You Know Nothing
closez r dum
I suppose I have a passing interest in fashion. But that's about it.
closez r dum
I suppose I have a passing interest in fashion. But that's about it.
There's a sleeping cat on me but I wanna go wash my hair. The struggle is real yo
She's all comfy and snoring lightly. I can't upset thatDon't wake kitty!
Try to fengshui the cat onto a soft surface without waking it up. Requires Bruce Lee level discipline but it can be done.
Joke's on you, I'm already seated!
Why don't you let yourself get handcuffed over there?
The fuck does that even mean?
I love trying new things.
Yeah it was messed up that the guy thought it was okay to leave his dog in the car for an hour in the sun so he could eat. Don't bring your goddamn dog if you're going out.What a fucking dickhead. Good on y'all for calling the SPCA.
Last summer I had something similar happen to me. I was working at this touristy beach area writing parking tickets and some guy comes running up to me. It's early in the afternoon by this point, but it was really fucking hot.
So he comes up to me and says "someone just left their dog in their car in our parking lot". So I go over and sure enough the dog's in the car, which is in the hot sun, with the owners nowhere in sight. I call animal control.
The guy comes, takes the temperature, and takes the dog out of the car. The lady and her daughter then come running up like "What are you doing??!!??!" She keeps flipping out on the animal control guy and he's explaining things to her. Long story short she got her dog back and was issued a warning. I think she was at the beach or something.
Oh fuck, this sounds so fucking gross! I hope it's not life threatening breh.So there's this swollen area around the back of my leg. Been there for over a month now. First I passed it off as a really big pimple or some shit, and it would also sting/kill if I somehow hit it on something. Well, just now in the shower I felt a hell of a lot of stinging, and when I looked at the back of my leg, there was BLACK and flaky skin (in a circle) around this... hole (I guess?) with blood leaking out of it. I'm gonna die, aren't I? Going to the doc tomorrow.
I thought this was a fucking pimple and forgot about it. Nope. What the fuck is it?
Got to rock fly threads mane.Most expensive piece of clothing I own is a $50 dress shirt, everything else cost less than $10. Clothes are stupid.
PS4 all the way.Anyone else Destiny Beta-ing on the 360?
Edit: Planning to, I mean.
On my way to work, sorry!Lucian! Buf! Come play Borderlands 2 with me!
Sounds nice Pete, but I don't think my phone is doing it justice! It's very subtle. I'll give it another proper listen when I get home tonight.Hey ninjy babboo, I was posting about this earlier, you'd dig it. It sprinkles my donuthole.
I'll also be beta-ing on the PS4 with Smelly. You all should add us.
And speaking of animals, some asshats here tied fireworks to a kitten and lit them.
The cat got away and was given to another family.
I honestly would have no issue with the fuckers having a car run over their heads.
Someone told me a story where a guy through a bon fire to celebrate getting a new house. He saw a rat nearby and threw the rat into the fire because he's an asshole. Rat storms out of the fire and under the guys house burning it down.
And I don't have the game!
My car stereo is one generation too old to play mp3 cds and doesn't have an auxiliary input. Therefore it's radio and normal cds for me.Bluetooth isn't working in my car right now. I have to listen to CDs like a peasant
Proud of you.I really don't feel like going to work tired so I'm cutting myself off now. Time to get some much needed sleep.
Bluetooth isn't working in my car right now. I have to listen to CDs like a peasant
Proud of you.
If you respond to this you're a damn liar.
I just wanted to take one quick last look in a thread I was posting in before bed. ; ;
I'm a slight liar(full blown tbh).
I just wanted to take one quick last look in a thread I was posting in before bed. ; ;
Once I finish I'm actually off to bed.
I feel like we've had this discussion before...My car stereo is one generation too old to play mp3 cds and doesn't have an auxiliary input. Therefore it's radio and normal cds for me.I've been working on a short playlist so it fits on a regular size CD. I miss having my 70 track 4 hour monster mixes.
Proud of you.
If you respond to this you're a damn liar.
I found an old Finnish band I hadn't heard in ages. Good times are being hadCDs?
So what's it like living in the 90's again? That new Ace of Base song is great innit.
I'm going!
Sure was.That must be the domestic violence thread
My car stereo is one generation too old to play mp3 cds and doesn't have an auxiliary input. Therefore it's radio and normal cds for me.I've been working on a short playlist so it fits on a regular size CD. I miss having my 70 track 4 hour monster mixes.