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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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I don't think your existence is a political statement. If someone says anything anti LGBT, for example, I'd rebuke them as publicly as possible

But I'm not going to be politically active in terms of election politics and candidates and stuff, there's just no win there

Oh that's what you're getting at. Theres this weird middle ground where peoples beliefs don't line up with their candidates that that would definitely effect. Otherwise the conservative type that would get upset at you for whatever would probably already not play your game due to a woman protagonist :p (political statement!)
It's a hard topic to discuss in 140 characters and not something I'm always up for doing

Lol, fair. Did you see the continuing discussion btw? I un@ed you as I thought you wouldn't care enough to be involved

I don't think your existence is a political statement. If someone says anything anti LGBT, for example, I'd rebuke them as publicly as possible

But I'm not going to be politically active in terms of election politics and candidates and stuff, there's just no win there

Everything is political. You may choose to ignore the political aspects of things, and that's fine, but everything from your clothes, to what you eat, to how you talk, to what you do, it's all political in some way or another

And elections are only one part of the democratic process. Protests etc. are all just as valid and arguably more useful in some cases.


Everything is political.


You know what I mean. There's a difference between having a woman protagonist in my game and shouting stuff about Trump or Clinton every day on Twitter. Doing the latter is very polarizing


You can make anything political. Me loving the color yellow isn't political, but someone could probably make up some shit to make it political.

The better statement is "everything is political to someone"

The people typically complaining about things being too political have a huge list of things that they consider to be political and of course they ignore it when its convenient to them


The better statement is "everything is political to someone"

The people typically complaining about things being too political have a huge list of things that they consider to be political and of course they ignore it when its convenient to them

If me loving the color yellow is political to someone I would consider that too political.:p

You know what I mean. There's a difference between having a woman protagonist in my game and shouting stuff about Trump or Clinton every day on Twitter. Doing the latter is very polarizing

You're polarising

There's something very interesting about the disenfranchisement of the majority of people from politics. Interesting and shit. The only way real change is ever made is through some form of mass organisation, whether via voting, protesting or striking etc., so to have millions refusing to talk about politics or not taking any interest...it doesn't bode well for progress.

If me loving the color yellow is political to someone I would consider that too political.:p

Isn't yellow generally considered a feminine colour?


I did that silly "describe yourself in 3 fictional characters thing"



Unconfirmed Member
Oh I didn't know you're making a game, yeah unless the game itself is political being political wont get you far.
I can't play Fez anymore since I found out Phill Fish is a dick head, saying alienating shit will only lead you to a smaller audience.

I assume you mean Marcus Beer?


I did that silly "describe yourself in 3 fictional characters thing"

Interesting. I could not get through high fidelity. Could not stand that guy :p

Personally id say:
Max Caulfield

Can't think of any others atm

Funky Papa

I find very telling that most of the Palmer defence force is concentrated on the gaming side. I don't think I've seen a single OT regular trying to pull the same kind of disingenuous shit.


I find very telling that most of the Palmer defence force is concentrated on the gaming side. I don't think I've seen a single OT regular trying to pull the same kind of disingenuous shit.

What is the telling thing though? Why are they different? I'd assume that most people in OT originally came from game discussion so what makes the more reasonable ones post in OT more often?

The best guess I have is they're more likely to get banned in OT for something like that since it makes up a larger portion of OT than gaming. Not sure I have any other ideas tho


Alright team I need advice, I wanna see a film tomorrow, should I see the girl with all the gifts, Kubo and the two strings, or hell or high water?

Funky Papa

What is the telling thing though? Why are they different? I'd assume that most people in OT originally came from game discussion so what makes the more reasonable ones post in OT more often?

The best guess I have is they're more likely to get banned in OT for something like that since it makes up a larger portion of OT than gaming. Not sure I have any other ideas tho
The GG connection is strong. Gators are considerably rarer/better hidden over the OT.


Not surprising since you hate my guts :(

I don't hate your guts, if I stated my distaste of those movies in a curt manner it's probably because I'm sleep deprived trying to get some work done to meet a deadline today (well, I don't have hard deadlines, but I try to meet them if I can)

Alright team I need advice, I wanna see a film tomorrow, should I see the girl with all the gifts, Kubo and the two strings, or hell or high water?

It's easy to recommend Kublo to most people
what are you doing to fix it?
I'm a member of the Green Party, which I've been intending to get more involved in. I'm currently trying to decide if I should quit and join Labour lately to support Corbyn. I am going to be more active in campaigning/protesting/all that stuff though, once I'm a bit more over the social anxiety


I'm a member of the Green Party, which I've been intending to get more involved in. I'm currently trying to decide if I should quit and join Labour lately to support Corbyn. I am going to be more active in campaigning/protesting/all that stuff though, once I'm a bit more over the social anxiety
You really sure Corbyn is the best choice?


I'm a member of the Green Party, which I've been intending to get more involved in. I'm currently trying to decide if I should quit and join Labour lately to support Corbyn. I am going to be more active in campaigning/protesting/all that stuff though, once I'm a bit more over the social anxiety

I love a good protest
You really sure Corbyn is the best choice?

Not necessarily, but he is the only choice for Labour right now. If he gets ousted then the Labour right will take control of the party, never let the left have any influence, and we'll slide further and further into right wing stupidity. I mean "pro-EU" Chuka Umunna has already flipped to saying that we should be willing to sacrifice the single market to get rid of freedom of movement, which is insane. Is Corbyn perfect? Fuck no. But he's what we've got, and due to the leadership election rules, we're stuck with him. Honestly, I'd love to see someone like Clive Lewis take over after he's got some experience, but there's no way the PLP will let that happen now.

This podcast is a good discussion of the dilemma Labour is facing right now. You should give it a listen.

I love a good protest

I can't tell if you're being sincere


I'm a member of the Green Party, which I've been intending to get more involved in. I'm currently trying to decide if I should quit and join Labour lately to support Corbyn. I am going to be more active in campaigning/protesting/all that stuff though, once I'm a bit more over the social anxiety

Oh, I'm going to feel partially bad for laughing at them from now on....Nah probably not.
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