From 1-10 what am I?
Worst game you played?
Musician you used to love and now you hate?
Musician you used to hate and now you love?
Best ice cream to eat when I feel like punching someone?
How many licks to get to the middle of the tootsie pop?
Weirdest thing you have experienced besides being simbaed or whatever the fuck its called?
Think we should chat more often?
Wanna blow me?
- I'm not gonna answer that.

- I tend to dodge the really bad games. Tales of Symphonia 2 was probably the one I lasted the longest before giving up on because it sucked.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber. Loved him as a kid but further music training and just growing up has changed this dramatically. Now I think he's a hack and he's ripped off half his memorable tunes from Puccini.
- Johannes Brahms. Took me forever to get into this guy's music but once I did, I haven't looked back. I'll listen to his German Requiem whenever I need to feel at peace. Most Requiems are written for the dead but this one is actually written for the ones who remain alive, to console them.
- I love Ben and Jerry's Coconuts for Caramel Core. It is decadent as fuck, always makes me feel better. At least until I step on the scale the next day.
- I'm terrible with this. I always chomp down on them instead of licking.
- I dunno, I'm pretty boring. Once, on Broadway, I encountered a homeless veteran and a whore arguing with each other.
- Yeah, I've been pretty antisocial these days, haven't I? Just kinda been lying in bed. :|
- Nah. My casual sex days are done.
See above.