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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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How the hell did Transhuman get banned? He seemed nice. Fairly mellow even if a smidge uptight.

Can we like, not post pictures of spiders here

Oh but Screaming Meat's avatar doesn't make your eye's burn?

Looks like Bufbaf has his hands full this time. With Lucian on the fence about their relationship, will Bufbaf be able to hone his focus enough to defeat Frieza, or will the tyrannical ruler destroy the planet and take everyone with it? Find out next time on FakeGAF Z!!!


Zee, I think you and I might be the only one's here that are on that particular nostalgia train.


Damn. Transh is a cool ass dude but he dug his own grave with those posts. Daaaamn.

We have to go back for his body. No FakeGaffer gets left behind.


Damn. Transh is a cool ass dude but he dug his own grave with those posts. Daaaamn.

We have to go back for his body. No FakeGaffer gets left behind.

Eh, don't worry. Transhuman will return in Final Fantasy Versus XIII

I don't think they'd perma-ban him for that. Maybe a week or month, depending on the mod.


Ninj, when I saw the title of that "Better than Paramore" thread I was planning to send it to you, until I clicked and saw the avatar :lol


Well I'm going to sleep, but hang out with these guys, they're good peepels.

FakeGAF works in shifts, you caught me clocking out.

Laters innit.
Ninj, when I saw the title of that "Better than Paramore" thread I was planning to send it to you, until I clicked and saw the avatar :lol
Yeah, it was just a gag. Some people got their panties in a twist so I edited.
Don't stop.



Either they release it then or I buy the studio. That game will come out and it will be the greatest thing ever.


Cable = Nathan Summers.

You like comics?

Bingo! I like comics, I also used to work in a comic store as a part time job too for about five years, that was a real nice time in my life. I'm a light user of video games too, I wish I had more time to play.

This thread moves fast, it's only been appx 24 hours and I've missed out on 10 pages worth of what can only be described as crazy. I have missed so much, and yet also missed nothing at all.


Scaley member
Well if any of you guys have steam accounts I can add you and we can play L4D2, or Portal 2.

I'll never go back to WoW. I was stuck in that hole for 3 years, my social life went to shit, and so did the rest of me. I'm almost done repairing the damage so I won't go back to that. Minecraft might be fine, though. I pay that game a visit every so often. GTA 4's online would be a frickin riot to play with you guys.

WoW is great. GREAT.


Valve can't count to three. It is known.

And not you changing your avatar back already. An indecisive mess.

L4D3 and HL3 were both confirmed a while ago, if I'm remembering correctly.

What did Trans say exactly? Was it funny or legitimately prickish?

Just go to the thread and scroll. You'll know it when you see it.

With the beta for TimeSplitters 4.

You wound me with your words.



Super Smash Bros, KH2.5, and Evil Within were all that I looked forward to seeing today. Tomorrow's gonna be a bit tricky. I have a math final at 9 and a potluck/art final at 11.


Well I saw the thread. Wow. So the guy actually wound up in a cop car....

Anyway. Yeah, Trans should have kept it shut.


You know, I didn't see that many spiders when I was in Brisbane. I was thinking I was going to find Huntsman spiders EVERYWHERE.
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