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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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In short, he's an egotistical seventeen year old who thinks the world fucking revolves around him.

What the fuck else is new

Well, I'm glad you said what else is new because that's what I was going to say.

A teenager who thinks they're the center of the universe? COMPLETELY UNPRECEDENTED.


For the ever loving love of fuck...



I had a big important meeting scheduled for 9 AM today. I woke up early, did a little exercise and made a delicious smoothie. I get into work with energy and enthusiasm and now they want to move the meeting to 4 PM. Ughhhh

Stupid Monday making me be all responsible and what not.


Ninj I listened to that song with the female lead. Well half of it. Didn't gel with my fresh woken up self.
Yeah I think I am haha. As far as I know. What's going on with that?
Well the list was sent out and emailed to everybody so you should have gotten it. We're in the thick of it now get to it!


Unconfirmed Member
It's neither of those times of day yet!

Don't fuck with my brain Mut.


Unconfirmed Member
What kind of sick fuck makes a thread asking for a Lightning movie?

Dear god. Your alt account no doubt.

Milky thighs, pink hair, arm warmers, sweater and tan short shorts.

We're talking 50 mil opening weekend min.

I've never played Final Fantasy so I assume she's a beloved protagonist.
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