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European Parliament Elections 2014 |OT| The Undemocratic EU is Actually Elected

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Welp, I'm so glad my country is so full of racist inbred dumbfucks who'll vote for anyone.

Don't get me wrong, I have no love for the 2 main parties but it's not like there wasn't more choice than PS/UMP/FN.

The silver lining here is that FN can show how actually incompetent they are.
Germany's neo nazi party (NDP) might have an MP for the first time in history.

Not because they gained votes though, but because the electoral threshold doesn't exist at this election. The NPD got less than 1% of the votes.

AfD also isn't a right wing party, atleast not in the same way (not even close imo) as Front National, that Wilders thing or FPÖ.


I love how the "true Finns" are trying to make excuses at this point. After 6 years of hype 12.8% is all you have to show for it.

Wish we could say the same for all other member states.
Not because they gained votes though, but because the electoral threshold doesn't exist at this election. The NPD got less than 1% of the votes.

AfD also isn't a right wing party, atleast not in the same way (not even close imo) as Front National, that Wilders thing or FPÖ.

That's kinda moronic though, isn't it? Was it always like this or did they change the european electoral law since last time?
Not because they gained votes though, but because the electoral threshold doesn't exist at this election. The NPD got less than 1% of the votes.

AfD also isn't a right wing party
, atleast not in the same way (not even close imo) as Front National, that Wilders thing or FPÖ.

wait what?
That's kinda moronic though, isn't it? Was it always like this or did they change the european electoral law since last time?

the constitutional court rendered the 3% threshold unconstitutional thus invalid. still exists for the german national assembly elections though for some reason


Not because they gained votes though, but because the electoral threshold doesn't exist at this election. The NPD got less than 1% of the votes.

AfD also isn't a right wing party, atleast not in the same way (not even close imo) as Front National, that Wilders thing or FPÖ.
The AfD is probably more of a Naziparty than the NPD. The NPD are mostly brutes and Krawallmacher. The AfD is actually dangerous, because they are a rightwingconservative party with intellectuals, without Verfassungschutz crawling among them and people hating them by default.
They say they're not rightwings, but they're against immigrants, women in jobs and homosexuals. They resent Europe and want a souvereign germany. And their led by the likes of Bernd Lucke, with the ego of a Napoleon.
The AfD is probably more of a Naziparty than the NPD. The NPD are mostly brutes and Krawallmacher. The AfD is actually dangerous, because they are a rightwingconservative party with intellectuals, without Verfassungschutz crawling among them and people hating them by default.
They say they're not rightwings, but they're against immigrants, women in jobs and homosexuals. They resent Europe and want a souvereign germany. And their led by the likes of Bernd Lucke, with the ego of a Napoleon.



The Socialists have always been the best allies of the Far Right, but now, the Beast is in position to devour its creator...

I deprimed. I think I'm going to sleep early.

Seriously can't comprehend what good voting for far right is going to do at this point. A fragmented Europe is why we can't respond to Russian aggression, why there can't be substantive co-operation as far as youth unemployment in various countries is considered and so on.

But usually those who vote for far right candidates are either Putin fanboys and social conservatives or just somehow believe that demographics and economic realities change via magic if we kick out "the others", mind you these are the same people who are most likely to resist any investments towards future technologies (green or any other) but instead support old industries as a solution.
The answer is quite simple, really : not enough people voted. So those who voted for FN end up being the most prevalent.

Sad, but true.

Yes. I'm ashamed and angry that it could happen although the probable outcome was predictable (or maybe even more because of that).

To put things in perspective :

Presidential elections 2012 : 6.19 millions votes for FN
This election : 4.84 millions

It doesn't change the fact that we will send to the European parliament such a huge number of people hating Europe (amongst tons of other things). Fuckers won't of course even bother to attend.


The answer is quite simple, really : not enough people voted. So those who voted for FN end up being the most prevalent.

Sad, but true.

LOL .Holland was elected in reaction of fear to get more of Sarkozy and all the left achieved is doing much worse (after proving they are big, unsubtle liers..).

Less abstention would have been probably worse for them.


Woah. Did just read the Front Naitonal is against homosecuality, against abortion and for death punishment.

Hey, Le Pen, we don't live in the middle ages anymore.

Funky Papa

Utterly grossed out by the results in France, and to a lesser extent, Germany. Denmark is not looking too hot, neither...
Woah. Did just read the Front Naitonal is against homosecuality, against abortion and for death punishment.

