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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Never played a Saint's Row.

All you need to know is that you can create this beauty:


But I definitely agree about ME's being a bit shit.

Most of the options are awful. The whole idea of character creation is to make a unique character but when the options are so limited and bad most people probably just opt for the default anyway. Or the default with slight variations which completely defeats the point.

Yep, default MaleShep has always been the best looking choice. And whenever I try to make a FemShep she always looks similar to others, despite me choosing very different options.
Oh fuck me I forgot about TR: DE. Dat new Lara... Already beat it on Steam, but I'd double dip to have something to play.

Did you fap when she got impaled in the throat by a wooden stake?

All you need to know is that you can create this beauty:

Wow, 10/10. I'd ask for his number if he were real and had one.

... wait. Is that supposed to be Nic Cage? Hahhahahahahahahahaha.




Why are they fighting again? A land dispute? At this point it seems like the political equivalent of two kids firing spit balls at each other from across the class, then when another kid in the class tells them top stop, they start firing spit balls at them, then that kid punches them and they go back to firing at each other.


STEM is the same except that you don't always have to wear a suit, depending on where you work. but that's life, you just got to make time for vidyas.
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