Your NCOIC sounds....not great.
It's a fucking shit show. One SSgt on days who's a cool dude but hardly ever trains and texts all day, one overworked TSgt who literally has an aneurysm every day because he feels like he needs to work 12's all the time for some reason, two SSgts on swings who actually do shit and train but are assholes so no one ever approaches them, and a TSgt on mids who disappears for literally four fucking hours every night to go run.
So basically the SrA's are the ones left training while everyone else just kinda dicks around. I woke up this morning to a text and a missed call from overworked TSgt, who I just know is losing his god damned mind over this shit. So I'm gonna go in, get hounded by the flight chiefs over why I missed this class, then lectured by my shop about how "I should've checked the date."
What the fuck do you want me to do? I'm not even fucking allowed on my e-mail during work hours because that means I'm "not training and studying." This is so fucking stupid