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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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or badger as misty


And with that out of the way, I'm going to bed.


Right tho? People haven't recognized true talent yet.

I literally tied my shirt up to look like her just now in front of Wazzy. I want to do this so badly LOL

Srsly tho I'm gonna go as Apollo.
Srsly though MistyCon 2014 is happening.
Costume is pretty half assed. Probably hasn't even played all the games.

BB would do much better.
Love a bit of Cubeslider like, bonza.

Misty cosplays are awesome:
Lawd mate


I've never been into comics or superheroes, that whole thing just passed me by. I never know which dudes are DC and which are Marvel, it's all a mystery to me! Never seen any of the X-Men movies, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Ghost Rider, any of that stuff.

I've seen the Batman movies, TDK is amazing and TDKR has its moments, not a fan of the rest. I saw the Spidey movies, only really liked ASM. Superman Returns is dire, but MoS was pretty good. Oh, and I saw The Avengers, that was quite good fun.

I dunno, I'd just rather watch a proper movie for grown-ups and stuff.

*adjusts monocle*

I watched this on Saturday night, wicked fun. Would recommend to a friend:


Funny as fuck too.
I've never been into comics or superheroes, that whole thing just passed me by. I never know which dudes are DC and which are Marvel, it's all a mystery to me! Never seen any of the X-Men movies, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Ghost Rider, any of that stuff.

I've seen the Batman movies, TDK is amazing and TDKR has its moments, not a fan of the rest. I saw the Spidey movies, only really liked ASM. Superman Returns is dire, but MoS was pretty good. Oh, and I saw The Avengers, that was quite good fun.

I dunno, I'd just rather watch a proper movie for grown-ups and stuff.

*adjusts monocle*

I watched this on Saturday night, wicked fun. Would recommend to a friend:


Funny as fuck too.

A) Yaaaay, someone else who likes ASM and not Raimi-Man
C) Yeah, great film. Nice seeing Liotta in something good again for once. I saw it back when it came out when I lived in Manchester for a fiver at midnight with a cup of coffee. The screen was pretty much empty. I need to start doing that again, empty midnight cinema + coffee is the best thing.
Just spent the majority of today wondering why something wasn't working.

It took one line of code to fix.

Not even anything complex, just setting a property to true.

One. Fucking. Line.

Fuck you programming. Fuck. You.


I was considering this one since it's made by the same people as Assassination of Jesse James. Heard it was kind of empty though.
Well yes and no. It's maybe a little empty in terms of story, you could realistically tell the whole tale in half an hour without it feeling rushed, and there aren't a huge number of surprises on the way through.

But it's one of those movies where it's not really about what happens, more how it happens. It definitely doesn't feel padded though, the dialogue is excellent and there are numerous amusing scenes. Plus, it's only 90 mins long.
It kind of feels purposefully empty, if that makes any sense. Like the whole tone was meant to be kind of desolate, and that came across in the plot.

Or something. Armchair criticism and shit.


Edit: argh, new posts. This is about Killing Them Softly.

One thing that really struck me was (really minor spoiler, just click it man)
the focus on American politics in the media. Whenever possible, there was a TV or radio news broadcast on, often focused on the recession.
It felt a little incongruous to me, I'm not sure I understood the relevance within the narrative.

Also, the use of sound and music was fantastic, loads of clever overlap editing and really trippy warping.

Good stuff man.

Edit: screw you, I'm not bumping the thread, have a super late edit.

Lorde after collecting the award for Best Rock Song at the Billboards:


Haha, fair play. She's pretty cool.
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