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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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irresponsible vagina leak
But cuddling while watching horror films with people who don't freak out is less fun :c

Then whatever. Have fun being alone
Can't sleep. I've decided that maybe it's time for a casual thing after all. I srsly can't lead a sexless life in my physical prime anymore waiting for some magical creature 🦄😱


irresponsible vagina leak
Can't sleep. I've decided that maybe it's time for a casual thing after all. I srsly can't lead a sexless life in my physical prime anymore waiting for some magical creature ����

Just watch the d pic I sent you some time ago and that should help you forget everything tbh.
Two episodes into Quarry. Already the best show currently on air along Mr Robot.

The Americans tho.

I need to actually watch S2 of Mr. Robot now that it's finished but boy the general responses in the OT make me not want to. I realize this is the internet and hyperbole is the word of the second, but I find I tend to agree with the GAF Hive Mind™ when a show goes downhill.
Oh I like Crimson Peak! Studied a lot of Gothic Romance in school.

I know a lot of people didn't find it scary but I'm easily scared. D:
Yeah, it's pretty decent. I do enjoy Guilllermo Del Toro films.

And I'm the opposite, haha. I don't particularly find films scary, so I can never really tell

Funky Papa

The Americans tho.

I need to actually watch S2 of Mr. Robot now that it's finished but boy the general responses in the OT make me not want to. I realize this is the internet and hyperbole is the word of the second, but I find I tend to agree with the GAF Hive Mind™ when a show goes downhill.

Well, I said currently :p

The Americans is fire.

Also, I'd let you know about Mr. Robot. I'm about to start S2, but I don't trust the GAF Hive Mind™.

I'd let Matthew Rhys break all my limbs and stuff me in a suitcase.

That scene was on par with the most disturbing tableaus from Hannibal. Fuck.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
this morning I got up early at the butt crack of dawn to go to church with a couple of my friends despite that not being something I do anymore. It was weird. So my two friends, let's call them Sarah and Reid and pretend I'm using fake names. Reid has been wanting us to go to this new church he found which is like a forty minute drive north so I don't know how in the world he found it. I obviously said no a long time ago but Sarah has slowly been more and more on board with it.

so last weekend we were having brunch because I don't do real mornings and Reid again suggests that we should join him at this new place. They pride themselves on being this church for people who don't like church, as if that can actually be a thing. Sarah immediately is like okay, this is my time, so she says she'll attend the following weekend and then they double team me until I agree to "think about it". But really Sunday morning is for sleeping in until noon so fat chance.

then yesterday Sarah desperately texts me to make sure I'll be there even though I'm not going to be. I don't want to go to a hippie church and I don't want to eat cheap burgers and play kickball in the hot sun afterward with people I don't know yet. But Sarah strong arms me because she also wants to use this time to officially come out of the closet to Reid. I guess ever since I came out as bi a couple months ago I've been the proxy for some of my friends and acquaintances to also get through this awkward exposure. And I don't think it's a good idea, but Sarah's set on it, so eventually I relent.

so there I am. It's 8:55 ante meridian and my alarm is already going off to remind me of the day's awaiting torture. I stayed in bed. What're you gonna do? I was sleepy. Text message from Reid at 9:05 - "I'm at your front door". Confused, I drowsily extricate myself from the warmth and softness of my bed and girlfriend's arms, slip into a robe, then hurriedly race downstairs to the foyer to let Reid in. I tell him he's at least fifteen minutes early and he agrees, but he's just excited so he came over early. At least he brought bagels and coffee.

I go get dressed and I take my sweet time. I'm relishing this "you got here early so now I'm making you wait your fair share" period. Facial scrub, dab a bit of concealer to hide the bags under my tired eyes, fix my mascara, throw my hair up in a confusion of clips and pins, okay finally we're going and on the road. Drive drive drive. Drive. Drive drive. Drive. Reid breaks the silence with "so, did you see that clip of Trump on Fallon the other night?" No response. "So, is that new computer still working out for you?" I nod 'yes' almost imperceptibly. Let's just get this over with.

we get to the school this church is being held at just in time for the service to start. Reid walks me over to his usual spot and remarks that we'd be sitting directly behind the pastor. Sarah is no where to be seen and isn't answering her phone. She's a safe driver. Five uncomfortably long minutes go by without sight or sound of her and mound of regret is building up inside me. Is Sarah even actually going to show up? Should we have carpooled with her too? If she doesn't show, I literally have no reason for being here. But I keep that inside me and politely listen to the pastor joke about his college football team winning some game and that meaning another member of the clergy had lost her bet with him or something.

then Sarah walks in a couple minutes later and sidles up next to us. Hallelujah. Just in time for the actual sermon to start. Blah blah blah. John 3:16 (no, really). Blah blah blah. "Today we're going to talk about using God's name in vain. That doesn't mean swearing or saying god damn it, it means calling yourself a God follower (doing things in God's name) and yet doing things that God would not approve of." At this point my ears perk up. Could this sermon actually be somewhat interesting? So the pastor goes on for a few more minutes, then asks a rhetorical question about "what's an example of someone using Christ's name but not acting Christlike?" after which he was supposed to answer his own question with "us, Christians, God followers". But I interject. I heckle. I yell quite loudly "Kim Davis!" The pastor stops and turns, asks me to repeat myself. So I yell even louder. The clergy breaks into a hearty laughter. I don't remember what happened the rest of the service but at least that occurred.

eventually we're walking out and heading to where the barbecue and kickball are transpiring. Sarah and Reid are talking a lot about how much they loved the service and I politely withhold my opinions. That's not why I was there. I don't partake in the eating of cheap burgers either. I'm not even hungry yet and it sounds dreadful. The kickball isn't supposed to start for another twenty minutes, so Sarah suggests we walk back to her car and grab some folding chairs so we can find somewhere shaded to sit down. But really it's a ploy to get away from most of the people for now.

as we're walking back, Sarah says to Reid "so, part of the reason Lili came here today is that I have something to tell you." Finally. I hug her from behind to support her as she opens up to our friend. Reid is immediately extremely affirming and grateful that he's being trusted with this information. Turns out we were making much ado about nothing. So now Sarah feels comfortable leaving her old unsupportive church and joining this new one. Yay? Baby steps.

by the grace of God, we didn't finish our conversation until after the kickball tournament was well under way, at which point it was too late to join in, so I had Reid take me home and then I took a long nap. Now I'm heading out for a dinner party in a half hour. Sunday redeemed.

if you read all that you're a trooper haha


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
lilith your story is gud and my underslept delirious brain visually manifests the events unfolding as a kitchy rich teen drama so i've decided you should pursue screenwriting in this field


Eva Green = goddess

Also I read that story Lili posted and it makes me want to go church. Not for any pious reasons mind you but to exploit it for a dating service. One day I'll make time for such an experiment.


I can't imagine the universe where someone who knows me asks me to church on a Sunday.

I grew up heavily involved in church and kinda drifted away rapidly as I hit college age, determining before long that I thought it was all bullshit.

I used to occasionally think about just showing up at my old church to see what everyone looked like and was up to, and have them see how cool I turned out *cough*. Ultimately my distaste for it always kept me from doing so.

I do have some great memories in that building though, mainly fooling around with a girl in one of the back rooms
Is kickball a normal occurrence at churches? I don't recall ever doing that at one. I really miss playing kickball though. I was a gotdamn beast at it in elementary school.
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