I didn't know he had graduated to boyfriend. Noice.
If he hurts you GAF will hunt him down and stab him in the dick for you.
sex is not fun. it's torture. I have to wait in icewater for an hour first and then I can't feel anything
it's the way to corpsefuck without actually corpsefucking ¯\_(ツ_/¯
it's the way to corpsefuck without actually corpsefucking ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I'll be the first to do so. *cracks knuckles and neck*I didn't know he had graduated to boyfriend. Noice.
If he hurts you GAF will hunt him down and stab him in the dick for you.
What have i gotten myself into![]()
I want so much for you to be serious right now
Oh baby, you are in for a wild ride.
I only knew of his ear fetish
Now there's corpse talk
He's makin' fun of me cause I decided to SHARE for one in my LIFE
jks, y'all know all about my lewd sexual activities.
corpse talk is my fault
sorrynot sorry
Tell the story. Tell the story. Tell the story.
what happened to the swelling btw? was it really from sex?
also shut up. you only insult sex becase you have sex.![]()
romance is dead
I refuse to be happy for any of your irl relationships
@floaton btw everytime i use words like those, the intention is hyperbole. I rarely compare my opinions to other people's seriously (though I'm apparently increasingly bad at making that obvious)
do you think romance is overrated?
@floaton btw everytime i use words like those, the intention is hyperbole. I rarely compare my opinions to other people's seriously (though I'm apparently increasingly bad at making that obvious)
btw what was your old username again? i remember when your name changed (with the parenthesis and all) but i forget what it used to bethings could always get worse so there is no need to keep worrying is a good motto
I kind of just wish people would say what they mean
it would make life so much simpler
do you think romance is overrated?
btw what was your old username again? i remember when your name changed (with the parenthesis and all) but i forget what it used to be
He did exactly what I described.
Some apparent allergic reaction to something mysterious. I got meds and it has improved. Doctor drew blood for tests.
And boy.. regarding that... I have such an interesting conundrum but I'm a little hesitant to even tell it because it could make me look bad
oh. i don't think i knew you then. either that or by your avatar
Your highness, they have created a word for such an occasion. It may please you to know that this word is diurnal.
I refuse to be happy for any of your irl relationships
I compare my opinions to GAF to reaffirm my disdain for the random gaffer. It makes me feel good when I remember how much better I am than everybody.
I refuse to be sad for any of you sad-sacks.
This isn't actually true; I want everyone to have as much love/sex as they want.
Speaking of, I might actually be heading up to your neck of the woods at some point this year if our customer finally gets off their ass.
It's overrated in the idea that people think your life is worthless without it, but overall it's nice to have a companion so *shrug*
tell us tell us tell us
Excellent. I will have to take you to one of several nearby dive-bars or for the local delicacy the donair. Your gut fauna will revolt, but whatever.
I think I agree very much with this. I don't need romance but right now I need my boyfriend. When I fell in love with him I wanted to share life with him. Before that I honestly didn't care, and didn't even want to fall in love.
It'll be at least 3 months from now but I'll let you know if it ever gets confirmed.
Do you think Reddit users are upset that the PS4K isn't codenamed PS4 Red?
uhh.. to put it as briefly as possible...
she said something that struck me as casually racist.. and she used the word "faggy" once... (I immediately said I don't like that word, and she backed away from it, but the red flag remains)
but she's hot.. so...
that's what we call a conundrum
Yup. I sure can feel it, alright.Romance is really good at rekindling those chemicals that cause you to feel love.
Guys I am making STIR FRY!!!
but she's hot.. so...
Romance is really good at rekindling those chemicals that cause you to feel love.
uhh.. to put it as briefly as possible...
she said something that struck me as casually racist.. and she used the word "faggy" once... (I immediately said I don't like that word, and she backed away from it, but the red flag remains)
but she's hot.. so...
that's what we call a conundrum
what's "casually racist"?
my best friend has said some hilariously racist things, and he's married to a black woman.
Her mom hired two guys to build a fence in her yard, and she was complaining about them doing a bad job. She said "the lazy black guys" as if "black" was a relevant part of the conversation -- She could have just said "lazy guys". It made my racism sense tingle.
Her mom hired two guys to build a fence in her yard, and she was complaining about them doing a bad job. She said "the lazy black guys" as if "black" was a relevant part of the conversation -- She could have just said "lazy guys". It made my racism sense tingle.
I'm extremely cynical right now about love/romance but I do enjoy when people find whatever makes them happy so good on you LTP.
@Jobbs: I think you know the right thing to do. If she let something like that casually slip that is a telltale sign of some underlying issues. So I guess my unsolicited advice would be to have your fun but end things sooner rather than later. You don't want to string this lass along.
Nah come on, people aren't fixed in stone from the moment they're born. They can have ignorant or wrong views that change over time.
Jobbs shouldn't make it his priority to "fix" her, but if he genuinely enjoys her company then these transgressions are no reason to head for the hills so quickly.