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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Nintendo, what happened to you :/


LOL. E3 delivering. Meltdown post in the FF Type-0 for PS4/XBO and no Vita.

Hey Square, go die in a fire you worthless POS company.

Way to wait until the fan made translation is complete and released to finally announce something. Scared that your years of negligence might have just bit you in the ass huh? Fuck you if you think I'm paying for this now after you sat on your thumb for literally YEARS only to port a PSP game to the PS4. That's going to hold up, right? Fucking sub-PS2 assets upscaled onto the PS4? You're a bunch of clowns. I take it as a personal insult that you mouthbreathers are allowed to make decisions with regards to how franchises I used to really love are handled. Your asses got bailed out when you purchased Eidos because their president, like all of you, was a complete and utter mook. I make two better executives than your entire company combined in the toilet every morning before I go to work. I look forward to the day that your company crashes and burns into the fucking sea, only to be picked apart as salvage by western iOS developers, at which time the franchises you've already defiled with incompetence and negligence can be finally whored out to smartphones.

That's assuming you asshats don't beat your eventual western smartphone overlords to the punch, which you probably will because you give fuck all about the legacy of these franchises, to say nothing about just how little regard you hold towards the fans who made them what they where.

As the owner of a PS4 and a Vita please go swallow glass.


No Square shooting themselves in the foot?

LoL. No. But never forget.

Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.


They didn't show StarFox...
I literally didn't go for lunch to watch...

All they said is that they're gonna show it when ready...
Possibly a year... ;_;


No Square shooting themselves in the foot?

Square just likes testing our patience. It's like they refuse to give us anything that we want until we accept Lightning.


They didn't show StarFox...
I literally didn't go for lunch to watch...

All they said is that they're gonna show it when ready...
Possibly a year... ;_;

Go to Nintendo's press conference and scroll to the end when Miyamoto is talking and look at the blurred out screen. You'll find what you're looking for.


Should I pick up an Xbox One or a PS4? Xbox has more stuff out at the moment, but I like Sony more and don't want to give Microsoft my money.


Don't be a cheap ass, Zee. Gem 'em both.

Not on my budget. I'm lucky that I can afford just one of them.

Coming back to this:

Hmm, I see you as "The resident FakeGAF nice guy who's kind of in the background a lot." Not that the rest of us aren't nice. But maybe it's because you've talked about how self-effacing you are irl.

Yeah I guess that's pretty accurate, as much as I'd only like half of it to be accurate. Most IRL know me as nice and funny, but everyone's funny on the internet so it doesn't stick out as well. And I probably post on here enough to the point where the posts start becoming background noise and oh no I hope this doesn't cause an existential crisis.


Maybe I should post less.

What exclusives do you want?

I went with the PS4 because I want Uncharted and the other Sony exclusives more than I want Halo and Forza.

The only Microsoft exclusive that I'm interested in is Halo, but it seems closer than most of the Sony exclusives, even though there are more of them that I want. What's out for Sony right now or will be out during the summer that is good?

I've only ever played through Uncharted 2 so I picked up Uncharted 1 and 3 for a couple of dollars so that I'm all caught up on the story. I also got KH1.5 because I'm pretty big on that series(if that hasn't become apparent yet, especially to the people in the Skype chat).
The only Microsoft exclusive that I'm interested in is Halo, but it seems closer than most of the Sony exclusives, even though there are more of them that I want. What's out for Sony right now or will be out during the summer that is good?

I've only ever played through Uncharted 2 so I picked up Uncharted 1 and 3 for a couple of dollars so that I'm all caught up on the story. I also got KH1.5 because I'm pretty big on that series(if that hasn't become apparent yet, especially to the people in the Skype chat).

Well, inFAMOUS: Second Son was pretty good. It wasn't GOTY, but it was enjoyable. The franchise as a whole is really good, and it's one that I always recommend to newcomers to the PS3 and PS4.

Kingdom Hearts is going to be multiplat, but Square Enix has had close ties with Sony in the past, so a lot of their games going forward will be PS4 exclusives, I think. They announced today that Final Fantasy: Type-0 will be only on the PS4, but I don't know if that interests you or not.

The big selling point for me was Naughty Dog. Their work is always great, and I would have hated myself if I had gotten the One instead. I would rather play Uncharted and The Last of Us over Halo or Forza, but that's just my personal preference.


Well, inFAMOUS: Second Son was pretty good. It wasn't GOTY, but it was enjoyable. The franchise as a whole is really good, and it's one that I always recommend to newcomers to the PS3 and PS4.

Kingdom Hearts is going to be multiplat, but Square Enix has had close ties with Sony in the past, so a lot of their games going forward will be PS4 exclusives, I think. They announced today that Final Fantasy: Type-0 will be only on the PS4, but I don't know if that interests you or not.

The big selling point for me was Naughty Dog. Their work is always great, and I would have hated myself if I had gotten the One instead. I would rather play Uncharted and The Last of Us over Halo or Forza, but that's just my personal preference.

Kingdom Hearts 3 better be exclusive. They've locked out so many potential players with the way that they've organized those games.

Birth by Sleep was PSP
KH1 was PS2 then redone completely for PS3
358/2 Days was DS
Chain of Memories was GBA, then re-released on PS2
KH2 was PS2
Coded was cell phone, then DS
Dream Drop Distance was 3DS

Before the re-releases, you would have needed 6 different platforms to play them all.

I've played Infamous 1 and 2 and Uncharted 2 because I heard that Uncharted 1 wasn't that good, but I don't know.



That squid game looks rad
Yeah, Splatoon looks loads of fun.

I will join in the post-e3 excitement, allow me to cross-post:

me in BritGAF said:


...looks crazy, and...


...looks morbidly beautiful (loved Limbo), but...

No Man's Sky

...looks amazeballs. So ambitious, so unique, so pretty, probably one of the games I'm most excited for.

There was loads of stuff that looked cool, the new Rainbow 6, Evolve, Far Cry 4, Batman Arkham Knight, Mirror's Edge 2, The Witcher 3, and holy shit, did you see Criterion's new game? Super early footage and there was very little of it but man, it looked sweet! They have some great ideas going on by the sounds of it.

Then TLoU and GTA5 HD, a nice little sprinkling of primo ports on top. Noice.

Good E3 I thought, medium to high levels of excite.


Get a PS4 over an XB1...
TitanFall 2 has been announced for both. ;P

Also, don't you have a gaming grade PC?
You'll get a lot of those games there too... :)

That's all they got.

Please understand.

I've been a Nintendo fan since I can remember...
They've beat me into becoming patient...


Zelda looks good but I actually really hope that isn't Link and is a new female playable character or a female Link.
Female Link/Male Zelda(or even still female Z) would be super cool. But Link always looked kinda feminine so I don't know if I buy that that isn't just normal Link.
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