Hey, Le Pen, we don't live in the middle ages anymore.
Hey now, they've gotten light on revisionism and antisemitic jokes.
Their security guys have even stopped killing Arabs.


I...what? Goalposts? I don't know what you're on about.
Unless I have misunderstood you, I am saying that your position is logically inconsistent because you suggest that not voting is somehow more effective than voting. Let's go through what you've said:
I think if you disagree with the existence of the European Parliament, not voting in their elections is pretty much exactly what you should be doing. No hypocracy imo.
Okay, but surely voting for UKIP, a party that exists specifically to 'disagree with the existence of the European Parliament' is a more effective means to this end?
No. It's been said before in this thread that voting for an anti-EU party is ineffectual, because the MEPs you elect are unable to affect your country's relationship with the EU.
This is why I say you are moving the goalposts. You're asking much more of voting than you are of abstention. You specifically reject voting for any of the eurosceptic parties because you feel they are powerless to effect change, but then advocate abstention even though it is even less capable of effecting change.

Because you are not handing power to any political party, by default, abstention can at the very most do no more than 'send a message', which you so dismiss a UKIP vote as. But unlike a vote for UKIP, abstention sends no single clear message:

Reasons which might plausibly explain someone not voting at all:
  • The voter has no interest in politics or the political process.
  • The voter doesn't understand the policies and issues at stake or feels they are of low importance.
  • The voter was ill, tired, or otherwise unwilling to vote.
  • The voter was not registered.
  • The voter felt that no candidate adequately represents their views.
  • The voter does not believe in democracy.
  • The voter suspects the electoral process is ineffective and/or corrupt.
  • [any other reason you can imagine for not voting]
  • ...the voter does opposes the existence of the European Union itself?
Reasons which might plausibly explain a vote for UKIP or any other principally anti-EU political party:
  • The voter opposes the existence of the European Union.
  • The voter wishes their country to leave the European Union.
  • The voter is protesting a perceived 'LibLabCon' political consensus.
Furthermore, voting for a eurosceptic party such as UKIP visibly contributes to a growing level of electoral support for eurosceptic policies and builds momentum for the eurosceptic movement. UKIP's gains in Thursday's local government elections are widely said to have disturbed the political elite and demonstrated the growing support for ending Britain's membership of the EU, encouraging the main parties to adopt eurosceptic policies if they are to court the swelling ranks of eurosceptic voters.

Never voting simply enables politicians to ignore your concerns; it could even be construed to constitute apathetic acceptance of the existing arrangements. Voting for a eurosceptic party sends an indisputable signal of euroscepticism, and thus incentivises the mainstream adoption of the policies you support.

Abstaining is a different political act than spoiling your vote. Spoiling your vote means to agree with the institutions but not with the candidates. Not voting means not agreeing with the institutions.
I'm sorry, but I've never heard this 'rule' before in my life, and with no personal disrespect to you intended, I must say that frankly I think this is arbitrary nonsense.

There are many reasons why someone might spoil their ballot - it is a very broad gesture of discontent. It could be that they simply don't agree with the candidates, or it could be that they don't agree with the system. You simply don't know.

You could quite reasonably argue that spoiling a ballot is ineffectual or a waste of time, but you can't reasonably argue that it inherently constitutes active support of existing institutions.
Yes. I'm ashamed and angry that it could happen although the probable outcome was predictable (or maybe even more because of that).

To put things in perspective :

Presidential elections 2012 : 6.19 millions votes for FN
This election : 4.84 millions

It doesn't change the fact that we will send to the European parliament such a huge number of people hating Europe (amongst tons of other things). Fuckers won't of course even bother to attend.

Don't worry, they'll have great excuses such as "We're not enough, so it's no use for us to go voting :)"


Polish votings are in. My choice got in (finally), and it fills me with joy that eurosceptics got their chance (although a lot lower than in other countries), only 22% people voted. Low. But putting it together with the percentages from other countries - people don't give a shit for the EU.
I actually expected more, but Feminist Initiative got the same result which is amazing, I will be so happy if F! get more votes in the end.

This is from Wikipedia so I don't know how true it is, but on the Feminist Iniative article about its leader:
Schyman is one of Sweden's most prominent political feminists and had attracted attention when she in 2004 launched the proposal of "mans tax" (journalist created expressions) which was intended as a collective tax cut because she believed the man bore a collective responsibility for violence against women.

