Y'all are going to make me circulate dick pics
If it helps, you'll probably get compliments.
Y'all are going to make me circulate dick pics
To be fair it's more like a very very very bitter person being a bitch but it didn't work, this timeIf it's any consolation, you don't get to be a Josh without making a few gaping mistakes every now and then.![]()
You had enough opportunities to visit me in Cologne but you choose Gamescom over meI'm going to find you!
To be fair it's more like a very very very bitter person being a bitch but it didn't work, this time
Edit: forgot to add, creepy,obsessive, insane, ect.
You had enough opportunities to visit me in Cologne but you choose Gamescom over me
Your ex?
To be fair it's more like a very very very bitter person being a bitch but it didn't work, this time
Edit: forgot to add, creepy,obsessive, insane, ect.
I thought you were there?
If I was there I would have suggested a date for us zwei Hübschen. Nope, I was working those days plus not interested in GC anymore
Not my very last ex but one of them, yeah -_- . Weirdly reads my posts here lol
I'm sure I'll get a snapchat with this post being shown and her middle finger like usual lolThat is definitely creepy and obsessive. If you're reading this post, hey, Josh's ex!
Somewhere in this thread this is happening![]()
My GF has a scary ex she is afraid of but thankfully hasn't seen in a long time. She said he used to act stalkery/scary
Ooh, stalkers! I could fill a notebook with those.
She's the first and last girl I'll ever let see me post here lolJosh Ex be jealous he is all ours now bwah ha ha ha!
Ooh, stalkers! I could fill a notebook with those.
I'm sure I'll get a snapchat with this post being shown and her middle finger like usual lol
I want a 500 page book out of it minimal. Give all details in the most Tolkien way as possible.
This could get fun lolWant us to show her something else instead?
One becomes a...stalkerer? 🤔Um... I was the one being stalked. You don't reverse stalk a stalker.
Um... I was the one being stalked. You don't reverse stalk a stalker.
CONTINUAL REMINDER THAT...Phoebe in Friends did it!
(That might not be the best example...)
Got my new computer
now just to turn it on and see if it works
I can confirm.
Ooh, stalkers! I could fill a notebook with those.
I'm sure I'll get a snapchat with this post being shown and her middle finger like usual lol
This could get fun lol
no one ever seems to stalk me![]()
Um... I was the one being stalked. You don't reverse stalk a stalker.
Phoebe in Friends did it!
(That might not be the best example...)
nicethe colorful backlit keyboard looked fun. I have one of those too :O
no one ever seems to stalk me![]()
if that dude showed up in her life again I'd finally get to use my batman skills in a real life setting
(hopefully he's a tire)
Might not want to lament that in a thread that a known stalker is known to read.![]()
As far as stalkers go, it's usually ideal to confront them once you confirm the pattern. That usually shuts them up, unless of course they get off on scaring/antagonizing you.
Pshh, amateur. If you must stalk your stalker, get your friends to do it for you instead!
oh, in her case, this dude actually sounded like the scary type. she said she called the police on him before. it sounds like her time with me is an oasis of peace after a lot of chaos because I am so quiet and boring
Okay that was a good twist. Almost makes up for all the bullshit, actually.
Oh, good. I haven't seen it yet but I'm looking forward to this evening.
Also FloatOn has been pretty quiet. Taking artistically pleasing dick pics?
In class love
One of the things I enjoy is talking shots at games/movies/whatever that I dislike -- And I won't shy away from taking a cheap shot or being somewhat hyperbolic. I think I just called No Country for Old Men one of the worst movies ever or something.
Sometimes Neogaffers use this as an opportunity to make an ad hominem attack. I don't care, but it's an interesting observation. If someone doesn't like a game that I like I don't use it as a reason to attack them.
The sharpening filter on that game is gross. It's why I'm getting it on PC, to avoid crap like that.trying to play mankind divided again, the on rails bit at the start of the second mission is un fucking bearable, I swear to god this better be the only un-skippable on rails cutscene in the game.
One of the things I enjoy is talking shots at games/movies/whatever that I dislike -- And I won't shy away from taking a cheap shot or being somewhat hyperbolic. I think I just called No Country for Old Men one of the worst movies ever or something. And I called the Coen Brothers the Shit Brothers
Sometimes Neogaffers use this as an opportunity to make an ad hominem attack. I don't care, but it's an interesting observation. If someone doesn't like a game that I like I don't use it as a reason to attack them.
This is the shit I come back to?
While I think NCFOM is good not great, The Big Lebowski is one of my favourite films, and Fargo is not too far behind.