why is asking someone to a simple lunch or dinner so difficult
ill post both!
Because you want to post a pic.
Don't care what a bunch of dudes think + it's a shitshow
I woke up startled at 5am from an exceptionally vivid dream wherein I had murdered two people at a school and in a dazed panic attempted to hide both bodies and evidence.
I woke up startled at 5am from an exceptionally vivid dream wherein I had murdered two people at a school and in a dazed panic attempted to hide both bodies and evidence.
Were you failing the course as well?
I deadass had one that involved me reading a book. Congrats on being utterly quotidian, brain.
Wouldn't be the first time I've had these kinds of dreams, and modus operandi is never the focus. There's an unspoken disconnect between why I'm there, why I did it, and how. Fixation never on the murder itself, in almost if not all cases the surrealism commencing with the subjects already dead. The dream instead explores the panic from difficulties of disposing bodies and clearing evidence that could draw ties back to me.
I'm sure there's some obvious psychological projection in there that I'm suppressing.
When I was younger I had teeth breaking dreams a lot. My teeth would break, fall out, etc. I haven't had one like that in quite a few years though.
How's your dental hygiene these days?
Zero cavities as of March
It's not that hard. Or it shouldn't be. If you're making it hard it's probably because you're devaluing yourself or overvaluing the other person, neither of which you should be doing in the first place. Just pretend they're the same as you and also like going to food with interesting people and it'll be fine.
It's not that hard. Or it shouldn't be. If you're making it hard it's probably because you're devaluing yourself or overvaluing the other person, neither of which you should be doing in the first place. Just pretend they're the same as you and also like going to food with interesting people and it'll be fine.
Never have murder dreams myself, the ones I do remember usually involve some element of failure on my behalf, not too hard to untangle the ultimate reason behind that.
I'm awful at taking care of my teeth
No fillings or anything yet though
I was raised with excellent dental hygiene, only to immediately piss it all away the moment I finished high school and moved out of home to become a debaucherous shitbag. I've now had numerous fillings and three teeth (molars, of all things) extracted. Funnily enough my wisdom teeth are the best in my mouth; no cavities and came through generally painless and issue free.
I'm sure the murder dreams are less about the murders themselves and instead the anxieties of covering up the truth, the pressure of inevitably being discovered as an imposter/liar, or perhaps making terrible mistakes I refuse to take ownership of. I don't fully understand why though, given I don't consider myself particularly deceptive or that I have any dishonest behavior.
I dunno. Maybe it means I'm gay.
but what if they really are better than me
definitely devaluing myself. and a crippling fear of rejection.
ill definitely do it tomorrow.
then why are you wasting their time?
Don't let realism become defeatism.
None of you have experienced the birth, life and death of a relationship like I have.
So as an authority on such things take these words of wisdom to heart (or don't). Relationships feel really nice for a time but don't outweigh the benefits of being able to do what you want when you want. Eventually you are going to have to sacrifice some part of your life or make them sacrifice theirs. This in the end is never worth it.
Reality said:However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
Can defeatism become dentist-ism?
None of you have experienced the birth, life and death of a relationship like I have.
So as an authority on such things take these words of wisdom to heart (or don't). Relationships feel really nice for a time but don't outweigh the benefits of being able to do what you want when you want. Eventually you are going to have to sacrifice some part of your life or make them sacrifice theirs. This in the end is never worth it.
I meanNone of you have experienced the birth, life and death of a relationship like I have.
So as an authority on such things take these words of wisdom to heart (or don't). Relationships feel really nice for a time but don't outweigh the benefits of being able to do what you want when you want. Eventually you are going to have to sacrifice some part of your life or make them sacrifice theirs. This in the end is never worth it.
SameI mean
My parents seem to be doing pretty alright, and they've been married for...30 years I think?
And this is why 90% of the military smokes or dips.I'm getting some smokes I can't even stand this stress anymore
I'm getting some smokes I can't even stand this stress anymore
Nah, fuck that shit
Just a note, the effects smoking had on my stress levels were pretty minimal. It never really calmed me down, just made me not need to smoke anymore. And that was only after the addiction had set in, so it was more that smoking added another thing to the stress. I'm not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't do, you're an adult you can do what you want. I just wanted to give you that warning.I'm getting some smokes I can't even stand this stress anymore
You got a better idea
I'm an emotional, depressed wreck on her period who hasn't eaten more than like 900 calories a day for the past two weeks but yet has to still work a full time job
But at least the Patriots are winning
Im bored fam. Ask me anything without filters as usual