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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Fuck fuckboys! (not literally)

It seems Tinder is kind of a crap place to meet people. Have you tried the old fashioned way recently of just going to a place with people and trying to meet someone that way?

I'm going out tonight and semi-hoping for something

the last time I tried that I went with my friend to this café/bar type thing: she walks up to the counter to get drinks+cake for both of us. I sit around alone, taking out my phone checking my Pokemon Go because I was bored. suddenly two weird looking guys appear out of nowhere (seriously I didn't even know how they saw what was going on on my phone), flank me and just sit down next to me, left & right. they point at my phone saying stuff like "oh you're playing pokemon" and "Tell us about pokemon"..."what's this? can you fight here?" "are there any pokemons in here :eek: ?"
they get awkwardly close to me while looking at my phone. completely weirded out I answer some of their questions and say "well guess you'll just have to get the game yourselves then!" but they went on about how they didn't have cellphones and how they saw someone in Amsterdam play the game once. at this point I think that they must be high. I look up and see my friend pulling a Travolta, obviously looking for me because she couldn't see my in the middle of those two dudes.

(I swear she looked exactly like that)

I signal her and she walks up to me. I firmly say "you're sitting in my friend's place" and the two guys instantly jump up like they just received an electric shock. in a serious tone they say "oh the cake" "the cake arrived" and leave.

my friend was like wtf who were those guys

oh good luck for tonight tho!

Xiao Hu

it was actually pretty fun! nothing date-y at all. I ended up chatting with this one dude's gf (another dude I actually already knew) the entire time and we exchanged cat pictures and arranged a playdate for our cats :DD since she was very talktative I didn't even had the chance to fully show off my awkward.

Dude, for real? o_O

I basically spent my working day getting mocked by my co-worker until I spanked her butt very good.



But I mean, why does it matter? I'm interested in seeing how that changes the play.

Well it doesn't really, I'm not the one watching the play, it just won't be entirely accurate, of all the shakesphere plays to gender swap I never would have picked Hamlet.


Someone give me a non-crappy movie to watch that I haven't seen yet
Alice (1988), Demon Seed (1977), The Reflecting Skin (1990), and Upstream Color (2013).
Why adapt Shakespeare at all?
Well a lot of the essence of Shakespeare is the linguistics so if you can update or change the setting I.E. Joe MacBeth or All Night Long but retain the trappings of the story/ it can present it in a different light to the originals with the former being MacBeth and the latter being Orthello.

Xiao Hu

I won't do any cardio tonight. My body is sore and tired from work and the lack of sleep.

My mum has been putting stress on me for the last couple of days again, annoying me with the fact that I'm single and lonely. Yeah I fucking know that, mom. Thanks for stating the fucking obvious, now fuck off and leave me alone because you reminding me that I can't stay single all my life won't help a depressed bi-man who doesn't feel comfortable with neither his inside nor his outside... I'm breaking apart here, need to move out asap 😟
I won't do any cardio tonight. My body is sore and tired from work and the lack of sleep.

My mum has been putting stress on me for the last couple of days again, annoying me with the fact that I'm single and lonely. Yeah I fucking know that, mom. Thanks for stating the fucking obvious, now fuck off and leave me alone because you reminding me that I can't stay single all my life won't help a depressed bi-man who doesn't feel comfortable with neither his inside nor his outside... I'm breaking apart here, need to move out asap ��

can't you just shut her out for a bit? why is she all over your ass all the time?

also, yes cat-playdates. because they are our children.

Dang trab you need to come out with me tonight and I can be your wingman :3

I'd love to!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Female Hamlet?


Xiao Hu

can't you just shut her out for a bit? why is she all over your ass all the time?

also, yes cat-playdates. because they are our children.

Because I'm basically living in her living room at the moment (my room is occupied by my sister). Next week we're going to Spain together (why did I even say yes?...) and I have the strong feeling that she's trying to set me up with the daughter of one of her friends who's living there. I told her several times that it's non of her business and that I'm not interested in that girl. But this woman that gave birth to me doesn't respect me at all. I don't feel any mental support from my family that I can reveal my mental health issues, the struggle with my sexual identy (she outright told me that she would abandon me if I was gay), my dread of being forever alone. This past month I noticed how I'm deteriorating from the inside, I'm not happy with my family. I had some really shitty months in Shanghai but the worst days there were hundred times better than staying here.

I need to go away or I will not survive it any longer.

Or just fucking adopt me as a cat please 😿
Because I'm basically living in her living room at the moment (my room is occupied by my sister). Next week we're going to Spain together (why did I even say yes?...) and I have the strong feeling that she's trying to set me up with the daughter of one of her friends who's living there. I told her several times that it's non of her business and that I'm not interested in that girl. But this woman that gave birth to me doesn't respect me at all. I don't feel any mental support from my family that I can reveal my mental health issues, the struggle with my sexual identy (she outright told me that she would abandon me if I was gay), my dread of being forever alone. This past month I noticed how I'm deteriorating from the inside, I'm not happy with my family. I had some really shitty months in Shanghai but the worst days there were hundred times better than staying here.

I need to go away or I will not survive it any longer.

Or just fucking adopt me as a cat please 😿

cancel the trip if you really don't want to go. and then go looking for a new place asap.


I signal her and she walks up to me. I firmly say "you're sitting in my friend's place" and the two guys instantly jump up like they just received an electric shock. in a serious tone they say "oh the cake" "the cake arrived" and leave.

I was about to be like


Then I saw what happened to those poor chumps

so I leave



I signal her and she walks up to me. I firmly say "you're sitting in my friend's place" and the two guys instantly jump up like they just received an electric shock. in a serious tone they say "oh the cake" "the cake arrived" and leave.

