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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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My disability benefits are actually based on my autism. I'm not sure I'd be able to get them for fibro. People sometimes do but it can be a very long battle because of how poorly understood the illness is (and its lack of lab results).

You got a shit hand with autism and fibromyalgia, but you're a sensitive loving person and a great artist, and those illnesses haven't been able to stop that 👍🏾 Who we are and what we create mean everything


Got Burritos today and the person I was with got the Guilt Trip

chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, fried potatoes, bacon, cheese, sour cream, and baja sauce.



Jeff Gerstmann

My dad had to fight tooth and nail to get disability benefits after having a stroke, which was just eventually replaced with Social Security and they recently cut his health benefits too. Yay, America!

Were just as fucked in England, for a while the tories were declaring all sorts of people "fit to work" people in coma's (no joke) people with severe autism or downs syndrome, people who couldn't move their arms or legs etc.
It was a fucking epidemic, i swear to god I would hear about at least 4 suicides a week because of it (it was probably way more but that was just the ones I heard about).


Wow that's fucking awful that they'll give you money for being wired differently, but they won't give you a penny for a condition that puts people through awful pain and stiffness.

Yup. And I've been fighting with them a good chunk of this year because they've been messing with my benefits. For a couple of months, I didn't have any health coverage at all because I lost my food stamps due to paperwork nonsense and I had to choose between health insurance and food. It was riveting amounts of fun.

(It goes without saying that the money I do get still keeps me very thoroughly at the poverty line. I make it work.)

You got a shit hand with autism and fibromyalgia, but you're a sensitive loving person and a great artist, and those illnesses haven't been able to stop that 👍🏾 Who we are and what we create mean everything

You're sweet. Thanks. <3 It's more that I'm a stubborn ass, honesty.


Yup. And I've been fighting with them a good chunk of this year because they've been messing with my benefits. For a couple of months, I didn't have any health coverage at all because I lost my food stamps due to paperwork nonsense and I had to choose between health insurance and food. It was riveting amounts of fun.

(It goes without saying that the money I do get still keeps me very thoroughly at the poverty line. I make it work.)

You're sweet. Thanks. <3 It's more that I'm a stubborn ass, honesty.

Jesus man, i respect your attitude towards that, I'm known for breaking down in circumstances like that, the last time my family went completely broke I had a mental break down and had to cover it up.
Seriously fuck financial stress.


Jesus man, i respect your attitude towards that, I'm known for breaking down in circumstances like that, the last time my family went completely broke I had a mental break down and had to cover it up.
Seriously fuck financial stress.

Oh, I flipped out for sure. Just like everyone with autism, I don't handle sudden change very well. But I eventually had to hunker down, get on the phone and deal with it. It just took forever and hours upon hours on hold.


Oh, I flipped out for sure. Just like everyone with autism, I don't handle sudden change very well. But I eventually had to hunker down, get on the phone and deal with it. It just took forever and hours upon hours on hold.

Yeah i need to hunker down right now, my family is falling apart and in financial free fall, i need a job and I need to start helping them out and slowly working to get out of the house, my brother is 25 and in the exact same position as me, still living with us, I won't fucking be like that, if I'm living with my mum and dad at 25 I will hang myself.
Ps that last part wasn't knocking older people who live with their parents, times are tough thats just how I personally feel about my situation, i can't stand the idea of burdening them much longer.
It's more common than people think. And because it manifests itself in so many different ways and levels of severity, people are often ignorant and judge you. For instance, mine is debilitating whereas I know a person who is still able to maintain a full-time job with it.

(Thus, I get comments like, "Well, my friend can work with it. Why can't you? You're just lazy."
Huh, fair enough. And fuck anyone with so little empathy and/or intelligence to say shit like that. If someone says they can't do something because of an actual diagnosed illness, they can't fucking do it. Ugh. Sorry you have to deal with so much shit pal, you really don't deserve it <3


Yeah i need to hunker down right now, my family is falling apart and in financial free fall, i need a job and I need to start helping them out and slowly working to get out of the house, my brother is 25 and in the exact same position as me, still living with us, I won't fucking be like that, if I'm living with my mum and dad at 25 I will hang myself.
Ps that last part wasn't knocking older people who live with their parents, times are tough thats just how I personally feel about my situation, i can't stand the idea of burdening them much longer.

I understand. I'm on my own but I don't think I can take care of myself much longer and am in the position of having to move back in with my mom (which would be torturous). I keep telling myself I'll jump off a cliff first. It's a horrible thought.

