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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Kinda weird story. Originally my current GF was a friend of my ex GF. I got custody of her following the split (she took my side) and after a while we started getting together.. Happened pretty naturally :3
Oh that very nice, sounds like you have quite a history then!
Hope things ended well with your ex.


Zero²;214003689 said:
Oh that very nice, sounds like you have quite a history then!
Hope things ended well with your ex.

oh they ended horribly with my ex hahahaha but something good came out of it.

also my PC has been up for over an hour now, so I think the PSU was the problem. phew.


Zero²;214004289 said:
lol well if you are laughing it cant be that bad! I've heard legit horror histories from my friends.

you're a friendly son of a bitch :D

yeah sometimes all you can do is laugh :)


Zero²;214004289 said:
lol well if you are laughing it cant be that bad! I've heard legit horror histories from my friends.

One of my exe's had her brother knock on my door and start a fight with me, I opened the door and he threw a punch but it was way wide and he punched the brick wall next to my door and broke one of his knuckles.
He was a good dude, his sister lied to him and he went and did that.

Funky Papa

Oblivion review time? Oblivion review time.

Funky Papa said:
Disclaimer: I was completely uninvested in Oblivion and only saw the first trailer before the movie. I came into the theatre with no expectations at all. That said...


This is the first time in years I've wanted to walk away from the cinema. It's just as simple as that. The first half of the movie is actually pretty solid and competent, even if it's nothing spectacular, but everything crumbles right after Cruise
visits his cabin
. By the time Kurylenko shows up the film crashes right into the ground. It goes from fun sci-fi flick to a straight collection of tropes barely held together with the thinnest plot-tape I've ever seen.

It is just a collection of set pieces and clichés from a thousand flicks before, all of them intertwined to create a "new" movie. There are bits of The Matrix, ID4 and countless others all over the place, but the worst part is that those scenes are so damn lazily written and so poorly directed that you can help but notice how goddamned amateur the script it. Everything is just so trite and derivative. The final 30 minutes or so are just so goddamned poor.

On top of that, Oblivion may be the one of the most inadvertently sexist movies in recent times. Kurylenko sole role is that of a walking
, whereas Andrea Riseborough (the only actor who didn't phone it in... even if at the end of the movie
is barely an automaton
) only exists to look pretty for the camera. It's seriously ridiculous and at points disconcerting how useless are all the female characters in Oblivion.

On a more technical level, Oblivion is almost as barren as the Earth it depicts. The aesthetics are interesting at first, but the camera work is completely unimaginative and pedestrian, while the soundtrack is every bit as derivative as the rest of the film. Unremarkable at best. The song after the credits was the only decent part, and I can't even remember much of it.

Verdict: Save your sci-fi monies for Elysium.
And right after that, Elysium turned out to be a massive dud. OH WELL.


I thought it was funny how Tom Cruise is like 54 years old and has two women 25 years younger than him

That said.. I remember being generally entertained by the movie. I find Tom Cruise to basically be the same person in each of his films (with the rare exception like that SHIT Paul Thomas Anderson film) and he's... comfortable.

His role in War of the Worlds was quintessential Tom Cruise Man, and even his storyline was remarkably cliched (estranged father re-connects with his kids through the crisis etc), this is nonetheless one of my favorite movies and I enjoyed watching him in it -- being Tom Cruise.

Other favorite Tom Cruise role is Collateral


Tom Cruise is so good at playing the action star that's it's easy to forget he can be a terrific actor when challenged.


I met Tom Cruise recently on the set of the new mummy movie, they were filming on a road and a crowd formed by the barricade, i was there and Tom Cruise came over during a break and signed something for every single person there and was acting so nice the whole time, the guy might have some weird beliefs but he's a really nice guy, I've never heard a bad Tom Cruise story, he's always a total professional who's nice to everyone.
Huh, how are you only a junior member? your profile (Yes I snoop your profiles, deal with it) says you've been on gaf since October 2015, that's a month longer than me.

I registered in October of last year but didn't get activation till 4-5 months later. I am not too keen on how people get unjuniored.


You also need to have a certain amount of total posts.

Weird, I was out for about 6 months, when I left I was a junior and when I came back I was a full member, I guess I got the certain posts in before I left and the time happened during the six months.


No Man's Sky team should have been laughed out of game dev just for this alone:

"The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength."

sure jan x1000000

I just don't even know what to say.

Lol, Jobbs is afraid of a little octopus

it's not even an octopus. the article said it's more closely related to


I registered in October of last year but didn't get activation till 4-5 months later. I am not too keen on how people get unjuniored.

Just give it time and keep up the posting on threads. 4-5 months? Jesus it was that long yeah, this forum is so strange, it has so many tests of will to keep the riff raff out.
It's three months and three hundred posts. It's a pretty great barometer imo

I'm almost there then!

