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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Only a part of sexual gratification is mechanical. A lot of it (at least for me) is psychological. The idea of a guy giving me oral sex does absolutely nothing stimulating for me psychologically, so it'd be impossible for it to be better than from a woman.

Same for me but in reverse.


irresponsible vagina leak


That reminded me of Kim Kardashian's sex tape. That was basically a dude fucking a couch. Even sex dolls put more effort than her based on that vid.

There is this odd phenomenon that I've experienced where the hotter the girl thinks she is the less effort she puts into the fucking. Purely anecdotal btw.

Funky Papa

There is this odd phenomenon that I've experienced where the hotter the girl thinks she is the less effort she puts into the fucking. Purely anecdotal btw.

The girl I'm talking about is a solid 11/10 and small time lingerie model.

It checks.

It really goes on to show that there's no link between hotness and bedroom talent.


Sometimes it's fun to just sit there and let sex happen to you. Especially when you're too exhausted to give a shit, but it still feels good.

Dealing with this from past girlfriends was honestly not fun, I can't even remotely get into it if my partner isn't making an effort, when their just lying there borderline asleep it's fucking creepy.
The girl I'm talking about is a solid 11/10 and small time lingerie model.

It checks.

It really goes on to show that there's no link between hotness and bedroom talent.

Has hotness ever been an indicator of bedroom talent? Besides experience maybe, hotness is mostly an indicator of progeny fitness.

I like being ridden ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've done this too. I know how much I like it sometimes, so I'm happy to return the favor on occasion.


Redmond's Baby
Well, went home nicely drunk from the pub and some foreign girl comes to me and asked me if I know where certain address is. She was looking for a hostel close to my path home, so I told her to follow me. And she suddenly whistles and six more girls appear from the darkness.

I felt like a shepherd, guiding a flock to the barn.

Oh they were from Germany (Berlin to be precise). And they wanted to know everything about this town. At least they nicely thanked me and we went different paths at the final crossroad.

Funky Papa

Has hotness ever been an indicator of bedroom talent? Besides experience maybe, hotness is mostly an indicator of progeny fitness.
People tend to gush thinking about hot doodz/dudettes and the awesome sex they'd have with them given the chance, ignoring that this is a 80% attitude 20% experience kind of game. Even a relative n00b can put out an excellent performance.

My friend dated someone who worked at Hot Dog on a Stick.
I actually had to google that. How are those uniforms not considered a form of cruel and unusual punishment?

Well, went home nicely drunk from the pub and some foreign girl comes to me and asked me if I know where certain address is. She was looking for a hostel close to my path home, so I told her to follow me. And she suddenly whistles and six more girls appear from the darkness.

I felt like a shepherd, guiding a flock to the barn.

Oh they were from Germany (Berlin to be precise).
Berlin you say? I've seen that movie. Remember to use ointment for a couple of weeks.


Well my friend might have just ruined my official coming out by being a fucking moron. Also his fucking relationship and my friendship with his girlfriend.


Hi c:

Is he not accepting of it or is he just acting like a prick about it? when my friends found out about me a few of them would make stupid jokes, don't drop anything and the like, it bothered me a little until it died down and they realised their all ugly and I wouldn't fuck them with a ten foot pole.


I've done this too. I know how much I like it sometimes, so I'm happy to return the favor on occasion.

I have to think being ridden is better if you're a man. Being bigger and having a penis makes it work out very well mechanically and depending on your relationship dynamic it can play very well into the roles you assume. She gets to feel like a fuckable little bird and the man gets to feel like a big boss.
Is he not accepting of it or is he just acting like a prick about it? when my friends found out about me a few of them would make stupid jokes, don't drop anything and the like, it bothered me a little until it died down and they realised their all ugly and I wouldn't fuck them with a ten foot pole.
Oh no nothing like that, he just brought up something which he really fucking shouldn't have mentioned


irresponsible vagina leak

You can bounce on mine!