Huh, fair enough. And fuck anyone with so little empathy and/or intelligence to say shit like that. If someone says they can't do something because of an actual diagnosed illness, they can't fucking do it. Ugh. Sorry you have to deal with so much shit pal, you really don't deserve it <3

Thanks, breh. People don't really understand chronic illnesses and pain until they have them themselves. And I hope they never do. I just got used to people saying shit out of sheer ignorance.


irresponsible vagina leak
Alright heres what you need
Tub of bleach
comfortable place to die
I promise you that even though it will hurt incredibly, the real pain of having to be bored will die faster than you.

TBH I simply need to get out more but living with my parents kinda mess with that and also not having money. Florida can't come soon enough tbh.
What sucks for me is I have no idea with my life besides put in a bunch of applications and hope I get hired.

My ability to learn and remember important things suck beyond measure. I start to wonder if going to college would be worth it.

I really should hire one of you to teach me how to program and shit. I just hope you have the patience of a saint. Having ADD sucks ass beyond measure.


irresponsible vagina leak
What sucks for me is I have no idea with my life besides put in a bunch of applications and hope I get hired.

My ability to learn and remember important things suck beyond measure. I start to wonder if going to college would be worth it.

I really should hire one of you to teach me how to program and shit. I just hope you have the patience of a saint. Having ADD sucks ass beyond measure.

You should try youtube tutorials. You can go at your own pace and replay stuff if needed. I did hello world a basic calculator and a pacman clone before dropping it. lol

It wasn't good enough! :( haha

I gotta be at LEAST 1:30 when I first see the Zeta Metroid, if I can nail that, the last sections (Omega Nest and Genetic Labs) are EASY PEASY

You got a shit hand with autism and fibromyalgia, but you're a sensitive loving person and a great artist, and those illnesses haven't been able to stop that &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533; Who we are and what we create mean everything

Just wanted to +1 this, especially the bolded. We've been talking for a while jb and you're an amazing person. The hand of life you've been dealt is super fucked

There are other things you can nail feng.
Me of course.

I will try to be around for the next stream. Been missing those streams dude.

Ayo. haha

Yeah man, not having you and jb together in the chat doesn't FEEL right (cue lewd joke), don't think I haven't forgotten about doing a Killer7 stream either. The want for AM2R just too strong though


irresponsible vagina leak
I really wanna re-do that AM2R stream I did the other day, I think I can nail completion time under 2hr

There are other things you can nail feng.
Me of course.

I will try to be around for the next stream. Been missing those streams dude.


I puked!

I had brisket for lunch and I was so full from that I decided to have grapes for dinner. Apparently grapes have a lot of acid in them because it wasn't a pleasant mix and up it went :eek:


It wasn't good enough! :( haha

I gotta be at LEAST 1:30 when I first see the Zeta Metroid, if I can nail that, the last sections (Omega Nest and Genetic Labs) are EASY PEASY

Just wanted to +1 this, especially the bolded. We've been talking for a while jb and you're an amazing person. The hand of life you've been dealt is super fucked

It's not the way I wanted my life to turn out, for sure. But it's not all bad, honestly. It really forced me to realize that lusting after material shit is ultimately, in the end completely immaterial. I really started to prioritize the people in my life and that's kept me going for years, made me a stronger and better person. I probably would have figured this out eventually but it was a good lesson for someone in his early 20s.

And I have little doubt that you'll kick Metroid ass. You always do.


Also it kind of goes without saying but I'll say it anyway: josh you are a god damn champion. it is totally inspiring to hear about you pressing on despite the difficult hand you were dealt and it encourages me to do the same.

You are also right about illness giving you perspective. Life is so much more about experiences than it is things and when I get well enough to travel again I'm coming your way for beers and/or coffee :)


Also it kind of goes without saying but I'll say it anyway: josh you are a god damn champion. it is totally inspiring to hear about you pressing on despite the difficult hand you were dealt and it encourages me to do the same.

You are also right about illness giving you perspective. Life is so much more about experiences than it is things and when I get well enough to travel again I'm coming your way for beers and/or coffee :)

Bring it on.


irresponsible vagina leak
I have never played a game like Devil May Cry.

Should I buy DMC4SE??

Should've I played DMC 1-3??

Go for it. It's quite fun and you dont really need to play the other games to enjoy it. Sure the stories have connection but they are unimportant. If you get it on Steam you might be able to refund it if you don't enjoy it. You have 2 hours to decide if you like it or not (Do not pass the 2 hour mark)
Go for it. It's quite fun and you dont really need to play the other games to enjoy it. Sure the stories have connection but they are unimportant. If you get it on Steam you might be able to refund it if you don't enjoy it. You have 2 hours to decide if you like it or not (Do not pass the 2 hour mark)

I'll have to remember when everything gets settled down.

Guy wants to buy my SF Giants tickets.

He lives in Nevada but has a private seller that will get the tickets for him.

Sketchy or sketchiest?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Apples are dope
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