That sounds like pretty much as bad as the racists.


No surprises it the Finnish election really. True Finns got less votes than expected though which is always nice, they don't have much hype around them anymore.

I wish green party would get more votes but they've messed a lot of stuff working in the government for the past few years.
Such a good day, now I'll kick back, relax, and watch as the French government does NOTHING to improve things and will keep working to help the National Front kick them out of the next presidential election.

Hollande and Valls, you reap what you sow.
Anxiety +10000000 :'(

Also, very cool that Le Pen asked for a call to action to any far right parties and M5S.
Yeah, but you know, they're carrying on the spirit of Berlinguer. Eh.

This Berlinguer thing is the single most cynical political argument I've heard in ages.
Polish poll results:

PO- 32,8 - center with small shift to the left - currently ruling 19 seats
PIS- 31,8 - conservatists - 19 seats
SLD - 9,6 - left wing - 5 seats
NP - 7,2 - economic uber libertarians, conservatists in social issues - 4 seats // first time ever above the 5% cut off to take any seat
PSL- 7,0 - party of polish farmers - center - 4 seat
and huge drop from last elections
Europa plus - 3,7 - ultra left wing, anti catholics - 0 seats
two smaller right wing parties below cut off
nationalist 1,5%


France and many other nations didn't vote Le Pen today or the far-right they voted against the EU. This little Euro experiment was fun but it seems it needs to end now before the far-right scum become a governing power in Europe.

The French have decided: They don't want EU anymore, let's see how the so called Democratic EU will react and if it'll even listen to what they're screaming.


Poland has nice numbers. Thought rightwing would be stronger there.
(Then again I don't know that much about polish politics)


I'm not sure they're exactly against homosexuality (they're certainly against gay marriage) but they're sure as hell pro-death penalty and anti-abortion.

What is the point of being pro-death penalty? All member states have ratified the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union among many other countless treaties and agreements.

The conversation has been over for decades, only totally demented people would even entertain the idea. I understand their positions on other social issues though, many of these isolationist parties tend to share views as far as abortion and rainbow rights are considered.
France and many other nations didn't vote Le Pen today or the far-right they voted against the EU. This little Euro experiment was fun but it seems it needs to end now before the far-right scum become a governing power in Europe.

The French have decided: They don't want EU anymore, let's see how the so called Democratic EU will react and if it'll even listen to what they're screaming.


Lots of other parties are against the EU, yet Marine and her party are the ones the French people have chosen today.
Poland has nice numbers. Thought rightwing would be stronger there.
(Then again I don't know that much about polish politics)

It's best result right wing had since 2005 :) And ultra left wing literally ceased to exist.

Also wow i've just noticed we only had 22,7% voters going to vote


Ok, the ego of Napoleon and the capability of Ney.
I don't even know who Lucke is, but Friedman is probably the most arrogant dickface in the political landscape in Germany - unless you're truly brillant it's nearly impossible to win against him.


France and many other nations didn't vote Le Pen today or the far-right they voted against the EU. This little Euro experiment was fun but it seems it needs to end now before the far-right scum become a governing power in Europe.

The French have decided: They don't want EU anymore, let's see how the so called Democratic EU will react and if it'll even listen to what they're screaming.

I guess the farmers didn't vote.


It's best result right wing had since 2005 :) And ultra left wing literally ceased to exist.

Also wow i've just noticed we only had 22,7% voters going to vote
Oh :(

I don't even know who Lucke is, but Friedman is probably the most arrogant dickface in the political landscape in Germany - unless you're truly brillant it's nearly impossible to win against him.
Lucke is one of the three heads and one of the founders of the AfD. He is extremly whiny. He has the same attitude as Friedman, but cries faster. He is always right and if you don't agree, your just to dumb to understand his vision.
Woah. Did just read the Front Naitonal is against homosecuality, against abortion and for death punishment.

Hey, Le Pen, we don't live in the middle ages anymore.

There's some gays at the leadership of the front national, I don't think they are against homosexuality and games rights.

If we keep playing the evil card, the fn will keep rising.

For death penalty, it's purely a populist move. I know a lot of people for the death penalty and while I don't agree with them, it would not stop me being friend with them because they are otherwise very open minded. For some people, when murder or rape children, you don't deserve to anymore.
It's a rather popular opinion on this board. You'll always see someone asking for the death penalty in some threads.
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