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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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It would be nice to be confident in my ability to learn, so I can get a college education.

Another thing that would be not be randomly irritated this morning.

Okay, bit of a drive-by here, but A) conscientiousness ("grit") is going to be much more valuable in actually getting the degree than learning ability is. If you are a mediocre student, but you are able to consistently stick to that, you'll get that degree. And B) whether or not the degree actually improves anything in terms of whether or not it will provide skills you can't acquire for free.
While the boomer world is not going to come back, a lot of valuable skills today can be learned for free: SEO, programming, hardcore Excel stuff, etc. Creative crafts (writing, drawing, sculpting, etc) are even worse on that end in the sense that education will only work when you already have the basics down.

So before spending far too much money on something you may not need, make a "wild speculative" list of jobs you might want and the skills associated with them. You will find that a lot of them are not specific to an education. Even filmmaking does not require formal education. You just have to show you can make stuff and learn from it. Youtube is a fantastic medium for that at least.

edit: FUCK, top of the page. Just my luck.
edit 2: eh, it had to be somewhere.


I'll make a gif for Em! I'll do it! Tell me what to do. Give me an idea

this might test your skills but if you can slow this down a bit and add appropriate avatars over faces it would be dope

Em! <3

You doing any better? Retro from Gafia was asking after you on Discord

Was he? That's nice of him. He's a good guy, I definitely want to meet up with him cause he's in Tucson too.

Hey, Em.

How are things?

Fine I guess, things have gotten confusing and I still hurt but I no longer want to drink bleach so...progress?

Maybe a gif of Windum getting fucked up would cheer you up?

I don't know I've kind of lost my spiteful fire
Was he? That's nice of him. He's a good guy, I definitely want to meet up with him cause he's in Tucson too.

Fine I guess, things have gotten confusing and I still hurt but I no longer want to drink bleach so...progress?

I don't know I've kind of lost my spiteful fire

Cool, I've just sent him a quick message letting him know you're back.

And hey, we're all here for you. Things may be rough now, but they'll get better and we'll try our best to help you get back there


I'll do something once I have an idea :D

And I can say based on my own experience that it gets better with time. Things come in phases. Losing the desire to drink bleach is completion of phase 1. It'll keep getting better. :)

God all this talk about drinking bleach is making me crave some, picture it now, a nice tall cool glass of bleach, perfect for a hot summer days suicide.
I got dumped on Saturday, right before I was supposed go play Magic with my friends, and it was via text message. She said she just didn't see much of a future, and that I was a great person and would make someone really happy and showed her so much love and kindness, but it wasn't working. She said she knows she wants to marry someone like me, but not me. I was furious. I cussed her out, I told her that was such bullshit, I was not cool, at all. Emotions were running high and I just...I lashed out. I regretted it the next day. It was not pretty, and I hurt her just as much as she hurt me. I didn't realize it at the time but I did. It was an awful thing to do, because after I read it back it was obvious she was just trying to be honest and explain things the best way she could. But I shut her down.

So the next day, I sent her a text to apologize in regards to my behavior. I wasn't looking to get back together or anything but...I dunno, I just wanted to make things right. She forgave me and I told her I would still send her the sweatshirt I had bought her, to which she said she felt bad about my buying. But i had already bought it weeks ago so I just told her to look at it like a peace offering or something. She agreed, we stopped talking.

I didn't hear from her at all on Monday. I didn't text her; I was flying and felt like crying the entire time. Broke down in the Atlanta airport a bit while eating lo mein, got on my flight to Providence, and forced myself to sleep because I hadn't slept well at all since. Got home and I was just a bitch to my mom, but it was deserved so I didn't really care.

As usual, mom made it about her. "We tried to make you like yourself!! You have to be confident!! What did we do wrong?? You always choose the hard path!! (This was in regards to me liking girls which sparked a WHOLE other argument but I digress). Being home has made me realize how much I don't want to live here. I love my family, but they hurt me. I came home for a vacation and instead all I'm getting is criticism. Other than that it's a nice way to relax. Meeting up with my old roommate, who ironically just broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated. Again.

Tuesday afternoon I get a text from her. It's just her saying hi. We talk for a bit, agree to try the friend thing, but after she went to bed I just felt really confused. Obviously I still have feelings for her, and I don't have an expectation on her end for us to get back together because I don't think that's happening at all and I've accepted that, but I just feel like there's something she's not telling me.

