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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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who the frick is adc

Now you've done it.

...and Em has used her initials that many times I don't remember her actual name.

Been sitting on site doing fuck all for the last two hours waiting for a 20 t excavator to arrive.


ADC is an AC DC cover band with one less member than the original.
I have a kink for actual daddies

Sean Bean is up there tbh

Gerard Butler is certainly hotter than Daniel Craig tbh.



Redmond's Baby
Good morning

Back to full working hours, but luckily for only three days :p

Also got referral for MR from my doctor. Waiting time is.... around 100 days :\


omg stop comparing men by their looks, it's not about who's hotter

STRFKR are playing here in November. Should be the first show I go to all year. Usually go to one every month or two, this year has been lame.


For fucks sake, the guy reckons he broke down and won't be here for another hour and a half, but he was 'just around the corner' and hour and a half ago.

Useless c*nt.



(They are literally parents right?)

I played KOF14 but I got no PS4. Its legit good except the odd network. My earliest memory goes to my brother throwing my poor 2 year old self from my big wheel. He was meanie.

More questions. Go all out fam
Good memory

What historical period would you like to live in if you could go back in time?
What would you bring along to an idillic picnic?
Whats your favourite childrens story?
What movie ending really frustrated you? And how would you change it?
What three things do you think of most each day?
Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone?
Have you ever been to a live concert?
Have you ever needed stitches?
Do your dreams ever tell you to do anything?


irresponsible vagina leak
What historical period would you like to live in if you could go back in time?
What would you bring along to an idillic picnic?
Whats your favourite childrens story?
What movie ending really frustrated you? And how would you change it?
What three things do you think of most each day?
Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone?
Have you ever been to a live concert?
Have you ever needed stitches?
Do your dreams ever tell you to do anything?

Ehhh Im ok with the time where Im at tbh. If forced to do something different I guess Feudal Japan. There is interesting stuff there.
Lemonade, Spinach dip and salted crackers.
The Little Mermaid but not the Disney version. Bye Felicia.
Sucker Punch. Give the characters better closure but no one cares about that film anyway.
Videogames,What I will cook and thirst
I have gotten sweet revenge indeed.
I peed on someone's cola when I was 14 and watched him drink and not notice the pee then laughed and everyone laughed with me once they notice I left my zipper down.
Evanescence, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Videogame Orchestra.
No stitches
I had suicidal dreams and dreams telling me what to eat and where to go.

Good questions!

Should I ask this girl to hang out at my house this weekend?

The worst that could happen is rejection. We all have dealt with it and overall we get over it if it happens. If she agrees to go then have a fun day hanging out with her and plan some stuff to keep her entertained. Anything planned if she says yes?

Hit me up with more FloatOn and everyone else tbh.


Ehhh Im ok with the time where Im at tbh. If forced to do something different I guess Feudal Japan. There is interesting stuff there.
Lemonade, Spinach dip and salted crackers.
The Little Mermaid but not the Disney version. Bye Felicia.
Sucker Punch. Give the characters better closure but no one cares about that film anyway.
Videogames,What I will cook and thirst
I have gotten sweet revenge indeed.
I peed on someone's cola when I was 14 and watched him drink and not notice the pee then laughed and everyone laughed with me once they notice I left my zipper down.
Evanescence, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Videogame Orchestra.
No stitches
I had suicidal dreams and dreams telling me what to eat and where to go.

Good questions!

The worst that could happen is rejection. We all have dealt with it and overall we get over it if it happens. If she agrees to go then have a fun day hanging out with her and plan some stuff to keep her entertained. Anything planned if she says yes?

Hit me up with more FloatOn and everyone else tbh.
Hardcore revenge


Em I'd much rather see you without the dumb dog stuff in the way! :) You look cute though.

Speaking of, it's past midnight and still no sign of my gf. :eek:
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