (withholding judgement till I play it)

I think in that sense DC's "soul" is the heavy focus on leaderboards for various aspects of the game.
It's not for everyone, mind, just see games like GW, DN or SSDHD being ultra popular amongst some people, while many think "what's the point?".


Nah, it looks good. Don't judge a game by a stream.
Atmosphere is a weird thing to adress. What do you mean by that?

I saw a couple of screenshots of a desert track with an overcast sky and it looked quite poor. Made me think that some of the textures don`t hold up in certain lighting conditions.
But mostly I meant mediocre texturing - not atmopshere.
I bought an Xbox back in the day simply for forza - that was amazing. Obviously I`m a bit more picky with resolution and textures now, and whatever marketing material i`ve seen for Driveclub, it looks awesome. Some of the videos, with the added youtube compression, simply looked like real footage. Looking forward to it but...i want consistent eye candy too.

I hear ya, I am certainly slightly disappointed with the visuals. A better AA solution alone would have done wonders.
I saw a couple of screenshots of a desert track with an overcast sky and it looked quite poor. Made me thinking that some of the textures don`t hold up in certain lighting conditions.
But mostly I meant mediocre texturing - not atmopshere.

Yeah i agree that track doesn't look that great. Ofcourse the game is made with speed in mind. but this track, asside of the landscape being barren of its own, looks kinda bad.

I hear ya, I am certainly slightly disappointed with the visuals. A better AA solution alone would have done wonders.

Absolutely. And weather at launch.


all the shit aside, I am looking forward to it and for it to expand.

I mean if I don`t support it...what hope do i have in seeing yakuza lambos on tokyo night tracks?




I hear ya, I am certainly slightly disappointed with the visuals. A better AA solution alone would have done wonders.
Really? The DF review mentioned that although there was still some visible aliasing in some areas, the AA solution was still excellent and a cut above most other games on current gen consoles.
Really? The DF review mentioned that although there was still some visible aliasing in some areas, the AA solution was still excellent and a cut above most other games on current gen consoles.

As me and others have said in the DF thread, their take on this is surprising. The AA in this game is really not very good and a far cry from games like Second Son. Wish they would have used SMAA instead of FXAA.


How does this add any value to the discussion? All you're doing is planting your flags in the ground, publicly showing your allegiance, and shit-posting.

I wonder why you're both singling out other Sony franchises. Curious...

I was going to comment how Killzone has nothing to do with the discussion at hand other than getting in a cheap jab.


How does this add any value to the discussion? All you're doing is planting your flags in the ground, publicly showing your allegiance, and shit-posting.

I wonder why you're both singling out other Sony franchises. Curious...

Nah mate, it's just your imagination
what the fuck is soul in a circuit racer? should the cars say cute things?

My lengthy take on the soul or personality of a racing game.

The problem is that handling well is the BARE MINIMUM a racing game should have, and even that is subjective.

People are talking about the handling in this game as though no other game in history has felt good.

The cold reality is, good handling exists in a shitload of different racing games.

How much you personally like it doesn't make the game better than all those other games with good handling.

For this game to be the amazing thing one want it to be, you have to be able to say more than "it feels really nice when I drive the car", and "it feels really fast" and the " the AI is challenging".

Those are not what make amazing or even great driving games. Hose are part and parcel, bare minimum requirements.

When people talk about the "soul" of the game, it's about the devs injecting their own personality into the game to push it past just racing and how well that personality is presented.

Some games have fantasy themes. Some have festival themes. Some have strict formulae like touring, bikes, open wheel etc. Some have cultural themes like NFS underground series.

In terms of DC, that personality is the social aspect, but have they done it spectacularly? Is it a truly standout part of the game that truly sets it apart? Would the series be able to thrive on that aspect alone?

For all the talk about DC not having gimmicks (which are not a bad thing by nature as long as implementation is good), that's exactly what the social focus is, but it isn't an astonishing addition, nor is it something fans of racers, especially arcade have never seen before.

The point is, without shining distinction and separation from other driving games that allow you to go round a circuit, p2p or drift and focusing on that alone, you open up the game to be criticised on that alone, when that alone has been done. A LOT. AND can even be replicated to a degree in other games with provided options.

And while you may believe that the accessible handling is the best thing since sliced bread and that AI who are obstacles to manoeuvre rather than competitors who acknowledge your existence is just how you want your A.I, you again open yourself upto the fact that maybe people find their implementation just okay.

You cannot build a house that's built on the same foundations many other houses are also built from, give it four walls and a roof and proclaim that your four walls and a roof are so amazing. Four walls and a roof are the bare minimum people expect from a house. If the way you made your walls is not to a persons taste, then what else is there for you to stand on? If your added splash of personality is also something other houses do or have done, your presentation of it needs to be completely unmatched and detailed implementation to be a standout addition.

