What are you trying to say?
And concerning modern sci-fi these are some of my favorites:
Solaris (remake)
Under the Skin
Beyond the Black Rainbow
What are you trying to say?
I feel like there's been other stuff, but I can't remember it
And yes, he is a nice buffboy :3
Yeah, that wasn't the main thing, just the first thing that came up when trawling his Twitter feedI mean I find comments like that quite eye roll inducing, but as long as he isn't telling people not to take their children to doctors and simply ~pray the illness away~ I don't have much of a problem with it.
Just making a joke about you and modern punk
No harm meant, just some light ribbing :3
Old man confirmed
Oh no I remember that, it was just too good an opportunity, haha :3It's fine but I think you forgot our last conversation where I said I would try to get over it.
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Oh no I remember that, it was just too good an opportunity, haha :3
Did you get around to listening to any of those bands btw?
The cinematography and visuals for this movie are so fucking good.
Not yet but soon!
Or Western Europe meaning...the UK I guess? Though I'd consider Thatcher and Osborne and May "the far right" so whateverMaybe they're referring to Western Europe on Earth II in Milky Way VI.
Vox wasted no time in going down the same turd hole that swallowed The Verge whole.
Rad! Let me know if you like anything, I'll be able to find other stuff you might like from it
Finished Stranger Things. Liked it as a whole, but don't really understand the crazy popularity it's gained. Really enjoyed most of everything with the kids, they were definitely the strongest element. Teen drama stuff was shit. Leaned far, far too heavily on existing tropes and concepts that at times felt ripped straight out of other media only done worse with no individual flair. Really feel the experience as a whole would be better if it tried to be more original. But it was fun. Fun enough to watch the next season.
Jawbreaker!!I have to work late today so once everyone clears out of the office I'm going to blast some stuff. I'm trying to remember some of the bands that you go on about. Pup, the ergs annnnnd who else? give me like 3 more bands to try.
To me Winona Ryder was the weakest part but even she pulled through in the end. I think you are suffering from the post hype blues a bit here. This has happened to me before where it is like I'll be late on experiencing something everyone raves about and I'm kind of like "that's it?"
I think psychologically when we hear a ton of praise for something we set unrealistic expectations on those things. I watched Stranger Things within the first couple of weeks of it coming out and the high praise hadn't sabotaged me yet.
To me Winona Ryder was the weakest part but even she pulled through in the end. I think you are suffering from the post hype blues a bit here. This has happened to me before where it is like I'll be late on experiencing something everyone raves about and I'm kind of like "that's it?"
I think psychologically when we hear a ton of praise for something we set unrealistic expectations on those things. I watched Stranger Things within the first couple of weeks of it coming out and the high praise hadn't sabotaged me yet.
That's a fair point, but I disagree and I think you're making an over assumption of where my issues lie. I don't really care about the hype. I didn't expect it to be the bees knees otherwise I would have watched it early, but chose to watch it based on recommendations from friends along with interest in the premise, and upon reflection note where the acclaim and popularity lies and how I feel relative to it. I feel the same way about Marvel films, most of the modern incantations I don't even think are all that great dumb cinema.
My issues with Stranger Things lie fundamentally with the chosen direction and themes and I wouldn't feel any different if I'd just stumbled up on it as opposed to recommended. I thought teen drama was pure shit most of the time and I could have fast forwarded through most of it and lost nothing. Conceptually the show loses a lot of unique identity by basically being a one dimensional homage to "cool 80s stuff" while in the same breath carbon copying Silent Hill with a dash of Alien. I really like the premise and the kid cast was fucking great, but I didn't find the Upside Down intriguing because it had very little unique vision or stamp from the directors or writers that hadn't been done far, far better elsewhere. And I mean, I'd feel this regardless of hype or recommendation or stumble upon or whatever else. I can only process what I experience and maybe I'm faulted in my attention span but if I feel like the stimuli isn't teasing me with interest and mystery of something new I tend to tune out and feel automatic disinterest. Stranger Things had that folly; I enjoyed the experience as a whole, but definitely felt myself tuning out on and off in many of the episodes because I stopped caring about what was happening on screen. Same thing with the Marvel films; it's less about the hype, less about the budget and huge marketing arm and everybody-talks-about-it, and more that I literally don't give a single shit about anything happen on the screen so I tune out and think about doing other things.
