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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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It'll be on NX...
That'll sell the console at launch guaranteed.

Most people don't want a Wii U.
Heck, I stopped buying software for my Wii U, using that cash for the NX.

Yeah i gave my Wii U to some kids my sister used to babysit because I didn't want it anymore, I'm certainly going to get an NX but the new Zelda would make it a lot sweeter to have one.

Xiao Hu

The only thing I want from the NX is a software line-up that doesn't scream 'family friendly' and 'fucking Mario everywhere' in my face. Like give me some adult themed Nintendo games please, just like we had before that shit toaster called Wii. I don't want to see fucking Miis and an UI that looks like it was designed for a Fisher Price notebook. I just want to be taken serious as a Nintendo fan whose taste includes more than yet another Mushroom Kingdom game.

Xiao Hu

did u comb back ur hair so u could take a photo of ur bulge

because its a nice bulge imo

Noooo, I usually wear my hair in a man bun but I'm getting tired of wearing it that way so I've been asking what new hair style to try out.

And thank you. I bet your lady bulge is also quite nice.
This is how you talk about lady dicks, Em!
Noooo, I usually wear my hair in a man bun but I'm getting tired of wearing it that way so I've been asking what new hair style to try out.

And thank you. I bet your lady bulge is also quite nice.
This is how you talk about lady dicks, Em!
His bulge is good :3 Or at least, what would be causing the bulge is :3

Also I think you'd suit a Winter Soldier thing but that might just be because I think he's hot. Try it out anyway :D





I find bulges kind of aesthetically unpleasing. I don't know if that's sexist or something. I dunno. It might be.

I don't think that it's sexist.

as a heterosexual male it would be out of the norm for you to find dicks aesthetically pleasing


Never before has a...girl wanted more?
*bats eyelashes*
Please sir can I have some ...more?
I'm still scratching my head over this. NBC is really desperate.
If only they'd risk it on something interesting. Instead it's always modern day procedural so they don't have much costs
I find bulges kind of aesthetically unpleasing. I don't know if that's sexist or something. I dunno. It might be.
I don't think lack of attraction is sexist :p
I'm not into them so much either.


I think expressing your opinion on them in general is fine.

it would probably be rude to be like "YOUR bulge is gross looking" when talking to someone
Spot on. Or if it's judging men for having them or for them being visible or something like that.
Dicks aren't the only thing that make bulges in clothes. Just saying!

I used to think this was a myth but my last boyfriend basically doubled in size when he got hard. It was hilarious.

it's honestly kind of an issue because a lot of women seem to think that. it can kill self confidence pretty easily when it seems they expect the bulge to determine the size, and you're not packin a showpiece.


My grandma asked me who I'm going to vote for...

"Well ya know it depends on if you're voting strategically or..."

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