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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Here's something nicer to look at (it's just a costume)

Oh Jesus fuck.

Trypophobia kicking in big time.
Jeez y'all are babbies, that pic's fine

Also it's super weird seeing Against Me! stuff from before Laura came out
It's good and she can make it better, if you truly believe it's garbage don't you think moving more NXT talent up will improve it?
Nope, the talent can be fantastic but it means nothing with shit booking, which will continue until Vince relinquishes control


Jeez y'all are babbies, that pic's fine

Also it's super weird seeing Against Me! stuff from before Laura came out

Nope, the talent can be fantastic but it means nothing with shit booking, which will continue until Vince relinquishes control

That we can agree on, the brand split has really fucked a few things up, at least Balor is getting the push he deserves and Reigns isn't being treated as a top guy anymore. Now that I think about it I love both top feuds, Ambrose vs Ziggler, and Rollins vs Balor, love em both.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Jeez y'all are babbies, that pic's fine

Also it's super weird seeing Against Me! stuff from before Laura came out

Nope, the talent can be fantastic but it means nothing with shit booking, which will continue until Vince relinquishes control

Eh, I was a massive fan going back to just before the release of Axl, so Tom stuff is nostalgic to me, not that I don't love Laura stuff.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I always wondered about how humidity and salt affects wood, metal and electronics in the long term. Like, would I need to buy special fixtures for the bathroom? How good/terrible is the taste of tap water? What about waste disposal?

I honestly know so little about boats.

It's just like an RV station. You are connected to power and maybe water, but there are on site facilities for waste and maintenance. Slips usually have a locked resident-only bathrooms and laundry.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The truth will set you free, and liberate us from our sins.

I don't want to get out of bed.
Thank you.

I'm writing that particular message tomorrow. I think a few things need to be cleared up, and a few home truths need to be learned.
Hmm, I probably would just let it go. I mean I've been bitter and felt misunderstood in a ban a couple times now, but really the point of the ban isn't to punish you so much as give you time to think about what you said and how it came across. It's your call of course, but that's my take.


Hmm, I probably would just let it go. I mean I've been bitter and felt misunderstood in a ban a couple times now, but really the point of the ban isn't to punish you so much as give you time to think about what you said and how it came across. It's your call of course, but that's my take.
They gave me way too much fucking time with my last ban. I got banned in february, the ban was suppose to lift in may, guess when it lifted? last fucking week, I swear this forum in so poorly run in spots.
They gave me way too much fucking time with my last ban. I got banned in february, the ban was suppose to lift in may, guess when it lifted? last fucking week, I swear this forum in so poorly run in spots.

That's really weird. I've been banned three times and the ban was always lifted when it was supposed to be.


That's really weird. I've been banned three times and the ban was always lifted when it was supposed to be.

I think it was to do with the fact that it was such a lengthy ban to begin with, three months, something went wrong clearly, I have this mental image in my head of some neogaf mod going through a list of bannings and seeing that mine was suppose to be lifted 3 months ago and spitting their coffee out.
I accepted the 3 months eventually thinking I would come back and completely avoid politics, and I'm also sober now so there would be no chance of me insulting several other users again. But jesus christ was the six months gruelling, I couldn't even stalk gaf because I couldn't log out and that stupid fucking message telling me I was banned kept refreshing for some reason.
I know bannings are common but I don't think I could ever deal with another one again.


It's automated. You specify ban duration for the system.

Is it? well something clearly went wrong, I got a three month ban that was suppose to lift on may 6th or around then and it only lifted last week. whatever I'm over it now I just don't want it to happen again and I guess that starts with me not repeating past behaviours, meaning getting drunk and pissing around a political subject and then insulting everyone on the thread.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Bans are great. Embrace them.
Is it? well something clearly went wrong, I got a three month ban that was suppose to lift on may 6th or around then and it only lifted last week. whatever I'm over it now I just don't want it to happen again and I guess that starts with me not repeating past behaviours, meaning getting drunk and pissing around a political subject and then insulting everyone on the thread.

It is. The only thing I can see is two people banned you, one for 2 weeks, then the next for 6 months. You may have gotten confused if you didn't check back after seeing the initial message.

Funky Papa

I mean I get that they're incredibly influential

I just kiiind of don't like them
I love The Cure. I love Robert Smith. It's a dark, humid, cold kind of love, not unlike the one a dying junkie would profess to a bent needle found in the street.

That and Depeche Mode.

Pls be my boyfriend. Even a platonic one would suffice.
We can be GAF pen pals and mock RNH for not respecting his rock/new wave elders.


So, ended up playing No Man's Sky for six hours.

Got lost in free explore mode, so I named the system Oceanic-815.

I played it for five hours today, this is the evolution of how I feel about it. Hour one, Oh wow this is really sensory and intriguing. Hour two, okay I just need to figure some stuff out so I know what to actually do. Hour three, Boy I wonder how much longer I have to keep doing the same thing before I get to do something cool. Hour 4 Oh wow theres 18 quintillion planets, and they all kind of look and play exactly the same....Hour 5............I should have bought Abzu.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
You're not missing much in Abzu.


It is. The only thing I can see is two people banned you, one for 2 weeks, then the next for 6 months. You may have gotten confused if you didn't check back after seeing the initial message.

All i ever got was one message, maybe I got banned again but there was no way for me to tell because I could only see one thing on neogaf for six months. Honestly I would rather not talk about it, thinking about it makes me deeply uncomfortable. It sent me into a bit of a spiral with my drinking, but I'm over all of that in that six months I really genuinely missed talking with the people I was starting to get friendly with, I've seen a few of those people and none of them recognise me and it's slightly heart breaking in a way, i just keep thinking maybe that guy could have been a good friend of mine and I was robbed of that friendship because of a drunken tirade.

Xiao Hu

I love The Cure. I love Robert Smith. It's a dark, humid, cold kind of love, not unlike the one a dying junkie would profess to a bent needle found in the street.

That and Depeche Mode.

We can be GAF pen pals and mock RNH for not respecting his rock/new wave elders.

That is more than I expected. I'm totally in 😀
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