Watching FREE! again. Why can't Nagisa be a real person, I would seriously sacrifice this whole thread Berserk style for Nagisa.
His movies are shallow and gravely overrated, the characters are boring, the animation is basic and the plots are as involving as a bottle of moisturiser, if not for all the amazing music Joe H makes and the whimsy no one would give a fuck about his movies.
how fucking dare you
Somebody had to eventually have the nerve to day it, the more I learn about Animation the more I hate looking at his films (one punch man has more amazing animation in it's one season than all of his movies put together) and I can't remember the name of a single character who wasn't in the title, so theres Howl and Princess Mononoke, I can't remember a the plot of a single one of his films, just certain scenes.
His films do nothing but rely on childish whimsy to win overgrown children over, seriously it feels great to finally say this stuff because it's been building in my mind since I went a rewatched most of his films and was horrified to find out most of them were decent at best (I will give an exception to PM that film is actually badass)
yeah sure, son. go buy another body pillow. I'm sure that dude you're into is also better animated than any of ghibli's masterpieces.
Is that gif suppose to impress me? the background is nice, all that's animated is their hair and it's not even done well, I think it's a tween.
BTW Free is also way better animated than any of his films, you might think his films are better from a technical stand point since their more tasteful but if you really weighed them up comparing animation quality Free stomps the fucking shit out of any of their films all day every day
His movies are shallow and gravely overrated, the characters are boring, the animation is basic and the plots are as involving as a bottle of moisturiser, if not for all the amazing music Joe H makes and the whimsy no one would give a fuck about his movies.
Personally I like kyoani but everything they do just kinda seems soulless at this point since everything looks the same and regardless of the subject matter their pandering is very clear.There's more humanity in one frame of s Ghibli movie than every weirdo body pillow show combined so I guess they don't need to draw as many
I feel like eating out.
Studio trigger>* for anime animation.
Kill la kill has gorgeous animation. The actual show wasn't so hot tho. They tried too hard at fanservice (tho not the same kind as kyoani)I'm okay with this too.
EDIT: Actually, I change my mind, I thought I remembered them from other work too but I've only seen Kill la Kill and didn't like that too much. Definitely want to try Little Witch Academia though.
I need another movie like The Gift or The Invitation.
Kill la kill has gorgeous animation. The actual show wasn't so hot tho. They tried too hard at fanservice (tho not the same kind as kyoani)
Little witch academia is more focused which is good.
They also did part of a Steven universe episode and that had the best animation of the series
Also most of their employees were involved with gurren Lagan iirc
Would You Rather or You're Next might be. At the very least, You're Next is worth checking out.
People from Trigger did both Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann, yeah.
I need another movie like The Gift or The Invitation.
Kill la kill has gorgeous animation. The actual show wasn't so hot tho. They tried too hard at fanservice (tho not the same kind as kyoani)
Little witch academia is more focused which is good.
They also did part of a Steven universe episode and that had the best animation of the series
Also most of their employees were involved with gurren Lagan iirc
I need another movie like The Gift or The Invitation.
I think I heard good things about Hush? Haven't seen it myself yet though.
Yeah it was budget related. That's one of the things little witch academia fixes since it's just an ova and budget was way less of an issueI think Kill la Kill had very inconsistent animation from what I remember, especially for the action scenes. Probably because of budget reasons. Gurren Lagann was great though.
Fluvian stole my controversial opinion thunder
Damnit Fluvian >:c
There's more humanity in one frame of s Ghibli movie than every weirdo body pillow show combined so I guess they don't need to draw as many
triple posting. a new record!
I just renewed my gym membership. Since they are celebrating their anniversary and opening a new waxing/laser room, they gave me a coupon allowing me to get my chest/legs/intimate area waxed for free. I'd just need to pick one part of my body and set the date.
I tempted to go full jobbs, but I'm also scared witless.
the more I learn about Animation the more I hate looking at his films
That'll be a nice surprise for the gf when she gets back!I just renewed my gym membership. Since they are celebrating their anniversary and opening a new waxing/laser room, they gave me a coupon allowing me to get my chest/legs/intimate area waxed for free. I'd just need to pick one part of my body and set the date.
I tempted to go full jobbs, but I'm also scared witless.
Teach us, what is the great animation you were taught?
Also, why is it better that it makes you hate the sight of his films?
I would post one if I actually bothered to take anything other than selfies, haha. I'll take a picture today though, and hopefully in another couple of months, I'll see a difference.That's huge, Jonathan! :O
Do you have any progress pics you'd like to share? No worries if not.
I've never done a formal course or even really studied animation, I've just spent a lot of time around animators and worked with them, picked up quite a lot of things, I was actually shocked when I learned Ghibli don't even do frame by frame, I thought to myself "no way those movies look great" then I sat down and watched about half of the wind rises before turning it off and thinking "that looked like shit and everyone thinks it's beautiful"
Because seeing things for what they really are is always better than being blissfully unaware, no matter how terrible the truth is.
He thinks FREE! shits on Ghibli moviesWhat's an example of what we should consider great?
I would post one if I actually bothered to take anything other than selfies, haha. I'll take a picture today though, and hopefully in another couple of months, I'll see a difference.