We talked a bit yesterday too. She accidentally called me babe and apologized, but part of me thinks it was kind of intentional. She mentioned something about a problem with her friends and how she always has a hard time moving on, to which I now think was about me but didn't realize at the time. The rest of the conversation was just about how classes were and how she's excited to go party on Saturday. Nothing really special.

I don't feel like I'm being led on. She dumped me, not the other way around, and I'm not gonna wait for her to figure her shit out, cause obviously she needs to. I'll help how I can, and I can be friends, but I just don't know what she's doing now. Is she in as much pain as I am? Does she miss me? I don't know. I won't ask cause I don't think I want the answers.

I don't want to date anytime soon though. Some dude at work is thirsting hard and it's kinda pissing me off.


Sometimes a clean break is better...

Totally not trying to tell you what to do but just relating my experience. It leads to less confusion.


I got dumped on Saturday, right before I was supposed go play Magic with my friends, and it was via text message. She said she just didn't see much of a future, and that I was a great person and would make someone really happy and showed her so much love and kindness, but it wasn't working. She said she knows she wants to marry someone like me, but not me. I was furious. I cussed her out, I told her that was such bullshit, I was not cool, at all. Emotions were running high and I just...I lashed out. I regretted it the next day. It was not pretty, and I hurt her just as much as she hurt me. I didn't realize it at the time but I did. It was an awful thing to do, because after I read it back it was obvious she was just trying to be honest and explain things the best way she could. But I shut her down.

So the next day, I sent her a text to apologize in regards to my behavior. I wasn't looking to get back together or anything but...I dunno, I just wanted to make things right. She forgave me and I told her I would still send her the sweatshirt I had bought her, to which she said she felt bad about my buying. But i had already bought it weeks ago so I just told her to look at it like a peace offering or something. She agreed, we stopped talking.

I didn't hear from her at all on Monday. I didn't text her; I was flying and felt like crying the entire time. Broke down in the Atlanta airport a bit while eating lo mein, got on my flight to Providence, and forced myself to sleep because I hadn't slept well at all since. Got home and I was just a bitch to my mom, but it was deserved so I didn't really care.

As usual, mom made it about her. "We tried to make you like yourself!! You have to be confident!! What did we do wrong?? You always choose the hard path!! (This was in regards to me liking girls which sparked a WHOLE other argument but I digress). Being home has made me realize how much I don't want to live here. I love my family, but they hurt me. I came home for a vacation and instead all I'm getting is criticism. Other than that it's a nice way to relax. Meeting up with my old roommate, who ironically just broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated. Again.

Tuesday afternoon I get a text from her. It's just her saying hi. We talk for a bit, agree to try the friend thing, but after she went to bed I just felt really confused. Obviously I still have feelings for her, and I don't have an expectation on her end for us to get back together because I don't think that's happening at all and I've accepted that, but I just feel like there's something she's not telling me.

We talked a bit yesterday too. She accidentally called me babe and apologized, but part of me thinks it was kind of intentional. She mentioned something about a problem with her friends and how she always has a hard time moving on, to which I now think was about me but didn't realize at the time. The rest of the conversation was just about how classes were and how she's excited to go party on Saturday. Nothing really special.

I don't feel like I'm being led on. She dumped me, not the other way around, and I'm not gonna wait for her to figure her shit out, cause obviously she needs to. I'll help how I can, and I can be friends, but I just don't know what she's doing now. Is she in as much pain as I am? Does she miss me? I don't know. I won't ask cause I don't think I want the answers.

I don't want to date anytime soon though. Some dude at work is thirsting hard and it's kinda pissing me off.

Do you think she was expecting you to pursue her instead of letting it go and she's trying to reinitiate since you more or less started moving on?
Hard to be friends immediately in a situation like that. May make sense to block contact with her for a time so you can heal. For many people talking just keeps the door/wound open (wound or door depends on whether there's a reconciliation).

I won't ask cause I don't think I want the answers.

Do you not want the answers from her or speculation from anyone?
Do you think she was expecting you to pursue her instead of letting it go?

I told her exactly what I wanted. That I didn't want her to go, I wanted to make things work. She knows exactly how I feel, and that I would still do anything for her, despite it all.

