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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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I think Conservatives like Thatcher

I am probably under educated on Thatcher but I've always lumped her in with Reagan, and I strongly dislike Reagan and we are still living with the consequences of his presidency

Maybe I'll surprise erica later by smoking with her
I know this already, she was quite liked at least at the time by conservative America, she got in good with Reagan and pandered to them quite well, this is why she's portrayed in a more positive light in the iron lady

I haven't watched that because ew Thatcher

All I know is she privatized EVERYTHING

Can't say I knew anything about her from school but my one Scottish friend hates her and I'd imagine you feel even worse things about her
I'd assume the average American has no idea who she is
Fucking evil woman imo

And yeah, privatised everything, but worse, changed the acceptable political discourse in this country to be much more right-wing. It's how we got Blair. It's how we got the fucking socialist Labour party arguing for fucking cuts.


I haven't watched that because ew Thatcher

Fucking evil woman imo

And yeah, privatised everything, but worse, changed the acceptable political discourse in this country to be much more right-wing. It's how we got Blair. It's how we got the fucking socialist Labour party arguing for fucking cuts.
I remember a whole thing about How "ding dong the witch is dead" charted after her death

Also yeah she sounds like British Reagan except we started more to the right so it would be a bigger move for the uk


I haven't watched that because ew Thatcher

Fucking evil woman imo

And yeah, privatised everything, but worse, changed the acceptable political discourse in this country to be much more right-wing. It's how we got Blair. It's how we got the fucking socialist Labour party arguing for fucking cuts.

I haven't seen it either, but I know it portrays her in a good light.


Apparently the sequel to Grow Home comes out today. What a nice surprise. GH was one of my favorite games I played last year


At least 40 percent of our country will vote for Trump. It's scary. I like my home but it's hard to be a patriot.

How is WW2 taught in schools there? How is the topic handled?

I heard that they discuss it in detail in Germany, but Japan more or less ignores most of it.


Me either. But you and I can still make it work, bae.

if I were gay and in closer proximity I would totally date you!

being a musician is instantly attractive.


but yeah, being around someone that HAD to step outside every so often would be bothersome. also I'm not a huge fan of the smell.


I don't think I could date someone who was a regular smoker :/

You'd be surprised. I once considered smoking to be nearly deal breaking and here I am not giving a fuck.

Btw she doesn't really smoke that much .. if only because cigs are expensive


You'd be surprised. I once considered smoking to be nearly deal breaking and here I am not giving a fuck.

Btw she doesn't really smoke that much .. if only because cigs are expensive

Is it possible your thirst is overriding your standards?

after having gone through what I've been through with relationships I'm incredibly picky about who I want to date.


I'm not a thirst driven person. I met someone I liked and was attracted to and her smoking just didn't turn out to be very big deal. She's also not a vegan.

If you keep waiting for someone who was designed in a lab to suit every one of your predetermined wishes and preferences you'll probably be alone forever
I'd probably be okay with smoking if I grew up around it. Right now I don't have a single friend IRL who smokes, and the couple times a year I'm next to someone who has smoked recently it's revolting. I wish that wasn't my reaction because I don't judge people who smoke, but it's super unusual and gross to me.


I'm not a thirst driven person. I met someone I liked and was attracted to and her smoking just didn't turn out to be very big deal. She's also not a vegan.

If you keep waiting for someone who was designed in a lab to suit every one of your predetermined wishes and preferences you'll probably be alone forever

however, if you accept just anyone to become romantically involved with then it is extremely likely that you will find yourself in a toxic and/or dangerous situation. from what you spoke of your sister you should know this better than anyone.

I would rather be alone than settle for someone that could potentially fuck up my life again.


however, if you accept just anyone to become romantically involved with then it is extremely likely that you will find yourself in a toxic and/or dangerous situation. from what you spoke of your sister you should know this better than anyone.

I would rather be alone than settle for someone that could potentially fuck up my life again.

The smoking hasn't ruined my life . It's one small incidental detail that rarely comes up really. Anyone would be lucky to be with her


The smoking hasn't ruined my life . It's one small incidental detail that rarely comes up really. Anyone would be lucky to be with her

I'm glad it's not a deal breaker for you and that you are happy :D

don't judge me for being particular though


You're not lucky to be with someone. It's unfair to put someone up on a pedestal like that.