Emily Blunt in that movie <3

Emily Blunt in anything <3

No Man's Sky team should have been laughed out of game dev just for this alone:

"The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength."

sure jan x1000000

I just don't even know what to say.

I was not aware you needed a degree in biology to change something on a color wheel. Those liberal art elites in the LAMESTREAM media lied to me!


n++ is coming to steam next week.

I remember playing the fuck out of the freeware version back in the day. I even got into designing my own levels :eek:
Her performance and role were less interesting to me than Cruise's, and I don't go to movies just to ogle the actors. Sorry

I don't neither, but she was nice to see while watching the movie, considering I didn't know anything about it, except that Cruise was in it.

I also liked her in Sicario. One of my favorite movies in recent time.


Oh and my place didn't get that certification :(

People were rather bummed. I have bigger concerns. Like my math final tomorrow night


Purple Drazi
So, I saw the specialist today. That weird painful medication condition I have? Most likely something called interstitial cystitis. Um... the good news is, there's an 80-90% chance for treatment. The bad news is, like, everything else. ;_;
I don't neither, but she was nice to see while watching the movie, considering I didn't know anything about it, except that Cruise was in it.

I also liked her in Sicario. One of my favorite movies in recent time.

Sure, but it's just bizarre to me as main takeaway from a movie, especially since pretty much every movie has hot people in it. :p

n++ is coming to steam next week.

I remember playing the fuck out if the freeware version back in the day. I even got into designing my own levels :eek:

I was surprised to see this game come back. Maybe a little bitter too because I sucked at the game when I was younger. It made me super angry at games with unforgiving fall damage!

I've since gotten over that anger though, so maybe I should give the game another shot.

I was not aware you needed a degree in biology to change something on a color wheel. Those liberal art elites in the LAMESTREAM media lied to me!

Physics, not biology. Rayleigh scattering and the science of how colors in the sky work is honestly super interesting.


Physics, not biology. Rayleigh scattering and the science of how colors in the sky work is honestly super interesting.

It's interesting but it's not being simulated in NMS.. They just said all kinds of ridiculous shit before the game came out and apparently there are no consequences for that

Gonna tell people that Ghost Song has a lifelike AI in it that holds the answers to the universe


I'm really bad at precision platforming but it's one of things where I know it's my fault and I take it as a challenge.

There is a point where it gets to be excessive though. I can't abide super meat boy levels of bullshit.
It's interesting but it's not being simulated in NMS.. They just said all kinds of ridiculous shit before the game came out and apparently there are no consequences for that

Gonna tell people that Ghost Song has a lifelike AI in it that holds the answers to the universe
What I got from that Reddit thread was that they intended to simulate a lot more than they ended up doing. It doesn't seem impossible either, so I wonder where things went wrong.

This is irrespective of how little ended up being delivered in the final game and how disappointing that is. The postulate of new elements that filter light differently is still interesting to me

I'm really bad at precision platforming but it's one of things where I know it's my fault and I take it as a challenge.

There is a point where it gets to be excessive though. I can't abide super meat boy levels of bullshit.
Yeah, I don't have the patience for SMB either :(
Oh and my place didn't get that certification :(

People were rather bummed. I have bigger concerns. Like my math final tomorrow night
Just remember that 2+2=4
Cruise movies are inoffensive at worst, amazing at best. Edge of Tommorow is fantastic! :D

EoT was pretty fun from what little I saw of it when I was working at Best Buy. I was ready to make fun of it for being Groundhog Day, but the next thing I knew I was totally into it and then my lunch break was over.


It strains credulity at this point to imagine they just couldn't fit the features they wanted. This was outright bullshit to create a massive hype machine -- Which they succeeded in doing quite spectacularly.


So, I saw the specialist today. That weird painful medication condition I have? Most likely something called interstitial cystitis. Um... the good news is, there's an 80-90% chance for treatment. The bad news is, like, everything else. ;_;

Sorry, bud. Chronic health issues suck. :(
It strains credulity at this point to imagine they just couldn't fit the features they wanted. This was outright bullshit to create a massive hype machine -- Which they succeeded in doing quite spectacularly.

DON'T &#128079; LISTEN &#128079; TO &#128079; MARKETING &#128079; IT'S &#128079; MOSTLY &#128079; BULLSHIT &#128079; AND &#128079; SPIN


It strains credulity at this point to imagine they just couldn't fit the features they wanted. This was outright bullshit to create a massive hype machine -- Which they succeeded in doing quite spectacularly.

I was intrigued by the premise but I was fairly certain they were going to Molyneux it given their previous games were Joe Danger 1 + 2.

I'm glad Starbound has delivered. Many people are saying that it is what NMS should have been.

I lust for the day when I have the time/energy to play games again.
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