EDIT: This is another good song


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm really drunk ask me anything


Has hotness ever been an indicator of bedroom talent? Besides experience maybe, hotness is mostly an indicator of progeny fitness.

My theory is that if you consider yourself attractive you subconsciously think that the person you are with should consider themselves fortunate to be with you in the first place so why put any effort into it?

The opposite effect has been true for me anecdotally at least. Whenever I have dated less attractive girls they have been amazing at sex.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm really drunk ask me anything

When was the last time you had sex?
If you could punch someone right now who would it be?
Who is the hottest FakeGaffer?
Most annoying FakeGaffer?
What are you craving now?
Last text message your receive?
Last call you received?
Best food ever?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Do you think I'm hot or cute?
Can I have a dick pic?
Do you want a dick pic?
Are you freaked out by Vazra's impact on me?
idk, I'm not gay or a straight female. You also look like a blonde version of my brother so this makes it extra awkward.
No again. Vaz can have as many disciples as he pleases.

How may jumps in a row do you think you can make with a jumping rope right now?

When was the last time you had sex?
If you could punch someone right now who would it be?
Who is the hottest FakeGaffer?
Most annoying FakeGaffer?
What are you craving now?
Last text message your receive?
Last call you received?
Best food ever?
Five years ago.
Trab and Lilith are tied, they are different flavors however.
Annoying? HAHAHA. I got you all beat, suckas.
Ice cream.
Some stupid spam from Verizon
Interview call.


My theory is that if you consider yourself attractive you subconsciously think that the person you are with should consider themselves fortunate to be with you in the first place so why put any effort into it?

The opposite effect has been true for me anecdotally at least. Whenever I have dated less attractive girls they have been amazing at sex.

I don't think there's much correlation, tbh.

if anything someone with more confidence is more likely to be better in bed
My theory is that if you consider yourself attractive you subconsciously think that the person you are with should consider themselves fortunate to be with you in the first place so why put any effort into it?

The opposite effect has been true for me anecdotally at least. Whenever I have dated less attractive girls they have been amazing at sex.

I have no point of reference since I've only been with other attractive people, so you might be right. However (merely speculating) it seems like it's not a matter of how attractive you are on some objective scale, but in relation to the person you're with. Maybe I'm wrong.

And of course this is all generalizing.

I have to think being ridden is better if you're a man. Being bigger and having a penis makes it work out very well mechanically and depending on your relationship dynamic it can play very well into the roles you assume. She gets to feel like a fuckable little bird and the man gets to feel like a big boss.

Yeah there's a lot to it. It's not the same, but I think it's equitable.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Why'd you start drinking so early?
What flavors are trab and lilith?
How's the PSU doing?
Because it's Friday and my day off from the gym and work.
Red and blue. Are those flavors? I like them both tho. Pomegranate and blueberry
AWESOME. I can play PC games now. You are the man
Semen question: WTF!!! No

And this is why I'm not making a drunk AMA anytime soon.
lol don't be a Sol


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Should I aspire to shitpost like Clydefrog?
What the hell is a Hot Dog on a Stick and why is it so funny?
Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?
Corn dog and it is the best invention ever created by mankind. Do NOT confuse it with cat tail plants
Because of you. You ignorant bastard


irresponsible vagina leak

Why is Monday considered the worst day of the week?
Why am I thirsty?
Why are Trab,Lilith and Em so beautiful?
If you could change a thing about me what would it be?
If you could change a thing about yourself what would it be?
Coke or Pepsi?
Vanilla Ice Cream or Chocolate?
If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it does that mean that pizza is heaven?
Um, I think it bears mentioning that I actually wear a cherry-vanilla perfume, not blueberry. And I rarely sweat so I also never have a salty flavor. Okay, carry on.

- favorite president?
- tea or coffee?
- how awful is socks with sandals?
- last movie you saw?
- if you could change your name to something else, what would it be?
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