It's a colloquialism meaning she's good ppl.. you know this

I don't get what the big deal is over a little smoking

I'm glad it's not a deal breaker for you and that you are happy :D

don't judge me for being particular though

I feel very skeptical that youd meet someone wonderful who you are very attracted and throw it away over some light smoking


It smells bad, wastes money, and is potentially fatal.

this. and that it wastes time as well.

let's say I was dating a smoker and we decided to watch a movie. how annoying would that be if every 30-45 minutes they would interrupt the movie for a smoke break?

this could be offset by someone that smokes less of course but at some point or another whatever you are currently doing together is going to get interrupted.

I feel very skeptical that youd meet someone wonderful who you are very attracted and throw it away over some light smoking

my original statement was that I don't think I could date a smoker. I'm not sure if it's a deal breaker for me but I think it has the potential to be.

Funky Papa

I despise smoke like you couldn't imagine. My girlfriend used to, but she knew it was something she had to end and she took to heart my jokes about kissing "my little ashtray", so one day she threw her last cigarettes and that was the end of it. Yes, I have some filtering issues. I'm working on that.

My father used to be a chain smoker, too. He would go through tree packs per day much to my mother's despair, until one day I bet him I could pass my maths tests sooner than he could quit smoking. I flunked out like a motherfucker, but that bet probably saved his life. Watching him working in the fields past his retirement age is the best reward I could ever wish.


It's a colloquialism meaning she's good ppl.. you know this

I don't get what the big deal is over a little smoking
Imagine walking down the street and suddenly your breath gets short and your chest gets tight and you start coughing. You sit down to catch your breath and it still isn't letting up. Then you see someone pass by and you realize they were standing a half a block away smoking a cigarette. After a few minutes you feel a bit better but you still feel sucky for just having a coughing fit.

That's why it's a huge deal. Half the time I don't smell it till after I feel it. If I start coughing in the car I know to look 3 cars in front of me for someone holding a cigarette out the window
And no I'm not exaggerating at all to make it sound worse. Those are both things I specifically remember happening


this. and that it wastes time as well.

let's say I was dating a smoker and we decided to watch a movie. how annoying would that be if every 30-45 minutes they would interrupt the movie for a smoke break?

this could be offset by someone that smokes less of course but at some point or another whatever you are currently doing together is going to get interrupted.

my original state was that I don't think I could date a smoker. I'm not sure if it's a deal breaker for me but I think it has the potential to be.

This just sounds silly at this point

I'm not a smoker and I don't think it's a very good idea, but some of this is coming off as silly.

I've never once been interrupted so she could go smoke, but even if I have, life is a compromise. Not everything is designed to pleasure and convenience you. No one is going to be perfect and no one is never going to bother or inconvenience you.

And she doesn't even smell like smoke


I despise smoke like you couldn't imagine. My girlfriend used to, but she knew it was something she had to end and she took to heart my jokes about kissing "my little ashtray", so one day she threw her last cigarettes and that was the end of it. Yes, I have some filtering issues. I'm working on that.

My father used to be a chain smoker, too. He would go through tree packs per day much to my mother's despair, until one day I bet him I could pass my maths tests sooner than he could quit smoking. I flunked out like a motherfucker, but that bet probably saved his life. Watching him working in the fields past his retirement age is the best reward I could ever wish.

this is awesome.

I think it's a great thing to encourage the people you love towards healthy habits.

This just sounds silly at this point

I'm not a smoker and I don't think it's a very good idea, but some of this is coming off as silly.

I've never once been interrupted so she could go smoke, but even if I have, life is a compromise. Not everything is designed to pleasure and convenience you. No one is going to be perfect and no one is never going to bother or inconvenience you.

And she doesn't even smell like smoke

well like I said, the smoking issue can be offset by smoking less or just smoking socially. I mean, back in the day when I was married I would hang out with my guy friends for the sole purpose of smoking cigars. I was never addicted to it though, just something that I did for fun. I don't think I would actively seek someone out that had an addiction or an addictive personality. It's not something that works for me.

and I understand that compromise is something that needs to happen to make relationships work but having gone through what I've been through I'm unwilling to do that again.
It's a colloquialism meaning she's good ppl.. you know this

I don't get what the big deal is over a little smoking

It's not necessarily a deal breaker but a lot of people would try to discourage it. Lucy's trying to get me to have energy drinks less often because she doesn't like it and because she wants the best for me. If you don't have a problem with the smoking then obviously it's not something you would discourage, but a lot of people do have a problem with it.

