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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Funky Papa


[edit]: lulz this thread

I guess I shouldn't tell y'all that Romeo and Juliet both die.

It's 420 years old. But that's #toosoon apparently. Some people get way too bent out of shape about spoilers. I mean, I do too for more recent things. But if something is years old, or hell even months old then get over it.
Yoooooooooo, this is a SFW thread.

<3 Ily bae.

hairless freak!

lol jk
You're not jk. I have my Phillips bodygroom to thank for dat ;D

It's on! I usually go Mon/Wed/Fri 5-6, so if you wanna do Tuesday or Thursday or the weekend, let me know.
Sweet sounds good :D!

What happens there stays there.
So you can have a bi-threesome in the presence of chain smoking monkeys and no one will know.

I've had a threesome there but it obviously wasn't bi.

Funky Papa


If I shave every couple of days I get the most awful razor burns, and if I let my neckbeard grow long enough, my neck starts itching and I get the most awful razor burns. So basically I'm SOL.

A ladyfriend who I trust(ed) told me that the best way to get rid of it would be to wax my neck and get done with it. Of course, she has peach-like body hair, whereas my stubble is almost like electrical wiring.

It felt like they were ripping the skin from my neck. The cold, mint smelling cream they used to calm my skin felt amaaaaaazing, but now it's back to hurting like a real bitch.

I only got my neck done, BTW. My actual beard is still intact.
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