That was kind of interesting. I don't know if this dream was brought on by me just being tired and leaving spotify on ocean sounds while I was sleeping or if it's because I'm stressed as hell, but I'll share it here anyway because why not.
So I washed up on this beach, and there was this guy there. He said that going back out into the water was a path where there were no responsibilities and nothing to worry about, but I interjected by saying that there was also nothing and no one. I spotted a mountain in the other direction and asked where that led, and he said that it led to some kind of awesome reward, but climbing it was difficult. I decided to go with the mountain. When I got there, there was a large crowd gathered around the base of it, with the occasional person attempting to climb it from the launching platform but usually falling off. I got launched from the platform and managed to hang on and started climbing. I got to this cave and stayed there to rest because it was getting dark, and inside there was a group of people doing the same. A few in particular seemed to stand out. One was this guy who said that he was climbing it because there was nothing left for him elsewhere and he wanted to find a way to be useful. The other was a woman who said that she had been trying to climb it for a very long time and always dreamed of seeing the top. I agreed to help both of them get to the top and then things got weirder because they kind of just turned into light and got absorbed into me.
Set out the next day, climbed further up, and stopped at the nearest cave when the sun started going down. This time I met a guy who was climbing because he was afraid that, eventually, everyone else would make it to the top and leave him alone. The other was an old man and everyone that he knew had already kept climbing, and he was worried that they had all forgotten him. Did the same thing and offered to help them get to the top, weird light absorption, kept going.
The third night, there was only one guy who didn't want to trust anyone because he was afraid that they would eventually push him off of the mountain and that's kind of where it ended.
A dreamer, someone afraid of becoming obsolete, someone afraid of being alone, someone afraid of being forgotten, and someone too paranoid to trust anyone. I have no idea what any of this means. Maybe it's just my brain's way of telling me that I'm still upset that they didn't announce Majora's Mask HD remake.
Ah well. Goodnight, GAF. I leave you with the ramblings of a stressed out and tired college student and I'll do my best to keep up with this thread and E3 tomorrow, but it might be difficult.