Otherwise for majority opinion, it's just another average to okay to good h
ouse. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest, but that's all it can be. Because that's all you made.

Wow. Talk about waffling o_o

If you make a simple game, it will be viewed as a simple game.

I also think the problem with DCs soul lies in its messaging.

During the initial review, there was an emphases on pleasing people who love cars, but the cars in the game are fantasy vehicles with skins of familiar vehicles that behave according to fantasy physics.

Then there's the whole focus on precise racing when the AI don't even know you are there and you can happily finish a race bumping and bashing cars (and being bashed) in every corner with no penalty as long as you don't dive bomb too hard. I'm assuming it's going to be a thing online too.

For all the talk about DC being focused, it kind of isn't. It's teetering between the lines in a lot of ways.


extra source of jiggaflops
Killzone and Driveclub is the math and science way of approaching games. It's not blue collar enough.

We need games that represent the working man!


Why don't you do some research? There's been tonnes of videos posted across multiple threads, not to mention the direct feed ones posted at Gamersyde last week. If you're judging a games visuals based on a video review then you're seriously doing yourself a disservice.

A Giant Bomb Quick Look =/= a video review FYI


I haven't played DC yet but what I am most bummed about is how we haven't imo had a great racer this gen yet.

Forza 5 felt good but I think was more fitting of the term souless
FH2 feels just like FH1 to me and is not pulling me back in the same way the first game did.
DC appears to be relatively clunky and all over the place.

Looks like GT7 is my only hope

Project Cars? The Crew?
disappointed at some of the lower review score, not at the game, but more toward the review itself. I've played the game myself and found it to be a very fun game, really scratch that addiction of one more time trying to be faster. I could see this become my go to racer for a long time.

I don't usually care about reviews score, but man, I just hope all these lower review didn't negatively affect Evolution studios or the game itself. I'd be very upset if support for the game like free track, car dlc etc got canceled, or worse, if Evolution studio got shut down. :(
How does this add any value to the discussion? All you're doing is planting your flags in the ground, publicly showing your allegiance, and shit-posting.

I wonder why you're both singling out other Sony franchises. Curious...

I'll add Kinect Sports so we can turn this into yet another console war games since we can never have enough of those, feel better now? Anyways it's clear reviews are all over the place with this game, much like Destiny.
I`ve only looked at the Giantbomb quicklook and the graphics looked pretty terrible. Graphics are a huge part of the selling point of this game and has been praised and hyped for ages. So are the graphics that are being praised just simply cherry picked from the otherwise boring and mediocre atmopshere?

terrible? the game LOOKS awesome to me - i havent played it yet so dont know if it is fun, but you cant really knock how the game looks.,
Are you serious? Did you watch the whole thing? He was choosing horrible racing lines, crashing into the barriers because of handbrake turns, braking mid corner etc.
It was as if I was looking at someone play a shooter for the first time.

Comparing it to an arcade or a sim is both besides the point. Judge it by what it is. PGR wasn't a sim or an arcade racer either and for some reason that worked perfectly.

Have you ever tried playing a game and talking to a microphone trying to make sense for an audience at the same time? It's really really hard guys. Don't judge his playing ability by the quick look.
The handling is dreadful. Who cares how it looks when it plays like ass. The lack of options is horrific too.
I dunno man. We adapt. Easily. That's our key feature. Having said that, the game has excellent handling imo. So it will differ from person to person. And from car to car..


How many reviewers did actually criticize the game for not being open world? One? People on here make it seem like every reviewer did.
A review by someone that didn't know what a hatchback was.

That was Dan, not Jeff.

Anyway. If this ends up being worthy of a comparison to PGR, Jeff's review is obviously missing the point. But I have a feeling it's not going to turn out that way.

Now if only those fucking clowns would release the PSplus version, I could find out for myself.

I dunno man. We adapt. Easily. That's our key feature. Having said that, the game has excellent handling imo. So it will differ from person to person. And from car to car..

What other racing games' handling do you like?


I just read that Jeff at Giant Bomb gave this a 2/5. Jesus that's bad. Listening to him on the bombcast right now, atleast he isn't chirping the lack of open world.


Define it then.

I'm seeing this term thrown around a lot lately but nobody seems to have a clue what they mean by it when they are saying it. Just because a game doesn't resonate well with you it doesn't make it "soulless".

I've even seem some reviews for Horizon 2 say this word.

pretty much.

It's just a high falutin way of saying "I don't like something, and that something is to blame." without going to the trouble of figuring out why I don't like it.

  • All racing games are souless.
  • My last girlfriend had no soul.
  • Lady gaga's music is souless.

Kinda silly, no?
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