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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Nice, didn't know the voucher would work outside of NA! :D

I have to wait til tomorrow for the game to unlock...
I'm in Canada...

First you get Captain America: TWS early, now this... :(

If it makes it any better, I'm only going to be able to play it for like 15 minutes tonight, and maybe not at all tomorrow (because drunkeness happening)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm just a student of nursing. Almost finished though :D then I can afford all the shit that's come out recently. And a house. Dear god I need my own place

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
It would still be cheaper to fly here than going to a hospital in America lol. Hilarious and sad all in one


It would still be cheaper to fly here than going to a hospital in America lol. Hilarious and sad all in one

I laughed and then realized it's true.

Sox.. escaping death as usual last night.

Veteran playoff team that has experience being down in games and a series and a large chunk of the team has won two Cups.

Can't write them off ever. It isn't escaping death really. Just knowing what it takes to win. That said, I didn't expect Bicks to tie it. Kaner OT goal wasn't surprising at all though. Dude is clutch as hell in the playoffs.


I'm eating the worst Chinese food in my life. I should've known better than to eat at the mall. :(

Got me a fly leather jacket though. That's right, I said fly!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
School sucks. Everybody quit.
But I'm so close to finishing ;__;

Currently cooking brekky. Sauteed mushrooms, poached eggs, gourmet sausages, toasted fancy bread with avocado and we're about to start the coffee. Today is a good day. May go to the botanical gardens if they're open. Or the markets in town
So I don't know about you Fakers, but I find writing papers pretty easy. I don't know why people complain about it so much. That being said, I had to write papers since middle school, so I've probably have it down good by now, and I've never really had to write anything that terrible.


So I don't know about you Fakers, but I find writing papers pretty easy. I don't know why people complain about it so much. That being said, I had to write papers since middle school, so I've probably have it down good by now, and I've never really had to write anything that terrible.

For real. I can pump out a 15 page paper within a day.
So I don't know about you Fakers, but I find writing papers pretty easy. I don't know why people complain about it so much. That being said, I had to write papers since middle school, so I've probably have it down good by now, and I've never really had to write anything that terrible.

They're easy to me, I just get distracted easily.


Scaley member
So I don't know about you Fakers, but I find writing papers pretty easy. I don't know why people complain about it so much. That being said, I had to write papers since middle school, so I've probably have it down good by now, and I've never really had to write anything that terrible.

Same here! I've also been a straight high-90/100+ paper writer, but that was in middle school and high school; the glory days. Even now though, in university I've been getting mid-high 80s if I spent more than 3 minutes thinking stuff up. :/
So I don't know about you Fakers, but I find writing papers pretty easy. I don't know why people complain about it so much. That being said, I had to write papers since middle school, so I've probably have it down good by now, and I've never really had to write anything that terrible.

Yep. Ten pages takes me 30-45 mins. I also was a journalism major for the longest time though.
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