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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Alright look....He's way bigger than me, he's 6 foot 5 and he has beautiful olive skin, I just cant stand the idea of bruising such nice skin


legit lol

I'm restricted to a goddamn APU for graphics now.

The Witcher 3 is painful to play. No Mankind Divided or Dishonored 2 until I get a new one. I'm a good person. I don't deserve this.

damn that blows.

I have one of these things and it has saved my ass in all kinds of ways all kinds of times https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FBK3QK/?tag=neogaf0e-20 it really is probably the best $140 I've ever spent on anything


I catch feelings too easily, I don't think I could do FWB.


back when I was going through the divorce I had this long distance FWB situation going on. I would see her when I did travel for business.

we are still friends and she may come in december to visit/bang :eek:

I don't think I could keep a fwb situation going all the time but it's nice to have release every now and again.


Am I wrong here though? Like does it sound like she's giving mixed signals or am I crazy

To me it still sounds like she was expecting you to try and get back together and when you respected her wishes and dropped it she had to start dropping hints to keep you on board.

I mean, I could see it if she broke up with you over a single argument and it was a heat of the moment thing and she just needed space, but a text like that citing reasons why she doesn't think it'll work in the long term and then dropping hints seems odd. She could be really fickle.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
damn that blows.

I have one of these things and it has saved my ass in all kinds of ways all kinds of times https://www.amazon.com/CyberPower-CP...battery+backup it really is probably the best $140 I've ever spent on anything

Will buy.

I mean I don't think I'd be able to do it with a woman, the only reason I'm managing this is because actually having a relationship with a dood isn't something that appeals to me.

Dicks however...


I feel as if I've entered a parallel universe with your thirsting.

That lightning strike fucked up more than I thought.
If you havent I'll gladly send you my pics.
They're good pics, just saying

Also I guess since I'm apparently doing this sort of thing now, I'll also extend that offer but for my pics to the thread because fuck it why not >_>

Fun fact: once I start doing a thing and it goes ok I kind of lose any semblence of embarrassment about it
To me it still sounds like she was expecting you to try and get back together and when you respected her wishes and dropped it she had to start dropping hints to keep you on board.

I mean, I could see it if she broke up with you over a single argument and it was a heat of the moment thing and she just needed space, but a text like that citing reasons why she doesn't think it'll work in the long term and then dropping hints seems odd. She could be really fickle.

She's told me before that she's afraid of people leaving because she got really badly hurt once and so she always leaves first, and that she was scared of me leaving. And then she was like "when I start falling for someone I get terrified" so...my gut feeling is that she's afraid of the possibility of getting roasted emotionally and panicked and dumped me. I called her out on it and she said it wasn't true when it first happened, but I still believe that's the case here. I just wish she'd admit it.

She didn't even give specific reasons as to why it wouldn't work, she just said that "something was off". Like...what?
She's told me before that she's afraid of people leaving because she got really badly hurt once and so she always leaves first, and that she was scared of me leaving. And then she was like "when I start falling for someone I get terrified" so...my gut feeling is that she's afraid of the possibility of getting roasted emotionally and panicked and dumped me. I called her out on it and she said it wasn't true when it first happened, but I still believe that's the case here. I just wish she'd admit it.

She didn't even give specific reasons as to why it wouldn't work, she just said that "something was off". Like...what?

Speaking only from experience, you may have inadvertently dodged a bullet here.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'd just like to point out that this is page 69 on 100ppp and how fitting that is

You need some competition, we can't have you being complacent

You know I am
69 is not as hot as everyone make it to be. Also I will have to sword fight you with my cock to remain the king of lewdness in here.

I know you are and keep enjoying it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


She's told me before that she's afraid of people leaving because she got really badly hurt once and so she always leaves first, and that she was scared of me leaving. And then she was like "when I start falling for someone I get terrified" so...my gut feeling is that she's afraid of the possibility of getting roasted emotionally and panicked and dumped me. I called her out on it and she said it wasn't true when it first happened, but I still believe that's the case here. I just wish she'd admit it.

She didn't even give specific reasons as to why it wouldn't work, she just said that "something was off". Like...what?

That would explain the cliche breakup lines...

And if that's the case then the "something was off" would probably be her thinking there's a problem where there is none because there can't NOT be a problem, right?

Again it's all speculation and you won't know for sure until she tells you but I'm trying to make an educated guess to the best of my ability knowing what I know of having a fear of people leaving from my own personal experience. That kind of feeling is hard to deal with and either makes you clingy or force everyone out because it gives you the weird satisfaction of having control by fulfilling the isolation fear yourself.
Fair enough. It sometimes happen with straight people, but they generally tend to try to avoid that.
I just think it's important that gay being okay doesn't ever blend into straight is wrong. Acceptance for all! :)

I mean I'm bi as fuck, but my recently married older brother wouldn't entertain the notion for an attosecond

I'd just like to point out that this is page 69 on 100ppp and how fitting that is

Ew, 69

And yes, please give Rafa a run for his money!
Speaking only from experience, you may have inadvertently dodged a bullet here.

No joke I'd stop while you're ahead

That would explain the cliche breakup lines...

And if that's the case then the "something was off" would probably be her thinking there's a problem where there is none because there can't NOT be a problem, right?

Again it's all speculation and you won't know for sure until she tells you but I'm trying to make an educated guess to the best of my ability knowing what I know of having a fear of people leaving from my own personal experience. That kind of feeling is hard to deal with and either makes you clingy or force everyone out because it gives you the weird satisfaction of having control by fulfilling the isolation fear yourself.

She won't tell me. Getting her to talk is like trying to make Jake have sex with a woman.


irresponsible vagina leak
And yes, please give Rafa a run for his money!

Oh, you think the lewdness is his ally, he merely adopted the lewdness. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the pureness until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but boring! The lewdness betrays him, because it belong to me.

In front of everybody?


What are the rules?

Whoever stabs first wins.
Started writing a reply, but work interrupted:

From her. I'm afraid I'm going to hear something equally as painful.

Had a slow painful breakup when I was 22. She was 21 and thought it was over. 8 months later we were "officially" (wtf) back together and have been together ever since (13 years now). Post breakup was awful, and the uncertainty of those months was an emotional rollercoaster I never wish to experience again.

At the time I was convinced she was "the one", but not all that long after we got back together I really accepted that there were and are a lot of people I could probably be in a happy relationship with. I am happy now, but I accept that I could have been happy if my life had taken a different arc.

You seem more well informed and mature in this regard than I was, but I'm just throwing it out to explain my actions.

Am I wrong here though? Like does it sound like she's giving mixed signals or am I crazy

She probably is because she is feeling mixed things; the withdrawal you're going through will be affecting her as well. You can exploit this if you want, like I did, but again, shitty emotional rollercoaster even if ultimately successful.

re: FWB, you may be better off with one-night stands to avoid catching sex-related feelings especially on the rebound. Sex is great for feeling better.

Taylor Swift's All You Had to Do Was Stay is fucking me up good right now 😥

Broke down in the middle of a concert I was at because the singer covered "piece of my heart". Like balling on the grass in a tent at a festival by myself.
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