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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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OT 2 already? Oh my word.
Like, a 3D sculpture platform? I remember those used to take us minimum two weeks for something 'meh'. Good luck!

Oh, no, I have no artistic skill in that sense. Like a platform for classifieds and directory websites which can then be customised for specific clients.

Never mind I'm the most junior developer and I've only been given it because everyone else is either too busy or hasn't done enough with the previous platform to be overly familiar with it.

Also fuck it's already half 4. Fuuuck.


What the hell is up with this weather? One minute it's sunny and beautiful and the next it's pissing rain.

Hey hold up, the conversation isn't dead to the point of bringing up weather!

Well, I'm at work, writing a paper for a client on the taxation of shares in a newly incorporated company. It's very dangerous around here.

What's going down over wherever you are?


I'm reading Spider-Man comics.


Scaley member
$270 charged to my dad's credit card for my dental exam today. (Insurance is supposed to reimburse us after, but our insurance is finicky with dental coverage.) I am so fucking dead. Help. :'(


Junior Member
Robot, good luck with it. But make sure you actually do it instead of me being a dickhead and not do anything until last day.

Windam, dead? What's up?
$270 isn't much really but you can pay him back slowly later on right?


Scaley member
Windam, dead? What's up?
$270 isn't much really but you can pay him back slowly later on right?

For a broke university student unable to find a job (because I don't have experience because nowhere will hire me because I don't have experience because nowhere will hire me because I don't have experience...), $270 is a lot
until I go to the mall or Armani Exchange's website
. :'(
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