Someone made a gif already. <3
This video is so great :lol
Someone made a gif already. <3
Well shit. I mean Sacramento's still a ways away from me but it's still kinda freaky.
Yeah I'm a 100+ wpm guy consistently, and so when I was in Germany for 3 weeks and the only net access I had was through my phone, it was like wearing a straight jacket.
Yeah I'm a 100+ wpm guy consistently, and so when I was in Germany for 3 weeks and the only net access I had was through my phone, it was like wearing a straight jacket.
Probably flu or some other random illness. There has been dozens if not hundreds of false alarms all over Europe. Headaches, fever, coughing... shit, I get that from pollen each SpringDon't bother hoarding bottled water and ammo until people start bleeding from their butts.
Yeah I'm a 100+ wpm guy consistently, and so when I was in Germany for 3 weeks and the only net access I had was through my phone, it was like wearing a straight jacket.
Hemsworth did ice challenge and then challenged Evans.
Oh that must have been horrible. D:
Comparing it with wearing a straight jacket is a good allegory.
I got a mechanical keyboard this time because I felt like I deserved some quality after the on screen keyboard nightmare. This feels good to type on, but it's going to take a while to get used to. I went with Cherry Black MX because I wasn't sure what I was going in to.
Yes, Funky, my Avatar is amazing I know.
So glad you fought that battle with this gif, bae <3
Who is that? Is she having a mild stroke?
It might be constant pain from all the plastic surgery?
Guys, I can't get over Swiftzzie's racism and cultural appropriation.
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, shake it off
I'm using this ironically. The song is still terrible. <3
You're god damn right.
Yes, Funky, my Avatar is amazing I know.
This is going to be like me with Break free.
Posted this on the hannibal OT but I'll post it here too. An unflattering selfie of me with Mads Mikkelsen from Hannibal. I was so nervous and shy, but he was so nice!!! I was trying to think of somethig to say to him, but I could only ask for a selfie and group pic...
The "Photoshop other members/their avatars into random situations" thread is hilarious.
That weird Nathan Drake face cracks me up every time.
That's... that's Ayumi?
That stalker thread is insane. I hope I never go through a separation that messy.
Break Free's a legit bop tho.
Shake It Off is so vanilla and boring in comparison. I doubt it will win me over. I still hate We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together to this day after all.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
It's good advice, if sometimes hard to follow...
We should use the Bates Motel series as a cautionary tale. Literally everyone in that series has their dick in crazy. Sometimes the dick IS crazy.
I'm literally on my knees at work praying for the sins you just committed within that spoiler tag.And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, shake it off
I'm using this ironically. The song is still terrible. <3
And now I want to see that show...
Damn you, zeemumu.
Take it back
I'm literally on my knees
Be warned that this show gets a little wild after season 1.
Which one is Charmander?
(Minor theory spoilers)
Girl, I watch and enjoy Teen Wolf unironically. I'm vaccinated against nearly all strains of crazy known to man.
That tumblr is giving me the fits.
Starting my sentence with that made you stop paying attention to my sermon ;______;
Speaking of which. My soccer teammates had never heard of the term "cum gutters", and I had to teach them what they were last week at practice... o_______oYou should know me well enough by now, bb.
My mind isn't just in the gutter constantly. It is the gutter.
Speaking of which. My soccer teammates had never heard of the term "cum gutters", and I had to teach them what they were last week at practice... o_______o
I was supposed to meet my date in an hour, but I think I'm switching sides now.If that's giving you the fits, try this.
Speaking of which. My soccer teammates had never heard of the term "cum gutters", and I had to teach them what they were last week at practice... o_______o
Right tho? Like srsly.#str8guys
Edit 2: The Adonis belt? Jesus, you guys have filthy words for everything.
What the fuck is an Adonis belt? LOLL!
Dreading the day when someone challenges me to the ice bucket challenge. I'm not very tolerant of water outside of swimming or rain. Basically I'm a fire/fighting type for those of you in the Pokeverse
This shit I used to have and now is never coming back.
Edit 2: The Adonis belt? Jesus, you guys have filthy words for everything.
Are you talking about the gay jargon in general?
Because we have cute words too like bear and twink (from "Twinkies").
Yeah that ain't no Adonis belt. Those be cum gutters :3.
Why are they never coming back? o_o
This shit I used to have and now is never coming back.