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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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This is such a Jobbs thing to say.

I'm normally not jobbs level with hair (though I'm not a big fan) but body hair really makes any fat twice as apparent. It's similar to stretch marks and that stuff that shows up on your butt and thighs or even just if you drew a grid on your fat. The texture provides context for the brain
Cutting bread wasn't that hard for me, but I eat a lot of meat and dairy so...

I'm normally not jobbs level with hair (though I'm not a big fan) but body hair really makes any fat twice as apparent. It's similar to stretch marks and that stuff that shows up on your butt and thighs or even just if you drew a grid on your fat. The texture provides context for the brain

I see.


Zero²;213694605 said:
Owww dont rush it, everything will be fine!
Yeah I'm usually not single for long but the last breakup was such a pain that I don't really feel the need for another relationship any time soon, though if someone really cool comes along I'm not going to pass the opportunity up.


That feeling when you manage to keep a level head when dealing with ignorant people and inform at lest one person. Wooo


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Thinking about cutting my hair again, fwiw this is what I looked like with shorter hair
I couldn't do paleo because cheese and yogurt are my everything.

Same reason if I'd ever cut meat, I'd never go vegan because I'd never give up dairy. Fuck that.


Cutting bread from diet is the easiest thing
Bread yeah but carbs altogether is fucking difficult. I love pasta, mostly spaghetti, cutting that shit was fucking intense, I had dreams for like a week where I was constantly reaching for some spaghetti and meatballs only to have it forever pulled away at the last second.


I couldn't do paleo because cheese and yogurt are my everything.

Same reason if I'd ever cut meat, I'd never go vegan because I'd never give up dairy. Fuck that.
Imagine being lactose intolerant
Bread yeah but carbs altogether is fucking difficult. I love pasta, mostly spaghetti, cutting that shit was fucking intense, I had dreams for like a week where I was constantly reaching for some spaghetti and meatballs only to have it forever pulled away at the last second.
I can give up everything but rice. It's just so useful


irresponsible vagina leak
Yeah way harder, I love my meat but I went a year as a vegetarian and it really wasn't that difficult, but jesus christ carbs are hard to cut.

Im eating penne pasta with garlic alfredo sauce right now and I will probably make more of that or a baked potato loaded with cheese and spinach. This is why I stay fat now tbh


Smells like fresh rosebuds
The very basis of paleo annoys me because it operates on a flawed concept. Our digestive systems are fucking massively different than our ancestors from even 200 years ago


Im eating penne pasta with garlic alfredo sauce right now and I will probably make more of that or a baked potato loaded with cheese and spinach. This is why I stay fat now tbh
Oh god the garlic is what really got me, I was just picturing rubbing some on some meatballs before throwing them into pan, then when they were done I'd put them in the sauce and pour them over the spaghetti....Oh jesus christ I miss Carbs.


The very basis of paleo annoys me because it operates on a flawed concept. Our digestive systems are fucking massively different than our ancestors from even 200 years ago
How so? most experts I've heard say were pretty much the same as we were 10,000 years ago.
Paleo works that;s for certain, I don't know if it's for the reasons people claim but fat just shreds off you
The very basis of paleo annoys me because it operates on a flawed concept.

Me too.

Some/many humans have adapted to eating dairy. Evolution in action.

Paleo works that;s for certain, I don't know if it's for the reasons people claim but fat just shreds off you

Yeah, it works: stop eating so many fucking carbs, cook your own meals from base ingredients. Done.

Nothing to do with what palaeolithic hominids ate or didn't eat.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
How so? most experts I've heard say were pretty much the same as we were 10,000 years ago.
Paleo works that;s for certain, I don't know if it's for the reasons people claim but fat just shreds off you
No, they don't. The basic fundamentals of the digestive system are the same, but the enzymes and in particular your guttural flora are RADICALLY different.

Paleo is like any other fad diet, it doesn't work of its own accord, it works because people who start any diet stop eating Doritos for breakfast and drinking 2 liters of coca cola every day.


On my belly :(

It's ok for girls to have some, it's cute to be honest. But in my opinion a no-go for guys. Channing Tatum level of belly is ok though
Really now? No wonder you are unhappy. 6-pack are a bitch to mantain.
Something like this is the perfect spot for me.

Or even like this for example

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
How so? most experts I've heard say were pretty much the same as we were 10,000 years ago.
Paleo works that;s for certain, I don't know if it's for the reasons people claim but fat just shreds off you
Evolution doesn't stop. Take for example the huge range in which lactase persistence arose in many pockets of the world.

Paleo is misbranded. It's just neo-Atkins.
If you want to know what paleolithic humans ate, I suggest reading the work of Eaton and Konner.


Yeah I'm usually not single for long but the last breakup was such a pain that I don't really feel the need for another relationship any time soon, though if someone really cool comes along I'm not going to pass the opportunity up.
Oh they are sure to come, usually when you less expect :p


irresponsible vagina leak
Channing Tatum does nothing for me physically speaking. I liked him more when he was less bulkier and still not my cup of decaf mint tea. I like different kinds of body builds tho. (Body Builder body is a big no no for me tbh)


I've not cut out bread completely. Don't think I can. I'm just decreasing how much of it I eat.
Yeah when I diet I do it mostly like this, and add more whole grain food on my diet.
Thing is I need more weight, the plan is to get from 75 to 80 kilos until the end of the year, mostly muscle though, but I have to eat like a elephant nonetheless :)
When I get to 80 kilos I'll think of dieting again.
Thinking about cutting my hair again, fwiw this is what I looked like with shorter hair
we need a comparison pic with longer hair
Hands down, I only realised a short time ago how much sugar there's in bread and rolls.

I already thought about doing a paleo-diet. Only eating nuts, berries and meat. Just like a caveman.

paleo always felt like the stupidest thing invented to make men feel manly. LOOK AT ME I'M A CAVEMAN UGA UGA ::picks up woman:: ::throws her into cave:: ::grunts::

Funky Papa

God, I hate thematic diets so much. Paleo may be the worst one solely because of the borderline cult angle.

Yeah, sure, let's stick to an actual paleolithic diet, when people regularly died or fell sick due to nutrient deficiencies, had busted teef and despite the garbage claims eat sufficient amounts of carbs from tubers. Oh, and fucking wild almonds would kill you from cyanide poisoning and they wouldn't even eat 1/5 of the vegetables you can find at the supermarket for the mere reason they didn't even exist. FFS, carrots weren't even orange until three centuries ago.

Shit. Bin.
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