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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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A visual kei master tbh.
You know your stuff. Ironically.

Good job, Louisiana.

Hang onto your bigotry for the few short moments you can.

Posner: What concrete factual arguments do you have against homosexual marriage?

Samuelson: Well, we have, uh, the Burkean argument, that it’s reasonable and rational to proceed slowly.

Posner: That’s the tradition argument. It’s feeble! Look, they could have trotted out Edmund Burke in the Loving case. What’s the difference? [Note: Loving v. Virginia was a 1967 decision striking down bans on interracial marriage] . . . There was a tradition of not allowing black and whites, and, actually, other interracial couples from marrying. It was a tradition. It got swept aside. Why is this tradition better?

Samuelson: The tradition is based on experience. And it’s the tradition of western culture.

Posner: What experience! It’s based on hate, isn’t it?

Samuelson: No, not at all, your honor.

Posner: You don’t think there’s a history of rather savage discrimination against homosexuals?

Laughable arguments by the attorney. Link to the article


Does that make Em the HOW DARE YOU woman? The one whose cleavage Rocko always ends up in.

I think that makes her Melba.

Not entirely sure that Facebook going down warranted a thread, but then again I've seen threads for more trivial things, like some of my threads. Which reminds me, I haven't added Kevin or Em on Facebook yet.
TIL there are people who initially thought Damphair's name was pronounced Damfair.

Legit shook. That pronunciation never even crossed my mind.

Not entirely sure that Facebook going down warranted a thread, but then again I've seen threads for more trivial things, like some of my threads. Which reminds me, I haven't added Kevin or Em on Facebook yet.

I remember another thread when it went down for I believe the first time ever a few months ago.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
3 flights down. 1 to go. At least I'm back in the land down under. My eyes are nearly falling out of my head from the lack of sleep ;__;


hey Alonso did the best he could in the piece of shit called fiat. in hungary he was phenomenal.

Fucking F1Gaf 2.0 ITT :O
Alonso's always phenomenal, Ferrari just need to build a decent car, which will probably happen as soon as Alonso retires :(
So my grandmother's cousin Dave, who is a couple of years older than my dad, has no shame. Or boundaries.

His posh mother in law and her new boyfriend were visiting the other day. At one point she said "Guess what me and Gerald did for the first time the other day?"

Dave's response?

"Anal sex?"



So my grandmother's cousin Dave, who is a couple of years older than my dad, has no shame. Or boundaries.

His posh mother in law and her new boyfriend were visiting the other day. At one point she said "Guess what me and Gerald did for the first time the other day?"

Dave's response?

"Anal sex?"


Was he right?

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
what was your flight itinerary?
Hamburg to Dubai. Dubai to Singapore (the surprise one) Singapore to Melbourne. And now I'm waiting for a few hours to get home to Adelaide.
I slept on the flight for 3-4 hours. But I only had FRA -> SIN -> MEL. Had one night in airport hotel then flew home.
I tried. I don't do well surrounded by others when trying to sleep. All the flights have been full.


Hamburg to Dubai. Dubai to Singapore (the surprise one) Singapore to Melbourne. And now I'm waiting for a few hours to get home to Adelaide.

I tried. I don't do well surrounded by others when trying to sleep. All the flights have been full.

aww that blows but those are some really cool airports in dubai and singapore.
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