And sorry, the lucky colloquialism bothers me a lot. One of my past boyfriends used to say it a lot until I blew up on him. He wasn't lucky to be dating me. I make my own decisions. I liked dating him. It wasn't some service or charity. If I wasn't in it for him then I would have left or never dated him in the first place.

Maybe lucky to have met me, since meeting people can be so unpredictable, but not lucky I was in love with him. Saying that made me feel like he didn't have any confidence in himself and saw me as his superior.


I always end up dating a smoker so it's hard to dodge at that point, it takes enormous will power to not smoke when you're constantly around someone who smokes, with the last smoker girlfriend I had I would always ask her to chew gum after a fag so I could kiss her without getting the taste in my mouth.


It's a colloquialism meaning she's good ppl.. you know this

I don't get what the big deal is over a little smoking

It's kind of a big deal when just one person smoking next to you can be enough to trigger an asthma attack. Smokers make most concerts, long lines etc. absolutely unbearable for me.



She already knows I don't smoke and Ive already asked her if she intends to quit. I haven't ridden her on it because it just hasn't seemed terribly important so far

Good and valid points on the lucky thing , I don't believe Ive ever said that to her though ... That's not my worldview . I think people should act as equals

Funky Papa

this is awesome.

I think it's a great thing to encourage the people you love towards healthy habits.
I don't think chain smokers are aware of how badly tobacco is fucking them up since its impact takes place over time.

Just a few days ago I was clearing my girlfriend's apartment, throwing old furniture to the curb. We had to disassemble a large library/entertainment center and bring it down four flights of stairs. By the time we had completed our first trip he was literally breathless. My father is 15 years older and wouldn't have broken a sweat after two decades without a cigarette, but hers was panting like a dying, old dog.


I don't think chain smokers are aware of how badly tobacco is fucking them up. Just a few days ago I was clearing my girlfriend's apartment, throwing old furniture to the curb. We had to disassemble a large library/entertainment center and bring it down four flights of stairs. By the time we had completed our first trip he was literally breathless. My father is 15 years older and wouldn't have broken a sweat after two decades without a cigarette, but hers was panting like a dying, old dog.

Most smokers I know are aware of it since smoking is pretty hard to defend, but stopping a habit is difficult and takes a lot of focus.


I despise smoke like you couldn't imagine. My girlfriend used to, but she knew it was something she had to end and she took to heart my jokes about kissing "my little ashtray", so one day she threw her last cigarettes and that was the end of it. Yes, I have some filtering issues. I'm working on that.

My father used to be a chain smoker, too. He would go through tree packs per day much to my mother's despair, until one day I bet him I could pass my maths tests sooner than he could quit smoking. I flunked out like a motherfucker, but that bet probably saved his life. Watching him working in the fields past his retirement age is the best reward I could ever wish.

I tried to do something similar with my brother, he's a pretty bad chain smoker of about 12-13 years, he wanted me to quit molly when I was addicted to it and I said I would quit molly when he quit cigarettes, his response and I quote "fuck that , you can die from your bullshit drug, cigarettes won't kill me".


Most smokers I know are aware of it since smoking is pretty hard to defend, but stopping a habit is difficult and takes a lot of focus.
My father has since given up on the cigars and has since taken up vaping. My mother on the other hand is still on the cigarettes, which she tells me she gets for free at work. I don't want to judge, but I think that free smokes is not what she really needs.


I don't think chain smokers are aware of how badly tobacco is fucking them up since its impact takes place over time.

Just a few days ago I was clearing my girlfriend's apartment, throwing old furniture to the curb. We had to disassemble a large library/entertainment center and bring it down four flights of stairs. By the time we had completed our first trip he was literally breathless. My father is 15 years older and wouldn't have broken a sweat after two decades without a cigarette, but hers was panting like a dying, old dog.

I haven't really experienced much of the ash tray kissing stuff. I don't think she smokes enough. Every now and then she'll have a smoke on my porch but it always just seems incidental as opposed to defining her

::sits in his dark corner vaping::
::enjoys the plebs ganging up on Matt::


I thought you were on my side


::sits in his dark corner vaping::
::enjoys the plebs ganging up on Matt::


Honestly when I walk through someones vape cloud on the street it's actually kind of pleasant, I always hold my breath walking through smoke. I kind of want to try vaping just to compare the experience, "note to self, see if you can vape weed"


Honestly when I walk through someones vape cloud on the street it's actually kind of pleasant, I always hold my breath walking through smoke. I kind of want to try vaping just to compare the experience, "note to self, see if you can vape weed"
Im shocked that you think you need to check
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