And it's not a statement about how much anybody else enjoyed it or whatever, I just don't like dismissing my exploration of feelings towards something as a result of irrelevant marketing/popularity surrounding that something.
EDIT: Just saw the trailer for Passengers and that's another example. It'll probably do big money and has big actors and big special effects and might be a fine fun movie but nothing about the trailer jumps out to me as interesting or stimulating and I have zero desire to see it. A whatever science fiction film where the big stars go through big explosions and kiss and love and drama and it'll probably end with one of them being put back into stasis while the other sacrifices themselves or some dumb shit.
well it's good that you are able to maintain objectivity. that's a really respectable quality.
are there any films or shows that pay homage that you do like? what about those were done better than what was done in Stranger Things?
basically what I'm trying to determine is if you just don't like things that follow in the footsteps of other things or if it's an actual issue with Stranger Things.
EDIT - and yeah Passengers isn't doing anything for me either. I am looking forward to Arrival however. Denis Villeneuve is so good and he gives me hope for Blade Runner 2.
I'd have to really sit and think about it. I'm honestly not too hot on "paying homage" as a core facet of the way something is constructed, which I think is what rubbed me the wrong way about Stranger Things. I don't mind the setting or the general ambient homage to media and themes of the 80s, but I feel when a work of fiction does this it also needs to forge its own identity. At times Stranger Things (like with the teen drama) didn't to me seem to be doing anything interesting with the homages it was references, and instead running through a checklist of cliches. And not just a wink and nod, but in the case of the teen drama literally constructing an entire story arc that runs the same story beats that have been done a thousand times over.
I think that's why I like the kids so much. It was an obvious homage to stuff like ET, but straddled its own original plot to forge its own characters and dynamics.
Maybe I just don't like homages when they're too excessive? A friend who feels the same way as me described Stranger Things as a bit too much "Hey, remember the 80s?", and I think that highlights how I feel. When something is excessively self indulgent in the idea of what it wants to be instead of simply being within its inspirational source material and doing its own thing well inside that I lose traction and interest in what's being shown to me.
I think Tarantino is an excellent example of somewhat who authors work with very explicit homages to and influences from existing materiel, styles, and themes, but is able to execute them with an unique vision that allows the work to take on their own form. Mad Max Fury Road often is a homage to older road movies, but also its own unique vision.
EDIT: I'm also looking forward to Arrival. It could go either way, but my plan is to go in blind because the premise intrigues me enough and yeah, Villeneuve is fucking incredible. If it weren't for Fury Road, Sicario would be my top pick for 2015.
how did you feel about Donnie Darko?
He's back on the market, ladies.
I have to work late today so once everyone clears out of the office I'm going to blast some stuff. I'm trying to remember some of the bands that you go on about. Pup, the ergs annnnnd who else? give me like 3 more bands to try.
no joke I almost went gay for brad pitt circa fight club abs
My actual gym goal.
Too bad I don't seem to have the build for it (largely because I'm a bit shorter).
He's back on the market, ladies.
Angelina's decision to file has to do with the way Brad was parenting the children ...she was extremely upset with his methods.
I'm starting to believe all hollywood men are raging and aggressive alcoholics. first Depp now Pitt...
I'm not sure why do you assume he's a violent asshole. From all we know he had a super chill approach to parenting while she's been turning more conservative over the years.
that's no reason to not want physical visitation breh. I think it's cute how all the guys just paint her as crazy but with a file like this you might want to think something more serious has come up.
if so then Pitt would more likely be the one to sue her over limited visitation and shit and not the other way around?From all accounts Angie is a fucking nightmare to be around. All of their staff say shebisnprone to fits of rage and berates them and shit.
Maybe she was like that with the kids.
well I'm not saying he is violent or alcoholic but I think it could be very well considered regarding the circumstances imo. everyone thought Depp was chill and stuff too. but bottom line is we don't know.I dunno, sis. But Jolie has an actual history of being very far out there from time to time, while Brad has a reputation for being a jock. Not that I care about celebrities nor I'd ever defend anyone from Hollywood, being the sinkhole of deviancy that it is.
love never lasts
if so then Pitt would more likely be the one to sue her over limited visitation and shit and not the other way around?
She's the one filling for divorce, so she gets to set the narrative.
Also: big lels at Twitter.