Something something Portal joke

Xiao Hu

She paid for everything already so it's too late. Concerning a new place to stay, rents are really high in Cologne in general so I have to be very lucky to find something affordable (even with a shared apartment). I have to stop thinking about it for now, I have no right to lamant when other people have way bigger problems.
She paid for everything already so it's too late. Concerning a new place to stay, rents are really high in Cologne in general so I have to be very lucky to find something affordable (even with a shared apartment). I have to stop thinking about it for now, I have no right to lamant when other people have way bigger problems.

if you're mom is acting like a bitch you have all right to complain


So tell me something, those of you who grew up in the 80's. Did all of your bullies turn into murderers in the future? And if not, why were all of your fictional bullies written like they did? I'd ask this of people who grew up in the 50's/60's too if there were any in here.


Sitting at the car dealership while my car gets serviced. I turned the TV to soccer game (vai brasil!) and now the mechanics are watching with me. Is anyone working on my car?


Because I'm basically living in her living room at the moment (my room is occupied by my sister). Next week we're going to Spain together (why did I even say yes?...) and I have the strong feeling that she's trying to set me up with the daughter of one of her friends who's living there. I told her several times that it's non of her business and that I'm not interested in that girl. But this woman that gave birth to me doesn't respect me at all. I don't feel any mental support from my family that I can reveal my mental health issues, the struggle with my sexual identy (she outright told me that she would abandon me if I was gay), my dread of being forever alone. This past month I noticed how I'm deteriorating from the inside, I'm not happy with my family. I had some really shitty months in Shanghai but the worst days there were hundred times better than staying here.

I need to go away or I will not survive it any longer.

Or just fucking adopt me as a cat please 😿

What the fuck? we have way more in common than I expected, except no one is trying to set me up with anyone (I have to do all the fucking work in that department) and my mother finds homosexuality hilarious and if I told her about my habit of eating dick she would probably laugh her tits off.
I have my own mental health problems my parents don't know about but they wouldn't be any help if they did know. The only thing making my home life difficult right now is my fucking 25 year old brother won't get out of the house or even make a small effort to get a job that would lead to him being able to move out.
Holy mother of macaroni is the Tinder thread so full of venom. I swear threads similar to that make dating seem to be some all or nothing bloodsport. Of course, given the context of the internet and how it fuels people's tendency for hyperbole, it's not surprising.


Redmond's Baby
My knee is not ok. Hurts when going downhill, even on small inclines. It is ok when walking on straight or uphill, but not downhill :\

And of course I went to the pub and had a really good time. Nice chatty evening with some friends from elementary school and waitresses.

Here is the obligatory resident cat pic, he was not happy with me leaving


My knee is not ok. Hurts when going downhill, even on small inclines. It is ok when walking on straight or uphill, but not downhill :\

And of course I went to the pub and had a really good time. Nice chatty evening with some friends from elementary school and waitresses.

Here is the obligatory resident cat pic, he was not happy with me leaving

what country are you from?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm gonna give it a shot just for the hell of it but I don't know how well I'll fair on that 10km run.
I do this minus pushups and squats... and I'm no Saitama


I'm gonna give it a shot just for the hell of it but I don't know how well I'll fair on that 10km run.

I run 15 km's every other day, just keep a steady pace you can handle and be prepared to put the time in, sometimes you'll be like "shit I have to go do stuff" and you'll speed up and won't be able to finish the run.


I run 15 km's every other day, just keep a steady pace you can handle and be prepared to put the time in, sometimes you'll be like "shit I have to go do stuff" and you'll speed up and won't be able to finish the run.

But everyone single day, though?

This starts tomorrow for me.

I bought spaceballs for $3.74


But everyone single day, though?

This starts tomorrow for me.

I bought spaceballs for $3.74

are you already used to running?

I run 5 miles usually four times a week (or more) and it's still kinda tough some days. I tend to use most my gas by mile 2 and then I'm just kinda hanging in there indefinitely. It seems I can kinda just run foreverish on that last bit of energy.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
are you already used to running?

I run 5 miles usually four times a week (or more) and it's still kinda tough some days. I tend to use most my gas by mile 2 and then I'm just kinda hanging in there indefinitely. It seems I can kinda just run foreverish on that last bit of energy.
Running is like this for me too. I start off with full steam and it's easy, then it becomes a drag, then it's like "Oh God is this really not over yet," then the final stretch is like a full adrenaline rush 180 curve from that

Today is my one day off from running, and I will relish in my laziness


are you already used to running?

I run 5 miles usually four times a week (or more) and it's still kinda tough some days. I tend to use most my gas by mile 2 and then I'm just kinda hanging in there indefinitely. It seems I can kinda just run foreverish on that last bit of energy.

I typically do the elliptical on max resistance at the gym because I get shin splints easily. I need to work on my running form.

I'm not a distance guy. I'm more of a sprint person...but excuses excuses, right? I just need to get off my lazy ass and run more.


Who's got two thumbs and bicycled the whole way through Alfred Hitchcock's Rope?

Well, it wasn't Jobbs, that's for sure.

I'm not even sure if he has thumbs.

Death Becomes Her.
Ehhh, I wouldn't go for that. I watched it for the first time in about a decade and a half, and...well...naaa.


But everyone single day, though?

This starts tomorrow for me.

I bought spaceballs for $3.74

It's every other day for me because I train with weights most days too and it's exhausting to do both every workout day.
You should do ten km and maybe most days (give yourself one or two rest days)

Also that's a good film but I don't know how it'll help you run.
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