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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
It was shit

Right Droid?
And a bottle or five of wine.

hay how big iz ur dik? pixxx pls.
that's weird
GotG comes out in exactly a week where I live. Excited to see it after getting hyped by all of GAF for a whole month.
prepare your butt
I need to watch GotG again.
Didn't fully enjoy it the 1st time due to medical reasons... :|






I honestly, sincerely, had you pegged for a member of girlgaf. I don't even know how that happened. We should start carrying little dongs and Vs next to our names because I swear to God, I can't remember the gender of half of GAF. I mean, I probably knew it, and then somehow forgot about it because that's how my harebrained head works.

You are not on our WhatsApp group, right? Otherwise I'm sure I would remember you given how fucking foul our conversations are.

When you called me "girl" I assumed you were joking. Nah I'm a guy. I'm part of FakeSkype. I'll be sure to join the whatsapp group.

Funky Papa

What is this gif from? That's pretty brutal!

Spartacus, alias the bossest TV show ever made.

Petite chicks are the best like, totes adorbs:


You could rest your pint on her head if you were down the boozer with the little lady. Then you could carry her home in your pocket when she is too drunk to walk.

(Why is the girl in the background crying?)

More importantly: what the fuck is Hayley wearing?

Edit: Man, another DP. I really need to learn to fucking quote.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Anything with Jennifer Lawrence, Regina Spektor and Ingrid Michaelson

Em, I found you the perfect man. The catch is he's gay.

He's also a pastry chef and really, really cute. H E L P.

He has a dreamy Scottish accent too

He's American irl I'm pretty sure

Scottish accents penetrate me in ways no other accent can. Richard Madden's accent would impregnate if I had a womb.

YAAAAS. Chardonay? Mmmmmm ;)

The best, bae.
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