I'm just trying to respect her feelings here. If she thinks it's not gonna happen, I'm not gonna follow her around and beg her to stay. She's an adult, and she can decide who she wants in her life and to what capacity.
Hard to be friends immediately in a situation like that. May make sense to block contact with her for a time so you can heal. For many people talking just keeps the door/wound open (wound or door depends on whether there's a reconciliation).

Do you not want the answers from her or speculation from anyone?

From her. I'm afraid I'm going to hear something equally as painful.


Redmond's Baby
Received some unfiltered beer from one of the sales representatives today. And it is good. Really good.
As usual, mom made it about her. "We tried to make you like yourself!! You have to be confident!! What did we do wrong?? You always choose the hard path!! (This was in regards to me liking girls which sparked a WHOLE other argument but I digress). Being home has made me realize how much I don't want to live here. I love my family, but they hurt me. I came home for a vacation and instead all I'm getting is criticism.

Why did I know the second bit as soon 'we tried to make you' came up? :\

Other than that ditching family permanently is really not that big a deal.


I got dumped on Saturday, right before I was supposed go play Magic with my friends, and it was via text message. She said she just didn't see much of a future, and that I was a great person and would make someone really happy and showed her so much love and kindness, but it wasn't working. She said she knows she wants to marry someone like me, but not me. I was furious. I cussed her out, I told her that was such bullshit, I was not cool, at all. Emotions were running high and I just...I lashed out. I regretted it the next day. It was not pretty, and I hurt her just as much as she hurt me. I didn't realize it at the time but I did. It was an awful thing to do, because after I read it back it was obvious she was just trying to be honest and explain things the best way she could. But I shut her down.

So the next day, I sent her a text to apologize in regards to my behavior. I wasn't looking to get back together or anything but...I dunno, I just wanted to make things right. She forgave me and I told her I would still send her the sweatshirt I had bought her, to which she said she felt bad about my buying. But i had already bought it weeks ago so I just told her to look at it like a peace offering or something. She agreed, we stopped talking.

I didn't hear from her at all on Monday. I didn't text her; I was flying and felt like crying the entire time. Broke down in the Atlanta airport a bit while eating lo mein, got on my flight to Providence, and forced myself to sleep because I hadn't slept well at all since. Got home and I was just a bitch to my mom, but it was deserved so I didn't really care.

As usual, mom made it about her. "We tried to make you like yourself!! You have to be confident!! What did we do wrong?? You always choose the hard path!! (This was in regards to me liking girls which sparked a WHOLE other argument but I digress). Being home has made me realize how much I don't want to live here. I love my family, but they hurt me. I came home for a vacation and instead all I'm getting is criticism. Other than that it's a nice way to relax. Meeting up with my old roommate, who ironically just broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated. Again.

Tuesday afternoon I get a text from her. It's just her saying hi. We talk for a bit, agree to try the friend thing, but after she went to bed I just felt really confused. Obviously I still have feelings for her, and I don't have an expectation on her end for us to get back together because I don't think that's happening at all and I've accepted that, but I just feel like there's something she's not telling me.

We talked a bit yesterday too. She accidentally called me babe and apologized, but part of me thinks it was kind of intentional. She mentioned something about a problem with her friends and how she always has a hard time moving on, to which I now think was about me but didn't realize at the time. The rest of the conversation was just about how classes were and how she's excited to go party on Saturday. Nothing really special.

I don't feel like I'm being led on. She dumped me, not the other way around, and I'm not gonna wait for her to figure her shit out, cause obviously she needs to. I'll help how I can, and I can be friends, but I just don't know what she's doing now. Is she in as much pain as I am? Does she miss me? I don't know. I won't ask cause I don't think I want the answers.

I don't want to date anytime soon though. Some dude at work is thirsting hard and it's kinda pissing me off.

I have been in a similar position before and the only thing I can say to do is continue living your life, if she gets her head straight and wants to get back with you she will, if not you will find someone else when you're ready and the opportunity affords itself.
As for that guy thirsting, just like be straight with him, you are a lesbian right? that's always been enough to tell a guy to make him lose interest from what I've seen.


That's sarcasm, I knew it, I mention the gym too much, okay new rule, I wont talk about the gym unless someone asked a workout/gym question and I decide to answer it.
Lmao, no, dont worry.
I was asking the guy from the pics, cos he has a good shape overall.
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