Josh with a J
It'll be alright em just take another shot and forget for now
You mean you weren't already pantsless?
It'll be alright em just take another shot and forget for now
Cause I'm here instead of nbeing drunk somewhereWhy is this thread so fuckin shitty tonight?
Why is this thread so fuckin shitty tonight?
NYT said:Making matters worse, the voice work (notably from Aaron Paul, Sean Bean and Lena Headey) is atrocious. But then, so might yours be if called upon to bark wooden dialogue and names that seem concocted by a desperate Scrabble player whos run out of vowels.
I'm kinda pissed. Bae was all "I'll call you in a minute" but hasn't.
Like I get you're hanging out with your friends, and that's important, but if you're not gonna call, then just fucking tell me that. Don't tell me one thing and then just blow it the fuck off.
Holy shit what kind of atomic war did I miss?
Transhuman AND Ceallach are banned
Gotta find the Demogorgon that took them
Tiddums and Funky are always in the shadows. Watching, waiting.
Gained 4 kgs back in last two weeks due to knee injury.
And I was eating less, but looks like I cannot keep weight in check without daily walks.
That one jif with the black guy stumbling into a burning room.jif
The fuck is happing here?!
@Lisa, you can text/call us instead if you have a tough time
Fucking Nickelback on the radio at work 😰
YeahI think the main lesson in all this is to not poke the hornet's nest especially when someone's been drinking.
In unrelated news, my company threw out like 400 ppl, some of my close friends are affected and I just could save one by quitting myself. Fuck all this, I used to be so happy there.
What's your industry / career path?
I'm fairly certain I'll be fired / "let go" either by the time August ends or at best end of September. I'd be partially to blame as I've just stopped giving a shit, and want out of the industry anyway, but it just feels inevitable given all the company changes recently. I get along with the new manager really well, but he's definitely looking to clean up shop, mainly due to pressure from upper management.
I've been doing couch to 5K. Hopefully see some results. I definitely feel better.
They're pretty similar to Norwegian Forest cats, so they cool. I GUESS.Maine coon is the best cat breed.
I haven't run in two days because I'm a lazy pig
That and got tired of the 96% humidity
And so sore my body needed a break
I always slack when winter comes around because I hate exercising inside and I mean if I tried to run outside during a typical Ohio winter I'd slip on ice and snow and break something.
I don't wanna talk to people today![]()