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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Autism in Love is great documentary.

I can't watch any documentary on autism, they never get the side I've seen in my life, always too pre-occupied trying to paint the subjects as misunderstood geniuses instead of showing a lot of their negative traits and why people might not want to hang around them.

I had a short documentary made on me for a BBC program back in like 2011 and I thought they were going to show my story and explain the horrible decisions I'd made up to that point, we shot hours of footage of me talking about that stuff.
You now what was in the final film? a bunch of fucking footage of me sitting in places alone , or drawing some shit.
They completely painted over my story with their narrative of "these people are misunderstood", they ignored all the horrible stories I told them, holding a knife to a friends throat when I was 10, spitting on girls, throwing stuff at teachers, the didn;t use any of that, the only reason I wanted to be in that film was because I thought it would help prevent people from doing those things and ending up alone and they didn't use fucking any of it.
Also, a lot of homophobic and transphobic religious people have a hilarious surprise coming to them when they get judged by God him/herself

As it turns out, Jesus will come back as a transgender woman and God is keeping watch on everyone.


I imagine it probably comes down to communication, communication, communication. ;) The hurdles might be greater if you're autistic but the principles in any relationship are the exact same.

She's referring to me. I'm Josh. Nice to meet you.

I'm Andrew, nice to properly make your acquaintance


All this autism talk has got me watching girls with autism again, honestly the only good and accurate autism doc I've ever seen, doesn't pull any punches.


"How can I possibly be human if my own species won't accept me?' this doc is even more cutting and accurate than I remembered.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I just want to drink myself to death. This life isn't worth it.
Get crunk, but don't die.

I mean, I know the feeling. But you know you'd rather be happy or even content than dead, and it's not impossible. Also, we'd miss you.


I was talking to ex bae today and I'm a weird twist of fate she is considering joining the Air Force

That might actually explain the breakup, maybe she feels she's at a crossroads or something and is seeking big change in her life, that would explain the breakup and this airforce thing.
I very briefly considered joining the army once when I felt I was at a crossroads, i also coincidently broke up with my then boyfriend.


irresponsible vagina leak
I just want to say that Jobbs has found a good new gagging gif, so now the pedophile gif can stop being used.

He didnt found that gif you cunt
Did you warn her


She even said she might want to do something hands on like I do


That might actually explain the breakup, maybe she feels she's at a crossroads or something and is seeking big change in her life, that would explain the breakup and this airforce thing.
I very briefly considered joining the army once when I felt I was at a crossroads, i also coincidently broke up with my then boyfriend.

I don't think so. I think she still likes me but she's afraid of the possibility of loving someone and feels like she doesn't deserve it so she bails first before she gets hurt.

She currently goes to college full time and is on a sports team so it's not like she doesn't have stuff to do.



She even said she might want to do something hands on like I do


I don't think so. I think she still likes me but she's afraid of the possibility of loving someone and feels like she doesn't deserve it so she bails first before she gets hurt.

She currently goes to college full time and is on a sports team so it's not like she doesn't have stuff to do.

Yeah, honestly it seems to me that whatever you have with her now isn't quite over, I think you two have yet to really have closure on this, it will probably occur naturally, most of the time it has for me.
I just want to drink myself to death. This life isn't worth it.
I'm gonna share something with you and everyone here. I was a young 25yr old and I did the worst thing I ever did in my entire life. I got hammered one night and slit both my wrists. I was on the floor with a smile bleeding out my life. Now ex gf found me and called 911. Got rushed to the hospital in the ambulance with people poking me the whole time. Hey man you have a lot to live for. Giving me the bs speech everyone says. I got stitched up and got sent right to the psychic ward. It was a week later after being in that horrible place that I realised I was selfish. There are so many people out there that are way off worse than I am. And here I was basically crying for attention. After my recovery I looked at life differently. I didn't have it as bad as i believed. People don't hate me. I realized I had people who actually gave a fuck about me. I felt loved. Something I was lacking. I felt appreciated. For some reason that made me happy. Since then I started looking at life differently. I lost a lot of friends. I lost a lot of relationships. But I wake up every day blessed. To smell the air. To see the blue or cloudy sky. Life's beautiful. It's the most simple fuckin things that make me smile now. Idk if you were joking around, but I said the same things you did. If you want someone to talk to please feel free to message me. I'm here for you and for anyone else who needs a sounding board. I believe in you.
Yeah, honestly it seems to me that whatever you have with her now isn't quite over, I think you two have yet to really have closure on this, it will probably occur naturally, most of the time it has for me.

She called me babe "on accident" which doesn't make sense because she had to physically type it out and most likely read it over before sending it to me so

I'm not gonna dick around for her though, she made a choice


She called me babe "on accident" which doesn't make sense because she had to physically type it out and most likely read it over before sending it to me so

I'm not gonna dick around for her though, she made a choice

Good, don't waste time playing games, you seem to have your situation well in hand and I'm sure you'll make the right call about how to progress.


Reading these hook up stories while listening to 3Teeth - Consent is oddly appropriate.

Trying to think of awkward. Hm, probably (post) high school when fooling around with the girl I went to senior prom with (mostly as friends, but I decided to make a night of it and it worked/was reciprocated).

However it was during the hook up that a switch went off in my brain that I didn't want to be with this person and couldn't possibly go further with this.

I felt awful about it because I think she developed feelings, but yeah to go from making out one minute to sleeping in separate rooms, that was pretty bad.

Thank god high school/soon after grad is over.
Good, don't waste time playing games, you seem to have your situation well in hand and I'm sure you'll make the right call about how to progress.

I miss her though. Like a lot. If she wanted to get back together and I was available I know I would in a heartbeat.

But I'm not banking or relying on it. However, I also don't want to date anyone right now.


Wow, Girls with autism, fucking powerful stuff. Seriously the only good and accurate documentary on Autism I've ever seen, in each of the girls they focused on i saw a little bit of myself in them, it was emotionally intense, it made me remember so pretty vivid memories I'd buried from my years of being in an auts school.
It pulled absolutely no punches, it was completely willing to show you the ugly side of it, the side most documentaries on autism blatantly ignore. Amazing camera work for a documentary, they seemed to always know where to point the camera for the most heart tugging shot.
I would seriously recommend this to anyone who wants to educate themselves on autism, or if you're bored and want to put your life into perspective check it out.


deus ex was a bad choice. even if I enjoyed the combat/stealth/w/e they talk so incredibly slow. do people actually talk like that irl? how do they get anything done?


I think I forgot to mention that I beat Uncharted 4. I ended up liking the second half much more than the first. And the ending really makes the whole game worth playing.


I should have bought those naan chips when I was at the grocery store earlier I have the munchies :eek:

now I can't wait for the new mass effect. can't come soon enough

Yeah this is a game I'm looking forward to as well. I'm glad FemShep was such a success that the default protag in the new one is female.


deus ex was a bad choice. even if I enjoyed the combat/stealth/w/e they talk so incredibly slow. do people actually talk like that irl? how do they get anything done?
Nobody probably talks like the way Jensen does but it is rather methodical method of speech suggesting more of design decision than a actual reflection of anyone Jensen is far more bearable than Denton was who sounds like a text to speech program. You might like human revolution it is less slow to start off DLC is rubbish though.
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