I'm hoping to have a relatively quiet weekend. My colleague has put in her three week resignation notice for a six-month-to-indefinite travel plan, and her going away is
next weekend to make use of the long weekend. It'll be a debaucherous bender so I'd rather save my coins and brain chemistry for that one. Definitely going to try to spend most of this weekend writing, maybe a bit of fucking around in Unity. Clean the apartment, though it's not looking too bad at the moment. Couple of movies I want to catch up on. I'll go for a jog, hit the weights too. Have my first coffee in a week.
As for the rest? That I'll never tell.
You know you love me.
Gossip Girl.
I'm going to get chocolate wasted. How about you?
What's your poison?
I'm going to write poetry under a tree until I reach nirvana
You should actually try doing that. Become the ultimate cliché.
Tonight: Children of Men + Batman Returns with the lady
Saturday: Family dinner
Sunday: Board games day
Man, Children of Men is so fucking incredible. Remains one of my all time favourite films. Incredible cinematography and believable, moving narrative arc.
SFV with Urien
Time to scrub it out
I haven't touched SFV in ages. Maybe it's time to boot it back up...
All the things. Theme park with the roommates tonight. Visiting my sister tomorrow (Friday) evening. Going to my girlfriend's brother's soccer game Saturday afternoon, then dinner with my mentor. Sunday is the girlfriend's actual birthday so breakfast and beach and then then her friend's place for the party.
all the things. Sounds like a lot of busy, valuable social fun. Big party turnout expected? Or is it more of a tight nit friends thing?
Plans ain't my thing
Actually my gf's best friend is coming over tomorrow night (the one who is going to be staying here soon) because I guess we're all friends now
Fast tracked to best buddies with the girlfriend's bff. I'm a bit out of the loop, but is she staying alongside your current housemate? Or did something change there?
Drankin', dankin' and dorkin'.
your poison?
Gonna watch ONSIND tomorrow evening then hang out with a friend on Saturday afternoon
What's ONSIND?