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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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*makes note*

Finally got my blood test back the other day and it looks like I'm a "carrier" of haemochromatosis but I only carry one of the two gene mutations so all I need to do is get a blood test every 6 months to see if my iron levels are too high. If they're too high, all I need to do is donate blood to bring back my iron levels to "OK" area.

I've never donated blood before (which I probably should have) so at least this avenue would help others, which makes me happy.

In other news I'm gonna be learning HTML5 because holy shit there's actually a lot of web developer jobs around at the moment.

In other other news, I'm continuing this Metroid stream today haha

How's everyone doing?

Glad that the results aren't too bad, and like you said, you'll help people which is good! :D

If you need help with any JS stuff hit me up. Might be worth looking into AngularJS and React, they seem to be the big things right now (Angular might be on the downswing though)

Things are good my end. Did some things I've never done before on Friday :3 Hehe :D


Finally got my blood test back the other day and it looks like I'm a "carrier" of haemochromatosis but I only carry one of the two gene mutations so all I need to do is get a blood test every 6 months to see if my iron levels are too high. If they're too high, all I need to do is donate blood to bring back my iron levels to "OK" area.

I've never donated blood before (which I probably should have) so at least this avenue would help others, which makes me happy.

In other news I'm gonna be learning HTML5 because holy shit there's actually a lot of web developer jobs around at the moment.

In other other news, I'm continuing this Metroid stream today haha

How's everyone doing?

Glad to hear you're going to make it. It's always nice to have answers. :) I eat raw spinach every day, in part, for iron. Maybe send some of that sweet blood this way.

I'm well. At the moment I'm animating, annotating, calculating, and sublimating.


Fair enough, just thought I shouldn't limit it just to classical haha. And I'd appreciate it, thanks! :D

The advice I usually give people is to start with a playlist of the classics (of which there are many). Those are usually easier to digest.

For instance, this playlist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09t0twQlPSI) has a lot of great stuff in it but it tends to just be portions of pieces instead of the full things (like just the first movement of Beethoven's 5th instead of all four). That way, if you like something you've heard, you can check to see if there's more of it.

And as there isn't a lot of 20th century classical music on this playlist, here's the first movement of Barber's gorgeous Violin Concerto (https://youtu.be/F6J9LIakI20). The other two can be found on Youtube as well.
Monday night class is super informal and I feel like the professor doesn't really know her shit. Which would make since because she is an adjunct and the first time teaching. Wednesday class is great though. It's on conflict management and it gets really philosophical which is what I'm all about.

I tend to like informal classes more but there's that danger of that vibe where things can go off the rails and super unfocused. Which sounds like is what the first class can tend to be :p

But man, things sounds like they're on the up and up!


Glad that the results aren't too bad, and like you said, you'll help people which is good! :D

If you need help with any JS stuff hit me up. Might be worth looking into AngularJS and React, they seem to be the big things right now (Angular might be on the downswing though)

Things are good my end. Did some things I've never done before on Friday :3 Hehe :D

Oh shit whaddup haha

Oooooh I'll make note of this and find some tuts for React (sounds like I should focus more on that than Angular?). Thanks man!

haha Oh don't worry. Like I said, I've been lurking haha. How did the meetup/date/shenanigans go? (I'm gonna assume "damn fine")

Glad to hear you're going to make it. It's always nice to have answers. :) I eat raw spinach every day, in part, for iron. Maybe send some of that sweet blood this way.

I'm well. At the moment I'm animating, annotating, calculating, and sublimating.

*screams at the sky* "YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME THIS EARLY YOU HEAR!?" haha But I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious, I was starting to get a little nervous because I just wanted to know.
Haha are you O type? *sends it your way*
Have you got a low iron problem or is it just keeping things in check?

How's the game kickin'? (Fun fact : When I was a kid I thought farting was sublimation. What a time)


irresponsible vagina leak
Ugh I want to move already. I want my Social Security card to get here so I can get my plane ticket. So damn ready to start a new chapter after this long and boring chapter of my life. lol
Oh shit whaddup haha

Oooooh I'll make note of this and find some tuts for React (sounds like I should focus more on that than Angular?). Thanks man!

haha Oh don't worry. Like I said, I've been lurking haha. How did the meetup/date/shenanigans go? (I'm gonna assume "damn fine")
I mean both will probably be useful, and React has a very interesting structure to it. But yeah, I'm currently doing a lot of Angular stuff so *shrug* Also worth checking if the jobs actually mention it at all before getting too deep, haha

Haha :3 It went pretty well, I had fun c: And I think shenanigans is probably the most accurate of those descriptors hehe :3


Unconfirmed Member
Karen Gillan is plain looking and awful at acting. She almost ruined Guardians of the Galaxy, and the only reason she's tolerable in Doctor Who is because that whole show is actually bad. :)

Whew, Rebecca is lit.

I cut the page right out of the book. I left no jagged edges, and the book looked white and clean when the page was gone. A new book, that had not been touched. I tore the page up in many little fragments and threw them into the waste-paper basket. Then I went and sat on the window seat again. But I kept thinking of the torn scraps in the basket, and after a moment I had to get up and look in the basket once more. Even now the ink stood up on the fragments thick and black, the writing was not destroyed. I took a box of matches and set fire to the fragments. The flame had a lovely light, staining the paper, curling the edges, making the slanting writing impossible to distinguish. The fragments fluttered to grey ashes. The letter R was the last to go, it twisted in the flame, it curled outwards for a moment, becoming larger than ever. Then it crumpled too; the flame destroyed it. It was not ashes even, it was feathery dust… I went and washed my hands in the basin. I felt better, much better. I had the clean new feeling that one has when the calendar is hung on the wall at the beginning of the year. January the 1st. I was aware of the same freshness, the same gay confidence. The door opened and he came into the room.


I just spent 20 minutes looking for a hurt + apparently stray cat in the dark. We saw it from the porch limping pretty badly. I failed. Cat didn't want to be caught. Hope it's okay.

The moon looked full. I thought we had a full moon going. I looked it up and it's not full. I'm failing at everything tonight.


Redmond's Baby
They started with renovation of one of the bathrooms in my sister's apartment next to my room and now I feel like being at the dentist from the nightmare.


No bats around here to farm, so since I'm already buying them from the market I just get it prepared in package.

And you've found no drop in magical qualities?

If so, that cuts the preparation time right down, eye of newt, toe of frog and tongue of dog take no time at all, although frankly I'd like to find a dog tongue substitute.
And you've found no drop in magical qualities?

If so, that cuts the preparation time right down, eye of newt, toe of frog and tongue of dog take no time at all, although frankly I'd like to find a dog tongue substitute.

no the wool actually isn't a perishable like most the other ingredients. The main concern is that you find a good seller. Some of them will package it in rough wooden boxes or linen wrappings to save money, both of which can introduce minor fiber contamination. You'll want to find someone who jars it or wraps it in clean leather.


no the wool actually isn't a perishable like most the other ingredients. The main concern is that you find a good seller. Some of them will package it in rough wooden boxes or linen wrappings to save money, both of which can introduce minor fiber contamination. You'll want to find someone who jars it or wraps it in clean leather.

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