I actually bought a PS3 in anticipation for The Last of Us, and a couple others.Don't get me wrong, I piss on the Uncharted franchise for sport. TLoU is a most glorious fluke as far as I'm concerned.
X-Men 2 is a mediocre feature that people seem to prop up for whatever reason, on account that it does-oh wait, you mean FF X-2. Ehhh, got nothing to say for that.X2 is great. But I also LOVE the Lightning trilogy so, yknow
why aren't there more geek love episodes
I binged that shit for some reason
My nieces lured me into a huge dubstep drop trap a bit ago. "Uncle Matt! Come in here, we need to show you something... What's that sound? Do you hear that? Listen carefully...." then RIP
I had the most chilling dream experience last night. I was asleep, and I sorta felt as though I was awake, and I could feel my gf draped over my back saying something into my ear. She seemed to be asking for help or something. It felt completely real like she was right there on top of me.
So I was like "time to get up, then" and I couldn't, so I strained and strained until I actually did wake up. It was 2am and she wasn't there at all.
It's not rational, because at that point I should have realized it was all a dream, but I got up and looked for her. I found her on the front porch and she was fine.
Not rational, maybe even a little superstitious (because the dream her was so vivid, I wondered if real her was in trouble, I guess?). Whatever.
This stuff ever happen to anyone else?
My nieces are obsessed with Homestuck. It's terrible.
I don't know if it's sleep paralyses or not.. But it's when I feel like I'm awake and I hear things but I can't move... That said, I'm not sure those things I hear are real or that I'm really conscious at all.
Make them read Problem Sleuth insteadMy nieces are obsessed with Homestuck. It's terrible.
Im so bored and lazy. I dont wanna do this podcast thingy but meh I already agreed. FML
That thing is still going?My nieces are obsessed with Homestuck. It's terrible.
Im bored and lazy and currently recording a podcast with PopGAF guys
Sounds unsanitary.
Is the Mariah Carey tragic involved?
It is misleading that it is called a planner since they encourage this kind of use.I can't say a planner fits my, uh....general aesthetic.
FUME5's AV is stylish as fuck
Hardcore selfie culture has gone too far.
Yeah, as a hard bitten 38 year old male, keeping a diary isn't (and has never been) something I do.
As a teenager, my sister kept a diary. This isn't abnormal, of course but she found a way to cover it with needles so I couldn't read it.
Hahaha, genius.
That being said, I eventually found a way to open it. I was a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad brother.
The only way to make up for it is to spill your sisters darkest secrets to us.
Was she in love with a Chad?
I think she had a Matt as a boyfriend for a short period of time but no Chad, as far as I'm aware.
Jobbsy been cradle robbing since forever.
He's pretty dreamy. That said, my sis has five years on him so he would have been sixteen when she was dating this dude.
Yo, that is awesome.All credit goes to Prax:
TLoU shits over everything.
Even HL2.
Get out.
Im more of a banana guy