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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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I got some new anti bacterial hand soap. It feels so good ��



okay then


*holds torch underneath chin*

...and then the ghost whispered to Jobbs "I only pretended to wash my hands"


good way to get ghosted (in this case ghosted means turned into a ghost)


  1. Do you wash your hands thoroughly after using the restroom every single time?
  2. Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day?
  3. Do you take at least one shower a day?

I wash my hands after using the restroom yes, also when coming home from work, uni, gym, outside whatever.

I do brush my teeth twice a day, I'm terrified of having a cavity, my dentist always seems so disappointing when my teeth are fine... sadistic bastard...

And I take baths bidaily actually, after the gym I come home, protein shake and have a bath while catching up on my vlogs...


I wash my hands after using the restroom yes, also when coming home from work, uni, gym, outside whatever.

I do brush my teeth twice a day, I'm terrified of having a cavity, my dentist always seems so disappointing when my teeth are fine... sadistic bastard...

And I take baths bidaily actually, after the gym I come home, protein shake and have a bath while catching up on my vlogs...

I approve of baths, but bi-daily? What do you do about the flies you're surely attracting?


I approve of baths, but bi-daily? What do you do about the flies you're surely attracting?

Hahaha I do wash myself xD just in the sink.
I only have one of those sitdown shower for the bath... which is basically just a disappointing bath...


Smells like fresh rosebuds
In Iraq I used to only shower a couple times a week when I was off the FOB. We would shower by hanging a trash bags off a pole, filling it with water so nits heated up and then poking holes in it so the water drained out slowly


In Iraq I used to only shower a couple times a week when I was off the FOB. We would shower by hanging a trash bags off a pole, filling it with water so nits heated up and then poking holes in it so the water drained out slowly

Do you maintain this routine outside of a warzone?


You thought wrong, they are synonymous.
Seems my wording was technically right as they aren't the same thing but antibacterial are a kind of antibiotic as they specifically kill bacteria rather than just vaguely killing whatever is targeted tho usually antibiotics are antibacterial.
I mean, it's not like that was excessive, but I don't shower every day. Every other day. I don't need to every day *shrug*

Also I'm kind of bad at remembering to clean my teeth sometimes

how do you forget to clean your teeth?! it should be part of the morning/going to bed routine. your momma didn't teach you well. smh


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Seems my wording was technically right as they aren't the same thing but antibacterial are a kind of antibiotic as they specifically kill bacteria rather than just vaguely killing whatever is targeted tho usually antibiotics are antibacterial.
So all antibacterial are by their nature antibiotic. To say they aren't is splitting hairs. Yes, technically there are antibiotics that aren't antibacterial like antiprotozoans, but the compounds you find in commercial soaps are the antibacterials that used excessively and improperly cause the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Showering daily, brushing teeth at least twice a day and washing hands after the bathroom.
I made some experiences that definitely justify the existence of this list

that's like the basic things everyone should do so it kinda makes me 0_o at people not being able to do this.

Does washing my mouth out with soda count? 😎

I should shower before bed but I'm lazy , but showering when waking up washes the bed time funk X sweating , especially in the summer


Unconfirmed Member
I brush once a day without toothpaste and my teef are fine.




So all antibacterial are by their nature antibiotic. To say they aren't is splitting hairs. Yes, technically there are antibiotics that aren't antibacterial like antiprotozoans, but the compounds you find in commercial soaps are the antibacterials that used excessively and improperly cause the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

I didn't say they aren't. I said they aren't the same thing :p
A square isn't the same thing as a rectangle but it is a rectangle

But either way yeah it's not a useful statement in this situation


irresponsible vagina leak
I slept fine, had cereal with marshmallows and my bags are ready for Sunday. This day is going alright and its only 10:30am


Unconfirmed Member
Only person who has ever said they smelt an odor about me was a habitual pot smoker who was at the time eating a bowl of curry. So not exactly the most reliable witness.
It does though. By abusing antimicrobial soaps, you are encouraging the propagation of the antibiotic resistant bacteria. Its survival of the fittest.

maybe if everyone washed their hands before they shake mine I could live my life without having shit bacteria on me and not use this soap. I think industrial use of stuff like this is way more harmful than the occasional household tho. the real issue of resistant bacteria begins with factory farming and all that kind of bullshit (which actually uses antibiotics). so at least look at the full picture.


maybe if everyone washed their hands before they shake mine I could live my life without having shit bacteria on me and not use this soap. I think industrial use of stuff like this is way more harmful than the occasional household tho. the real issue of resistant bacteria begins with factory farming and all that kind of bullshit (which actually uses antibiotics). so at least look at the full picture.
the article in the thread I linked was about how they found that antibacterial soap was actually no more effective in cleaning than just normal soap and water. They wouldn't have an issue if it was actually useful at that.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
maybe if everyone washed their hands before they shake mine I could live my life without having shit bacteria on me and not use this soap. I think industrial use of stuff like this is way more harmful than the occasional household tho. the real issue of resistant bacteria begins with factory farming and all that kind of bullshit (which actually uses antibiotics). so at least look at the full picture.
Well, I never said that wasnt a problem too. It is huge. Misprescribing antibiotics, people not properly using them, the big picture is everything. And home use I think is a much bigger deal than it seems. Think about how many millions and millions of people are using it on a daily basis.


How about the FDA go after the shit food and soft drinks that are killing everyone and leave my precious antibacterial soaps alone! 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪


How about the FDA go after the shit food and soft drinks that are killing everyone and leave my precious antibacterial soaps alone! 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
Soft drinks only kill the people who consume it, resistant strains of bacteria kills people who didn't make the decision to use antibacterial soaps. It's a similar argument to vaccines


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Antibacterial soap is 100% counterproductive in the long run.


I shower in the morning but I rarely shampoo my hair.

I wash my hands with soap most of the time but if I'm at home I just flop my giant penis out so it's hands free.

I brush twice but sometimes I'll forget before bed and end up using mouth wash during my 3am piss session.

I wash my clothes after 1 use other than my jeans and work pants unless they are noticeably dirty.
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